And the winner for Hustle play of the year goes to Jamari Traylor
@wrwlumpy That was some killer stuffish by Traylor!! All out hustle and floor burns!
That gives me chills!!!
Agreed! 100% awesome play & hustle. We also dominated on defensive rbds, turning TX into 1 shot & done possessions. Defense is underrated, at least the stifling way Self wants our guys to play it. What a spectacular road W! Way to step on the throat, as Self has said in the past…
Welcome back, Jamari!!!
And ESPN as usual does a complete injustice to JamTray. Probably the greatest example of hustle in college ball this year and they only show where he dove for the ball getting it to Mason. Didn’t even have his name right. Buffoons!!!
@brooksmd Was that at least on top 10? Or just the game highlight?
@wissoxfan83 wasn’t on, just a highlight from our game. I wish somebody had the block, I just saw it from a distance.
@Crimsonorblue22 The video clip at the top has the entire sequence including the block. Awesome sequence.
@HighEliteMajor I know, but I wanted to see it close up.
@Crimsonorblue22 What? That’s the TV view and it’s as close as anyone got, unless you were at the game, near the basket.
Fantastic series of hustle plays by Traylor. And coming off a week or so with hip flexor! Talk about heart…WOW!
@wrwlumpy Man, if this Oubre kid does not become lock-in lottery, I hope he stays another year. Bill Self is working with a group of very special individuals this season.
@REHawk I’m with you. But, I think that with his length and athletic ability, if he has, for instance, a good stretch in the tournament, he could likely be a lottery pick, or close to it, and have a hard time staying.
Hip flexor?
Did anyone tell BamBam to play cautious?
Guess not!
BamBam may not be our most-talented player… but he is one of our only players that has his role figured out… bring hustle!
There will always be PT available for a guy like BamBam as long as he brings effort.
That’s a piece of film they need to show in the film room before every single game.
It’s time to edit the pregame film at AFH and stick this in.
Thanks, BamBam… for sticking to your identity and I hope your identity continues to rub off on our entire team!
“Man, if this Oubre kid does not become lock-in lottery, I hope he stays another year.”
Me, too. I’m hoping we don’t completely stomp the rest of the B12 so we can hang back out of the Top 5. Being in that top tier media window brings too much attention to our players, and with attention comes increased expectations in the draft.
@wissoxfan83 Just in game 15 sec hilites. Didn’t make Top 10. Double Buffoons!!
@drgnslayr Couple of weeks ago HCBS said JamTray brought “energy” to the game. We kind of went with that when he was having scoring difficulties we’d say yeah but he missed with energy. Tell you what though, if I was HCBS I’d put that play sequence on laptop or tablet along with KO’s floor burns last week and when I went to talk to a recruit I’d show those to them and say “this will get you PT.”
Last night, the ESPN site had the highlights of the KU game at the top of the page of every conference schedule displayed; regardless of what page I went, there it was…maybe targeted programming?
@wrwlumpy Is that Verne Lundquist leaning over looking at Jamari or someone else?
Bob davis
@wrwlumpy Look who’s creeping in the background btwn Self and BDavis
I know… I saw that and decided not to repost the picture with a big red arrow pointing because I knew it would stir emotions in some folks here… Like finding a hair in your favorite soup.
Sometimes it’s better to be blind to the details
to avoid the riotous denizens of KUBuckets…
@bskeet ha ha
“creeping” being the operative word.
@wrwlumpy I wonder if Coach Self will put a photo of BamBam’s hustle from last night up next to the hustle photo of Dblock and Shady going for a loose ball?
@JayHawkFanToo creeper doesn’t realize our team is playing great! Nor does he look like he cares.
@ZIG Come on Zig, I graduated in '88 and haven’t stepped foot in Kansas (unfortunately) since. Who is between Self and Davis?
? Let us know?
It is SZ.
From the Halifax Rainmen, the most popular pogo stick in Nova Scotia.
Happiness in West Texas.
I was at the game with seats pretty close. I thought Jamari was hurt more than once diving for the ball, and not just this sequence-which I agree is tops for back to back to back effort. And by the way, Self jumped up and ran over to him on the play where he hit or nearly hit the scorers table. He took some really big hits at times-I am telling you he is covered in bruises today. Great win @Texas. So fun to be there for it.