Detroit vs Royals - Game 1
Faster than Hoz?
@Crimsonorblue22 I think he has average speed. Doesn’t appear to be faster than Hos.
@Crimsonorblue22 Cueto 38 pitches in 4 innings. Excellent.
@brooksmd Ned sure has faith in rios and infante. Infante excellent in field, but awful at the plate. I keep thinking how bad it sucked for rios getting his hand broke, maybe Ned is giving him a break-bad choice!
Hang on to the lead guys-back in a flash…
@brooksmd @globaljaybird needs a hot dog machine too!
@globaljaybird yeah yeah
@brooksmd With his money they probably don’t know what a hot dog is.
@brooksmd talking to yourself again? I see how many posts I make-bla bla bla! Most of mine are during royals games.
2 hrs later…yep! Flying home tomorrow
@brooksmd another run!!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Just noticed the kid has his Cueto do on.
@brooksmd r u slow or what?
@brooksmd will he finish?
@Crimsonorblue22 Should tell you something about Zobrist speed if they put Dyson in to run for him.
@brooksmd we KNOW he’s not that fast!
Thought @globaljaybird was coming back!
@brooksmd u watching on espn?
Cueto making Detroit look silly
@Crimsonorblue22 not fast-just half assed!
Is the game on ESPN?
@VailHawk yes another one this week too
@VailHawk sun pm too, 7 cen time
Watching now!
Are you at the game?
@VailHawk nooooooo, I wish!
I think he could go all pm?
Cueto in rare air here…complete game territory
I love the sign!
Watching on ESPN now after MLB crashed. Wished I’d checked to see if it was on ESPN earlier.
That guy could be his brother!
Woooohooo fun game!!
Well done boys!!!
@VailHawk u getting post game?
Complete game shut out & Salvy wit da Bucket to congratulate him…
12 games up
@brooksmd were u watching in espn?
@brooksmd sorry I knew that
@brooksmd did u get the memo from espn for sun pm, 7?
@Crimsonorblue22 Got it from you. ESPN? Nope
Well time to watch Orange County ho’s
@brooksmd enjoy!