ROYALS/Rays game 2 of the DH
@brooksmd If anyone Royal goes yard this inning it’s 2g for someone from Sonic. G Slam is worth 25G…Gordon can do it for 2 more…
@globaljaybird that just happened a couple of games ago!
Yeah love this
@Crimsonorblue22 Dig it !!
Four runs after 2 outs. Royals baseball.
@brooksmd dats what we do! The best!
Today should boost the old risp %.
Big stick due?
@Crimsonorblue22 Gettin close to game time.
Every since he dumped me, he’s struggled!
@brooksmd I know, needed to do a few things.
@Crimsonorblue22 He should be ashamed of himself…
@FSKansasCity: The @Royals have scored 14 runs in today’s double dip, 9 with 2 outs. The other 5 came on 2 swings (Gordon solo HR & Paulo’s granny).
Thinking we need more dble headers!
@VailHawk Where ya been dude?
Hey we already won a game and might win another cool! I’m a horrible fan
@VailHawk Ya missed a good one earlier today.
Sexy esky all by himself!!
@brooksmd walking dog, hang in to lead!
Great question! Work. Wife, 3 kids, Lily and two fireworks shows last weekend one of which ended when they malfunctioned and started firing into the crowd of 20,000+ in Avon!!!
@VailHawk Heard and saw video of the one that went bad. With all that surely you can find some self-time.
2 & 4 yr olds asleep! Wife and 9 yr old watching Fixer Upper and @VailHawk watching the Hawks and chatting on buckets!!!
Damn, Hoechaver back up to 96mph after TJ surgery? That’s PDG …WHIFF !!
Score inning?
@Crimsonorblue22 5-1 royals top of 8-now bottom
Dyson on base again…
@globaljaybird KU not on! People r pissed! I’m calling them, on hold
Nothing like the sweetness of winning a doubleheader. Maybe the bats are back.
Think ESPN was holding the KU game until the Royals finished.
@brooksmd Surely that was the reason…
@brooksmd 2 more wit da Rays, then da weekend wit the Jays…JGuts tonight vs Archer. With both games at once we’ll be busy as a 3 legged cat tryin to cover crap on a frozen pond…
@globaljaybird how did we get 6&7?
@Crimsonorblue22 Don’t recall if Gordo doubled in the last 2-might have been Esky. Alex was 7-9 0n the day with 6 rbi’s. Damn good day at the office, I’d say…raised his avg 18 pts in one day…
@globaljaybird I’ll have to walk the dog again! Thx! Back to dentist later
Walks with the dog are fun, walks to the dentist…not so much
@globaljaybird For an old fart yur memory still pretty good. Gordo’s 8th inning double scored Dyson and Esky.
@brooksmd Thanks for the vote of confidence, O ancient one…