Driving I-70 Eastbound to land of Ahhhh's
@globaljaybird Just need one now with his head out the window, jowls flopping the the breeze and ears pinned back. Great character image.
@globaljaybird You seem to be confusing Al Gore with John Edwards. Hopefully for the world your position on climate change is more correct than your knowledge about former politicians. I doubt it however.
@sfbahawk My opinion on whatever you make reference to has not been divulged nor will it be, but thx anyway for the assist heir hawkmiester- Hard to tell sometimes, them democrats all look alike to me. Big Al was the one that cast the deciding vote on the fate of SS when he was ridin shotgun for Bill… Now if ya’d kindly grab me another cognac I can get back to more important business like world peace…Yada yada
I have to admit that this is probably the most civil discussion on politics I have ever experienced!
@globaljaybird What does “heir hawkmiester” mean? Since you responded to my post you must think that I am someone’s “heir”. Who might that be? Did you mean “herr” since “hawkmiester” has a german ring to it? Or do all of the words in the English language look the same to you?
@sfbahawk If ya cant take a joke then you & the moondog can both just butt out. This thread began as a discussion among friends about a dog, not Effin politics. And that’s about as nice as I can say it.
Ok gentlemen and if any ladies, hopefully I can bring this heated debate to a close before we get the hammer and lock.
Is global warming real? or is climate change real? The answer is yes and no. However none of this is really that important.
Wait before you respond. Finishing reading.
First the earth is going to be just fine. Well unless scientist figure out how to blow this planet in a lot of little rocks. It’s life of humanity and the wild kingdom that must be saved. The point take away humans and the earth and nature will fix what was broken. It’s just a fact. One that has been proven.
A lot of the evidence that was presented to prove the notion that Global warming or climate change is real has been proved to be falsified. That my friends is just a fact. No matter what side of the aisle you lean. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be respectful of the place we live.
The Heavens will rain, the sun will burn, and the seasons will change. Yet after all the politicians, governments, scientist, and investors get their money grab the sun will come out and a new day will begin.
I say this to you my friends, when someone comes preaching the End of the world more times than not it’s a money grab. The earth was here long before mankind and will be here long after we kill each other.
In conclusion I am a believer in climate change but not the mankind way. The earth is always changing, and that won’t stop. I see nothing wrong with someone taking the means they have to live a simple none polluting life style.
If anything these will be the same people that will save humanity. When the knowledge of how to live without technology as been forgotten.
I hope my words will bring this subject to a close. As it is my desire that KUBuckets becomes the major nest of all KU fans. I would hate to lose posters and topic makers over a subject that has nothing to do with our beloved Jayhawks.
@DoubleDD Great idea DD just start another thread about global warming or affirmative action or world peace or marijuana use or opium or any other thing political you wish. Then see how many DON’T participate in the drivel that ensues, as @brooksmd so aptly referred to it. Many of us damn sure won’t publically speak of issues best left to chat or IMs’, or that nature of personal opinions. Agreed they are best left off of this site. And those type folks who wish to inject sarcastic or frivolous insulting snippets or outright patronize others comments, surely have plenty of “other” message boards to accomplish their goals so they can feel better about themselves. Kinda ike marriage DD, do you want to be right & divorced, or do you want to be happy ?
All I know is that I’m freezing today!!! Peace out!
Let it go, no really let it go.
@DoubleDD never was here…
@globaljaybird That dog is alert and enjoying the scenery!
@globaljaybird: I did not realize when that hwy had been built at that cost. We spent a week in Durango some years back, and we did ride the passenger train at Silverton, although we booked at the beginning of our week there. It was early May, and, driving to Durango, my wife and I stared at each other when we saw a sign up in the mountains that said “Wolf Creek Pass is open today.” We saw sun, rain, sleet, and snow on our way through that pass. I especially liked The Black Canyon of the Gunnison.
“Kinda ike marriage DD, do you want to be right & divorced, or do you want to be happy ?”
Everyone knows where I sit on this fence… Keep the marriage!
Seriously… injecting politics in this site just helps create separation between us all, when a big part of the purpose of this site is to help bring us together as Jayhawk fans!
I respect everyone’s opinion in here. I don’t agree with everyone’s opinion. And I don’t feel the need to try to force my politics on anyone else, especially in here.
I think there is one thing ALL of us can agree on…
@JayhawkRock78 I don’t know about how much fun global is, but we need to hang out w/rascal!
The Global warming has not been a scientific issue for a while now (at least for unbiased scientists) since most of the methodology used to produce the original “hockey stick” curve has been fully discredited. The main author of the original paper/curve, Michael Mann, has claimed the methodology used to develop the curve is “intellectual property” and refuses to disclose the detail, something that is unheard and unacceptable in scientific circles.
We are just beginning to understand solar flares and solar storms and their occurrence seems to closely correspond to cyclic warming; a lot better than man made CO2, the current favorite of the “man is the cause of global warming” crowd.
Global warming is purely a political issue that many politicians, such as Al Gore, have used to try to stay relevant and more importantly, to make a lot of money. As an Engineer/Scientist, I deal with a number of other scientists, many in agencies that deal directly with the issue, such as NASA, for whom I have done work in the space shuttle program since the late 80’s, I can tell you that at least 95% of them feel the same way I do. Global warming has been happening cyclically through hundreds of thousand of years and I have an objection that the current period of warming is the result of human action alone. Humans contribute minimally and have zero control over global warming
Read this linked article that outlines the entire process and draw your own conclusions. I don’t want to get in an argument over this issue since, IMHO, it is political issue and this is not the forum for it. I don’t claim my opinion is correct, since no one really knows the answer with full certainty, the comments above are my opinion based on my own experience and interaction with other, much more knowledgeable scientists. Like I said, do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
@VailHawk was wondering if you were still in ks? In medicine lodge we just felt an earthquake, a first for me!! I guess it was a 3.3 and epicenter is located 15 miles from here. Crazy!
@Crimsonorblue22 Oh hell now we’ll have anti frackers whining !!!
@globaljaybird rain up there yet? Bet it’s a no go tonight.
@JayHawkFanToo And can I get a thank you from the Amen corner…Paul Harvey himself could not have declared this any more decidedly.
@JayHawkFanToo - Game. Set. Match. Great post.
@HighEliteMajor agreed! @JayHawkFanToo well stated.
@brooksmd & @Crimsonorblue22 sorry I’ve been totally slammed. Picked up puppy Saturday around 10:00 and she’s captured our hearts already!!! Daughter named her Lily w/in five minutes, I’ve nicknamed her Lilyhammer.
@VailHawk Glad you’re all home safe & sound…
@globaljaybird Thx! We’re actually still in Kansas…man I forgot how HUMID it is here!!!
@VailHawk I hope you are not near the bad weather tonight! We r staying at an old church,102 years old, in scentral ks. There’s this big, coffee table, actually they told us it was a coffin for hauling dead Indians on the train. Kinda scary in here and musty, but a unique experience. I’m sending the pic. We pick up the pup tmrw. Been awhile since I’ve had a pup.
@Crimsonorblue22 Look forward to seeing the pup pics!
@VailHawk A cutie. Well glad to see the mission is accomplished. How long before you get home?
@Crimsonorblue22 Everybody getting puppies, I’m ready. Only problem is we have 3 already.
Heading back tomorrow