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@brooksmd we can watch lily and watch global work in vail!
Hoz hears da chin music…don’t like the sound either.
Cain is out of his slump! Big time!
@VailHawk Good to see ya.
@globaljaybird Finn was bringing the Tabasco and going right at’em.
@brooksmd He’s a bad boy. I like em that way.
Hey Brooksy! 18% humidity here today can you beat that?
@globaljaybird well ok!
@VailHawk wow!
@brooksmd Lotsa that kinda stuff I need extra hands to do anymore, when I would take on pert near anything a few years ago.
@globaljaybird I can hold stuff.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m good at watching paint dry…got it down pat.
Dang it!! Take charge!
@VailHawk Let me tell you about today. After cutting 2.5 acres on a zero turn mower I was dripping. So then I went to pick blueberries. Dripping even more. And to top it off I was wearing boxers under my shorts and had flies up my legs visiting places I’d rather they not visit. So after about a quart of berries I quit and hit the shower.
Good job!
What kind of mower?
@brooksmd I’m goin thru Deet like KRAP thru a goose…skeeters are as bad as I’ve seen in a decade
@brooksmd tmi!!
@globaljaybird bad here too, getting in house w/rio going in and out! West Nile around too.
@VailHawk see what u r missing!
Need more runs-pile em on.
@VailHawk Gravely ZTR 60" deck.
U.S. to add woman to $10 bill starting in 2020. Treasury Department to seek public input on who it should be.
Nice! I remember the Dixon ZTR in the 80’s
@Crimsonorblue22 Hope they got better choices than the first bunch I saw. Probably add Hillary after she wins.
@brooksmd Ewww!
@Crimsonorblue22 Marilyn Monroe gets my vote. I may be old but I damn sure ain’t blind !
@globaljaybird Gina or Sophia?
Sophia, Boy and a Dolphin. HMMMMMMMMMM
@globaljaybird I watched her movie on lifetime a couple of weeks ago. Didn’t know her mom was crazy. Be better than Hilary!
@VailHawk Used to use a riding mower with a 48" deck. Would take me 6-8 hrs. Now, less than 2 hrs.
Infante enfuego!
@brooksmd If I woke up lookin at that Id thought I’d died & been sentenced to hell .
Who is the highest ranking woman official?
Sexy esky!! Wow!
@brooksmd What the hell…tossup…
@globaljaybird Scary, huh?
@Crimsonorblue22 Now or ever?
@brooksmd If it’s political - Betsy Ross…
Infante playing musical bats. Even digging some out of the basement it seems.
@Crimsonorblue22 No doubt, the wife…
Wow, that looked like a track meet with Esky’s triple.
@globaljaybird better behave or
@brooksmd Wow, is a frogs ass waterproof ?
@globaljaybird Probably not since they don’t go deep enough for pressure.
Like the Moose bobblehead.
@globaljaybird What position did Betsy have?
Guys & gals, at 10-2 it’s time to sign off for da evening. Gotta 6 am rev & another long hard day on the rock pile. LOL. Catch ya’ll on the rebound if I don’t get dunked. Keep the sunny side up !! I’ll try to check in from work tomorrow. Fri nite game at 7 pm. See ya then.
@brooksmd Gotta take your word boss, I ain’t gonna check …I’m goin wit da rumor.
@brooksmd me too!