KU vs. Russia
@wrwlumpy After watching Selden in this tournament I am so looking forward to the season starting and seeing more of him.
Selden keeps demonstrating why he has turned the corner. The three pointer after Russia took the lead was just another example. We have our alpha-dog. Just took a little development.
In looking at the boxscore, I think a few stats got missed. Bragg had at least one block, maybe two, in one sequence. He also had a rebound I recall.
Hunter had a few blocks, one of them was real big. Active around the rim.
Perry Ellis, after a rough start, just kept plugging away against bigger guys. Personally, I thought his persistence inside was a big deal in this game.
I know it’s going to be hard for Vick to leapfrog anyone, but the kid has been really impressive. I thought he did a pretty decent job defensively on a couple possessions when I paid attention. Seems like he has a quick first step.
And Mason is as he always is … terrific.
@HighEliteMajor Wow. I didn’t think that video would piss me off again. I was wrong… Wish we would’ve won by more today.
One day away from picking between pepper vodka and just a premium one.
“Perry Ellis, after a rough start, just kept plugging away against bigger guys. Personally, I thought his persistence inside was a big deal in this game.”
That may be Perry’s one big improvement this coming year. In the past, when he started slow or cold he would just disappear. This game should show him how important it is to stick with the plan. He had to persist often against a guy 7 inches taller than him… There should be a lesson in this that he can carry with him throughout our upcoming season. Might end up being one of the most important learning experiences from WUG.
@drgnslayr I’ve gotta stop and get some tomato juice and celery today for breakfast tomorrow.
You have to try it with pepper vodka. Nothing like it. Clears the sinuses while remaining smooth and effective.
They have all kinds of flavored vodka… nothing like the cheap cherry vodka we drank when we were under-aged.
What many people forget is Russian teams back then were basically pro teams. Their guys were in the military and that was their job. Just like the ice hockey team we beat in the 80 Olympics in Lake Placid.
@drgnslayr I know. My wife bought a bottle of strawberry vodka to make a pitcher of drinks for her and her sisters on the 4th. Thankfully she used it all.
@brooksmd ESPN has a 30 for 30 on the losing 1980 Soviet hockey team. If anyone hasn’t seen it, it is well worth watching.
@VailHawk Yeah thats a negative 2 Vail.
Back to Selden … did he go to “finishing” school in the time since the season ended? This is unreal.
@HighEliteMajor I think its safe to say we got 2 alpha dogs now in Wayne and Frank. This KU team will be deadly this season!
I wonder if Putin was watching this game and had Obama’s number on speed dial, waiting to rub it in?!
@HighEliteMajor " Finishing school " HA! Thats a great one!
How many of you fanatics were up at 4:30 watching this morning? I would’ve been if my parents had paid more for their dish and had ESPNU on their package!
That’s the one thing I’ve missed watching these games, sounds like he’s put on a show.
@wissoxfan83 there were quite a few up! Good group too.
4:30 is a touch early for me when the DVR is at the ready … 5:45 start time worked fine.
@Lulufulu - Agreed. Mason is definite alpha dog. Watching Selden/Mason play with Moore has me very excited to see the pair with Graham on a regular basis. Add in Svi and Greene (or Vick if he’s not healthy). What a perimeter.
This is a national title team.
@HighEliteMajor I second that-if you remember that time period in history it really hits home.
@dylans Well put
@HighEliteMajor The way I see it guard play brings the title. If the group of bigs we have can play to specific roles like Shady, DJ, & Sasha, we may finally have a back court to equal the 08 production & bring another NC back to Lawrence…injuries at a key spot could also be fatal. Time will tell but I’m pumped for the season.
Have you ever had a “Ceasar”? It’s the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary. Very tasty
. They use Clamato instead of straight tomato juice.
@ZIG had them for breakfast over card games many times but never heard that name. Of corse that was 20 years ago too…
@ZIG Canadians are strange anyway. When I was stationed on a radar site in Newfoundland a local Newfie ran our barber shop. During the winter he’d always stop at the club before opening the shop and get a 6 pack of Black Horse and stick the bottles in the snow piled up outside the shop. If you went to get a haircut and there were 3 or more bottles still in the snow you turned around and left. He needed to drink at least 4 before his hands steadied enough to give a decent cut. And no matter what you never let him use a straight razor to clean the lines up.
@drgnslayr Stopped at local family grocery that has probably the best stock around. They had a black pepper one and a Siracha one. Got the Siracha. Haven’t tried it yet but smells good.
@wissoxfan83 Selden has put on a show the entire tournament. I would venture to say after the Hawks win gold either him or Frank will be MVP. Lucas showed great hands and was strong against their 7-3 post guy. Hunter had another good game.
@globaljaybird So tasty. My wife and I discovered them in Vancouver a couple of years ago. Definitely was thinking about them this morning
@ZIG …tasty & sneaky too…
I always used V8… just so my mind could rationalize drinking in the morning… Celery salt is key.
@drgnslayr Really? I always thought is was the Smirnoff…seemed to work quite well too…jk
It might be a decade since I’ve had a bloody mary… but darned if I don’t feel like having one now!
Not bragging or anything, but I called Landen “getting his mindset back on track” after the Switz. game.
And I put on my Rock Chalk Jayhawk shirt after the 3rd quarter against Lithuania!
So you have me to thank twice
@RockChalkinTexas Thank you! X 2
@RockChalkinTexas we all have to pull our wt!! Good job!!
“Not bragging or anything, but I called Landen “getting his mindset back on track” after the Switz. game.”
I can never resist the opportunity to run a “Cool Hand Luke” clip: