NCAA to speed up IARP cases (KU's)
There are not enough bad words in the dictionary for the NCAA.
@BeddieKU23 So the “independent board” no longer wants the authority/responsibility to conduct an unbiased independent inquiry, and wants to simply rely on NCAA enforcement staff’s investigations. The NCAA just gave all the schools an open door for appeals to the courts.
The punishment is the length of the investigation tbh
The timing is insane, as they are almost explicitly saying: “We cannot do our jobs so please let the enforcement staff do it for us.”
They should have simply refused to take more cases until these are resolved, and then propose new rules. How can any reviewing authority not believe that this cry for relief does not affect their approach to current cases?
@BeddieKU23 If there are not enough in the dictionary, we should start making up our own.
The more I think about it, the more I think KU and the other pending schools should join together and sue in federal court to enjoin the IARP and NCAA from proceeding. The “independent” forum has publicly admitted it cannot do its job and wants to be just another tool of the enforcement arm. This was experimental, and the schools consented based on guarantees of an unbiased investigation and decision.
Even the military learned long ago that a court system has no credibility when the court is controlled by the prosecutor.
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