KU Mad, Central Florida next on schedule, part 2.
Can someone tell us the +/- on guys thus far? Coit must be rough, what about KJ?
KJ -8, Coit -2
Hmm KJ covering the spread…
Hunt -7, Storr +1
@patoh3 flory?
Kj !
Amazing how much better it looks with 2 bigs not 3 all on self we got down 9 points
Flory -1
Crowd appreciates some f ing effort
Coit is now +3
KJ -3.
@patoh3 Hunt is just so god awful lazy on defense
Not a bill self shot but I like that one from zeke at that moment. Aggressive
@kjayhawks Stating it mildly I see.
Nice block Flory!!
Trex getting all the goal tends tonight
Diggin’ Diggy.
This is all we want. Some passion!!
Nice 3 coit. Bailing out mayos bs
+14 since switching to 2 bigs
We left Diggy and kj in.
@kjayhawks said in KU Mad, Central Florida next on schedule, part 2.:
+14 since switching to 2 bigs
Mayo had to do it all cuz everyone else had been standing around like statues
I have noticed Shak Moore has been banished to the shadow realm. Must have pissed Bill off.
Diggy 4-7?
@Crimsonorblue22 yep! Some clutch shots too
@BShark said in KU Mad, Central Florida next on schedule, part 2.:
I have noticed Shak Moore has been banished to the shadow realm. Must have pissed Bill off.
Fine with how Diggy is playing
Thiam for UCF might be our MVP so far. Started hot but then kept shooting and started missing. Both goaltends are him as well.
Diggy has same number of rebounds as our 7’2” sloth.
Rylen had 11 last time we played them off 4-4 shooting and i think storr did well too
Bad call
They are jacking 3s but some how getting to the stripe this half
Getting way out hustled right now
Flory! Flory! Flory!
Play some d guys
Uncanny ability to guard 3 guys on the other team and leave people open
Good d griff
Rylen! Nice
Wow flory what is your problem man
Hall says “come on yall its easy, theyre just PRETENDING to play defense!”
Nice play flory
Remember when I said seasons end Flory>KJ? It may have happened already
Rylan had a good take too
Rylen’s Game seems to be expanding
Rylan has been big last three minutes. Neeed to win this one for him after the Houston debacle
@BShark said in KU Mad, Central Florida next on schedule, part 2.:
I have noticed Shak Moore has been banished to the shadow realm. Must have pissed Bill off.
This is a game where offense is needed, not defense. Diggy is a superior offensive player to Moore.
Nice mayo
Im glad there arent any grown ass men down there ripping it from Flory