KU vs. Russia
@brooksmd ESPN has a 30 for 30 on the losing 1980 Soviet hockey team. If anyone hasn’t seen it, it is well worth watching.
@VailHawk Yeah thats a negative 2 Vail.
Back to Selden … did he go to “finishing” school in the time since the season ended? This is unreal.
@HighEliteMajor I think its safe to say we got 2 alpha dogs now in Wayne and Frank. This KU team will be deadly this season!
I wonder if Putin was watching this game and had Obama’s number on speed dial, waiting to rub it in?!
@HighEliteMajor " Finishing school " HA! Thats a great one!
How many of you fanatics were up at 4:30 watching this morning? I would’ve been if my parents had paid more for their dish and had ESPNU on their package!
That’s the one thing I’ve missed watching these games, sounds like he’s put on a show.
@wissoxfan83 there were quite a few up! Good group too.
4:30 is a touch early for me when the DVR is at the ready … 5:45 start time worked fine.
@Lulufulu - Agreed. Mason is definite alpha dog. Watching Selden/Mason play with Moore has me very excited to see the pair with Graham on a regular basis. Add in Svi and Greene (or Vick if he’s not healthy). What a perimeter.
This is a national title team.
@HighEliteMajor I second that-if you remember that time period in history it really hits home.
@dylans Well put
@HighEliteMajor The way I see it guard play brings the title. If the group of bigs we have can play to specific roles like Shady, DJ, & Sasha, we may finally have a back court to equal the 08 production & bring another NC back to Lawrence…injuries at a key spot could also be fatal. Time will tell but I’m pumped for the season.
Have you ever had a “Ceasar”? It’s the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary. Very tasty
. They use Clamato instead of straight tomato juice.
@ZIG had them for breakfast over card games many times but never heard that name. Of corse that was 20 years ago too…
@ZIG Canadians are strange anyway. When I was stationed on a radar site in Newfoundland a local Newfie ran our barber shop. During the winter he’d always stop at the club before opening the shop and get a 6 pack of Black Horse and stick the bottles in the snow piled up outside the shop. If you went to get a haircut and there were 3 or more bottles still in the snow you turned around and left. He needed to drink at least 4 before his hands steadied enough to give a decent cut. And no matter what you never let him use a straight razor to clean the lines up.
@drgnslayr Stopped at local family grocery that has probably the best stock around. They had a black pepper one and a Siracha one. Got the Siracha. Haven’t tried it yet but smells good.
@wissoxfan83 Selden has put on a show the entire tournament. I would venture to say after the Hawks win gold either him or Frank will be MVP. Lucas showed great hands and was strong against their 7-3 post guy. Hunter had another good game.
@globaljaybird So tasty. My wife and I discovered them in Vancouver a couple of years ago. Definitely was thinking about them this morning
@ZIG …tasty & sneaky too…
I always used V8… just so my mind could rationalize drinking in the morning… Celery salt is key.
@drgnslayr Really? I always thought is was the Smirnoff…seemed to work quite well too…jk
It might be a decade since I’ve had a bloody mary… but darned if I don’t feel like having one now!
Not bragging or anything, but I called Landen “getting his mindset back on track” after the Switz. game.
And I put on my Rock Chalk Jayhawk shirt after the 3rd quarter against Lithuania!
So you have me to thank twice
@RockChalkinTexas Thank you! X 2
@RockChalkinTexas we all have to pull our wt!! Good job!!
“Not bragging or anything, but I called Landen “getting his mindset back on track” after the Switz. game.”
I can never resist the opportunity to run a “Cool Hand Luke” clip: