Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding

  • I thought the expaansion talk pretty well died out but I knew Big 12 was having a meeting in Las Vegas today and Gonzaga was part of that discussion. - -Dennis Dodd reporting he thinks Big 12 will be adding Gonzaga very soon - - AND still a lot of talk about the 4 corner schools - - Ariz- - Arizona St - - Utah – & Colorado----- -I think it will happen too. A lot of talk on Pc 1 message boards also

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  • I don’t like change!

  • Well, if we’re going to shake it up, go big.

  • @DanR said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    Well, if we’re going to shake it up, go big.

    Shake it up big is right. - - Yet this has been the talk for some time with the 4 corner Schools. – Gonzaga is new. - Yet like they said ya Basketball only generates about 20 % of revenue but yet this is GONZAGA it says pretty well up to Mark Few. - accept the reduce % percentage from the Big 12 which would still be more then they are getting now or not. -other options for them are Pac 1 or Mountain West.

    I guess another possibility Big 12 talking about is adding San Diego State which gives us the access to West Coast Media

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    I don’t like change!

    Nothing eve stays the same. -It’s a case of staying up with the Jones

  • I like playing everyone twice in bb and playing all teams in fb so it’s fair.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    I like playing everyone twice in bb and playing all teams in fb so it’s fair.

    I think your in for a disappointment

  • Would love to add the 4, big no thanks on TrashZaga. Do they even play football??? wtf

  • @BShark no

  • @BShark said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    Would love to add the 4, big no thanks on TrashZaga. Do they even play football??? wtf

    It’s sounding like sometime in the not to distant future - -we will be adding the 4 corner schools. - -The whole Gonzaga thing would be just for Basketball only. - -If that was to happen we would be they said the only P-5 Conference that had a Basketball only team in the conference

    Yomark is really pushing to add Gonzaga, even thought it said Basketball adds only 20 % revenue - they said BUT this is Gonzaga and adding Gonzaga to the already best basketball conference would just make it just that much stronger. Saying that the whole thing about them joining is pretty much in Mark Few’s court.

    Arizona wanting out of the Pac 12 really bad and thinking is if Arizona leaves others will follow and there is the collapse of the Pac 12 – - Gonzaga other possibilities are the Pac 12 or ACC. - - There is some talk about San Diego State joining the Big 12 -which would give the Big 1 access coast to Coast recruiting and media.-- One way or another just don’t think the Big 2 is standing pat

    Making us if the add the 4 corner schools just solidify us as the 3rd Mega Conference with 16 reams - -all about stability

  • Lil different than us. What will give? This is from ASU, home of one of my bro-in-laws. Sports. Cross Country Diving Swimming Track & Field. Men’s sports. Baseball Basketball Football Golf Hockey Wrestling. Women’s sports. Basketball Golf Gymnastics Soccer Softball Tennis Triathlon Volleyball Water Polo.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    Lil different than us. What will give? This is from ASU, home of one of my bro-in-laws. Sports. Cross Country Diving Swimming Track & Field. Men’s sports. Baseball Basketball Football Golf Hockey Wrestling. Women’s sports. Basketball Golf Gymnastics Soccer Softball Tennis Triathlon Volleyball Water Polo.

    Not that much - -a little but nothing drastic. - - - ASU Men’s Sports : - - Baseball ( check ) – Basketball ( check ) - - Football – ( Check ) – Golf ( Check ) - - -Wrestling - ( check ) – Womens Sports : - -Basketball - - ( check ) -Golf - -( Check ) - - Gymnastics - -( Check I think ) - - Soccer- - -( Check ) - -Softball - ( Check ) - - -Tennis - - -( Check )- — Volleyball - - ( Check )

    Overall between the two Conferences not a big difference in their sports programs

  • I’m okay adding any of the below:

    • UConn
    • Arizona
    • Arizona State
    • Oregon
    • Washington
    • Memphis (Really thought they would get in instead of BYU)
    • Utah
    • San Diego State

    Colorado can die in the Mountain West as far as I’m concerned.

  • @Kcmatt7 Deion would be fun.

  • @benshawks08 I’d love to see Coach Prime, but nobody who abandons the B12 should be allowed back in it. Just my thoughts.

  • @Kcmatt7 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    I’m okay adding any of the below:

    • UConn
    • Arizona
    • Arizona State
    • Oregon
    • Washington
    • Memphis (Really thought they would get in instead of BYU)
    • Utah
    • San Diego State

    Colorado can die in the Mountain West as far as I’m concerned.

    From pretty much from what I’ve seen sounds most likely if and which probably will it looks like it or who they would pluck for the Pac would be Arizona , Arizona St , Utah & Colorado–with Arizona leading the way - -they REALLY want out bad totally fed up with th PAC- -

    Talk like Arizona could pop pretty soon and others then follow

  • @jayballer67 I’d love to get an Arizona/Kansas basketball rivalry going. They’ve been consistently pretty good for quite some time now and we’ve had some clashes in the tournament. I think both fanbases could get pumped for those games.

  • So is it better to have more teams, no matter where we have to travel or add or subtract sports? Is it more money for us to add teams, no matter what? Will we get to even play them all? No in fb. Is this all about money?

  • @benshawks08 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    @jayballer67 I’d love to get an Arizona/Kansas basketball rivalry going. They’ve been consistently pretty good for quite some time now and we’ve had some clashes in the tournament. I think both fanbases could get pumped for those games.

    Well I think your hope will come true as they wan out of the PAC bad. Them and Arizona state pretty hot with the league and I know Arizona wants in the Big 12 and that could happen in the not to far distant future , Yomark wants to expand.- -

    Tim Fitzgerald and Swain from the phog both say too that in the end think what your gonna see is probably 3 — - 20 team conferences - the BIG - - THE SEC - - & the Big 12.

    If that hppens your probably looking at the possibility of some ACC teams also trying to balance the time zones - more teams from the East Coast giving WV some teams with closer travel for them and UCF

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    So is it better to have more teams, no matter where we have to travel or add or subtract sports? Is it more money for us to add teams, no matter what? Will we get to even play them all? No in fb. Is this all about money?

    The Majority IS all about Money , also think Yomark just thinking also trying to survive and stability, Like I was just saying could end up with THREE 20 team super/mega conferences no way could we play them all I dunno how that would work - -if that turns out to be the case- -your probably gonna see them try to get more team from the ACC - or Big East so teams like WV & UCF will have some teams where they don’t have to travel so far. - - The want all times zones covered from coast to coast - - media exposure --more eyes on the games – more revenue.

    This is a big part of the demise of the PAC 12-- ESPN & FOX both pretty ell set with their contracts with the BIG - - SEC - - & BIG 12 - ESPN & FOX are playing hard ball with the PAC 12 not really interested.- - -That leaves the PAC trying to scrounge around and looks like if any kind of Contract it will be streaming like with Amazon, & Peacock - -THAT isn’t gonna help get higher payouts or match what the Big is going to be getting. --Not getting them anymore exposure as people have to pay for the streaming --not gonna cut it.

    There Schools in the PAC that believe they are done for sure and want to bail before they get left out completely. - -Again don’t think it will be to long before we start hearing more about Arizona joining. - -Also if we go mega conference maybe even if we just are at 16 teams- - talk of trying to get San Diego State & possibly SMU-- to grab their media markets. - -SMU in the Dallas area and then San Diego for West Coast vieership

  • Well , Well , Well . Found this pretty interesting , Was scrolling the Baylor boards , happened to be in their football site. A poster stated that he was at the KU /Okie State game the other night , & had been invited to a little gathering where Yormork was the speaker.

    He said Yormork stated that there was a major announcement coming in probably like 30 days - - maybe 60— BUT chances are 30 days.— stated we ARE going West - wanting in all 4 time zones Didn’t say how many teams from the PAC would be add OR who would be added , but we are gong West. - -Also said he was still very interested in adding Gonzaga for Basketball but on the fence.

    Here is the REAL interesting part that he said. - - He stated that he wanted to take the Conference INTEERNATIONAL. - -wanted to play some games in Mexico City - -WOW if that were to happen that would be crazy

  • @jayballer67 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    Well , Well , Well . Found this pretty interesting , Was scrolling the Baylor boards , happened to be in their football site. A poster stated that he was at the KU /Okie State game the other night , & had been invited to a little gathering where Yormork was the speaker.

    He said Yormork stated that there was a major announcement coming in probably like 30 days - - maybe 60— BUT chances are 30 days.— stated we ARE going West - wanting in all 4 time zones Didn’t say how many teams from the PAC would be add OR who would be added , but we are gong West. - -Also said he was still very interested in adding Gonzaga for Basketball but on the fence.

    Here is the REAL interesting part that he said. - - He stated that he wanted to take the Conference INTEERNATIONAL. - -wanted to play some games in Mexico City - -WOW if that were to happen that would be crazy

    Take 6 teams from the Pac 12 - 4 corners and Oregon and Washington.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I believe it is about security more than anything. The more teams that are in, the B12 is safer. Just my thoughts.

  • The Pac12 is garbage. I hope we don’t add too many of their leftovers. I’d also hate to start seeing those west coast start times. No one watches because the time difference and crappy teams with not big enough of fan bases to carry them.

    Arizona is the only attractive team to me and that’s mostly because my grandparents were fans; they lived in Wilcox.

    We shall see how it plays out. Have to grow under the current environment or the conference will wither on the vine. Now to contradict myself - The Pac12 teams proposed are better than what we’ve snagged so far - I’m just not a big fan of the recent additions - BYU, Houston, some random Florida school and another team I’ve already forgotten.

    Fuck Texas fuck OU fuck Nebraska fuck Missouri fuck TexasAM and fuck Colorado for putting us in this position. I preferred regional teams and the natural rivalries they presented.

  • @Kcmatt7 is our share $ smaller with the more teams we add or does that attract more money? And… what about the different sports, do schools add or do schools drop? Seems like a big cost to add.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    @Kcmatt7 is our share $ smaller with the more teams we add or does that attract more money? And… what about the different sports, do schools add or do schools drop? Seems like a big cost to add.

    They have a built in adjustment if we add more teams. More teams = more money.

  • @Jethro said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    @Crimsonorblue22 said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    @Kcmatt7 is our share $ smaller with the more teams we add or does that attract more money? And… what about the different sports, do schools add or do schools drop? Seems like a big cost to add.

    They have a built in adjustment if we add more teams. More teams = more money.

    ya , it’s my understanding to that these schools won’t get full shares their 1st year I think they said also

  • WOW , you talking about grasping at straws , talk about a sinking ship . Knew they were in trouble but I mean come on. - The PAC 12 is in a world of hurt for sure. They still don’t have a media deal done and now they don’t have Apple wrapped up in anything solid yet - - - BUT HEY now they are talking with ION TV-heard ION has 61 television Stations - hey there you go 61 - - mercy. - Well if they can get Apple & ION well hell like I heard them say while laughing better then nothing I guess.

    They are in TROUBLE. - -looking more and more we will be expanding

  • Mercy let me say I read this from the West Virginia Board. - Yet being said that Gonzaga will be paired with a EASTERN SCHOOL in discussions with the Big 12 on March 7th -about joining the Big 12 as a Basketball only member. -That is insane –

    People guessing who that Eastern Basketball team is gonna be - - U Conn ? - - - Xavier - - -Villanova being mentioned .

  • Add Arizona, Gonzaga, UConn and just cancel the NCAA tournament. Big12 regular season champs would be it.

  • @dylans said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    Add Arizona, Gonzaga, UConn and just cancel the NCAA tournament. Big12 regular season champs would be it.

    Got to love that

  • @dylans said in Looking more and more like we will indeed still be adding:

    Add Arizona, Gonzaga, UConn and just cancel the NCAA tournament. Big12 regular season champs would be it.

    I’m in.

  • Well more talk coming out about adding Schools. - -Heard this off WIBW sports talk a few minutes go. Guess a couple of guys from the Athletic has a piece - saying bottom line - -that the Pac12 commissioner they think more likely needs to have some kind of Media deal by the end of the Month - They say chances are this the end of the month is probably when you will see movement.

    Saying that the Big 12 has been in contact with the 4 corner schools about joining, saying there is renewed interest about these schools joining. If the PAC 12 commissioner can’t reach a deal that satisfies these schools chances are your gonna more interest /movement with these Schools - PAC 12 is done/ they are toast.-- was mentioned in a conversation that we al know Oregon & Washington wanting to get in BIG it’s gonna come - - Stanford and Cal do not care what happens - -they are more interested in their academics - -they are gonna land some where - they don’t care, they will be just fine.

    The Big 12 has one thing in this that the PAC 12 doesn’t have - -that’s passionate fans - -Big 12 fans - fans of KU - -K/State - -Tech have passionate fans , they will watch their boys play on Tv - -Streaming - -anywhere anytime .mart move by the Big 12 to get their media deal done before others - our Schools gonna get 31.67 Million per school then they have money from other things that will increase that The Pac 1 will be or their latest offer is in the lower 20’s - -that’s not gonna cut it for these schools.

    Sure we are not going to compete with the BIG or SEC in football - -BUT we are going to have a very competitive League in football. Then we are going to have THE BEST BY FAR LEAGUE IN basketball. The Big You Add Schools - - You add 4 time zones - -you add Value. - -w have all 4 time zones -we be watching Football all day - -11:00 time you have West Virginia & who they play - you have the 2:00 you have the Sunflower Showdown - -Ad the 6 :00 time zone the teams that fit there - -and then you have the night time zone they said - I dunno they named the teams that would fit for those last two time zones just can’t remember - -Football - -ALL DAY & Night. - gonna get watched , the viewers will be there. -Again we will be a competitive football Conference. - The thing the Big 12 has now is stability -PAC 12 is just a mess . Then on another side note - -things continue in Basketball as another report said that Yormork is in DEEP negotiations with Gonzaga for Basketball - gonna be interesting to see what happens Then also rumblings going on that when the current contract runs out - The Basketball tournament will be moved. - -Oklahoma City - - Dalla possibilities - -interesting

  • Nobody does it better than KC! Huge mistake.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 When they tried moving it in the past attendance sucked. Bad move.

  • Just more updates on what I have been reading from different sites this week. - - # 1 - - Pac 12 Schools are staying in constant weekly talks with the Big 12. - The two prominent one’s being most mentioned right now are Arizona - - & Colorado…

    The feeling is that by next week possibly Pac 12 be holding meetings , probably will have some kind of Media deal. Most believe that IT WILL fall short of what the Big 1 media deal is. Some think maybe ESPN MIGHT be tied in some way but then also see where ESPN is no where close to any deals with the PAC 12. - Apr 15th is a date that is being thrown out where the Pac 12 more likely then not decides - -do wwe Solidify the Conference OR are we done & Schools start leaving and looking else where.

    It’s starting t become more widely talked about now - School presidents have been talking - - School AD are starting to discuss the expansion - -and even now Coach’s are strating to talk opening about it

    The article stated that - -Coach KU COACH BILL SELF - - -said that ARIZONA is a School the Big 12 needs to get’

    The Article also stated that K/STATE COACH TANG- --stated the 4 corner Schools ( Arizona , Arizona State , Colorado , & Utah are Natural fits for the Big 12.

    I think by the End of April things will really become more clear on this from the way things sound.

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