So I just don't know , things are just a mess
@justanotherfan said in So I just don't know , things are just a mess:
It’s a weird dynamic. There was a gathering at a lake here in Kansas that resulted in 10 people becoming infected. That certainly makes me a bit hesitant about things re-opening. I really hope that as we start to re-open, everyone doesn’t just rush back. Those that can work from home should still try to do so, while those that cannot can start getting back out there so they can earn a living.
I hope restaurants keep doing take out. That’s actually been a nice treat to sample the takeout from local restaurants. I just worry that if we try to just “go back to normal” we will be in a worse mess than we were before.
Ya I heard about the Lake. Not sure if you might be referring to Lake Perry or not but I know they are saying there were clusters that came for there.
Like you said that’s what I’m most afraid of , people just rushing back out thinking we are back to every day ordinary living. We ARE NOT back to everyday type living , it will be some time before that happens. Like I said I’m all for people getting back to work - - I understand and agree but baby steps my friends got to be baby steps
Texas was one of the 1st States to re-open , over the weekend they had their highest rate of New cases of the virus since this 1st came to light. Believe it was a number of like 1800 new cases. - afraid you will see more like this if we try to rush back to fast
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in So I just don't know , things are just a mess:
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the goal of the the quarantine to slow the spread of Covid to a rate that wouldn’t overwhelm medical facilities, not completely stop the spread of Covid? If infection rates are at a level where medical facilities can handle the number of new cases, then I really don’t see a big issue with reopening stuff with basic precautions such as masks and limited capacities to continue to manage the spread of Covid since the goal of the quarantine was slow infection rates and not stop them.
The understanding of this disease is still evolving. Post infectious disorders are still coming to light, like the recent incidents of Kawasaki disease in young children, in addition to reports of renal and heart complications, and ME/CFS. We also don’t know the length that antibodies stay in the system.
I don’t know that the plan is simply to slow the rate of infection to avoid overwhelming the health system. Erring on the side of caution, I think preventing the spread until a vaccination is available should still be our goal.
Not overwhelming our health care system should be the last of our stated goals, not the only goal.
@jayballer73 said in So I just don't know , things are just a mess:
Texas was one of the 1st States to re-open , over the weekend they had their highest rate of New cases of the virus since this 1st came to light. Believe it was a number of like 1800 new cases. - afraid you will see more like this if we try to rush back to fast
A big part of why we had a big increase is because we’re also getting more tests available and as the testing capabilities increase, so will the number of positive tests. A spike like that has been pretty standard anywhere that’s had an increase in testing capabilities.
Texas is probably going to end up with one of the bigger total number of cases, but Texas also has the 2nd largest population so our total number of cases should be higher than most states because of that. I also don’t believe our ration of cases is out line with other regions, but without the ability to test everyone, we really don’t know what the true infection rate is and how many people already had it and never got tested or reported because of catching it early on back in January and February when it first started making it way through the US.
My opinion is we have to start opening some things but like @jayballer73 said it has to be VERY gradual. We shit everything down because the virus was spreading fast with no way to track it and no way to evaluate what tactics might work to slow the spread. We basically threw everything we had into stopping the spread except massive testing and contact tracing. Now, those last two have been proven to work elsewhere but we for whatever reason still don’t have that capability. But again, this thing lies dormant for up to 14 days so if we start upping the openings week by week we will go right back to where we started which is not knowing what works and what doesn’t.
There are plans out there even from the federal and state governments but like here in Texas, we aren’t even following our own guidelines. We are moving through the phases because we feel like it, not because we’ve met the criteria the govt set. The lack of leadership in this mess at just about every level is astounding.
Seems like everyone has decided “let’s just wait and see” and then whenever they get to bored decide, “ok, now let’s do this”
The communication with the public on what the overall plan is just isn’t there.
@jayballer73 Confused, frustrated, scared, unsure, I’m feeling all those things right along with you. For me you can add on angry, disappointed, baffled, and occasionally depressed. And I still have my job, my house, my partner, my dog, and my health so folks who are losing one or more of those things right now can just multiply those emotions by about 100!
? Funny
I think we have the very best in governor Kelly and Sec. Norman. I’m sure some on here disagree. We really have been hit hard on our meat packing plants, prisons and nursing homes.
@Crimsonorblue22 For some reason my autocorrect changes shut to shit on me quite often. Guess I might type the latter too frequently!!!
I think the so called experts are looking dumber by the day. The death rate is considerably lower than expected and it seems to be not so easily spread. In the county next to me a McDonalds worker and 2 Dillion’s workers had the virus. But they have had a grand total of 26 cases over all and 22 recoveries with no deaths (only a few from said sources). It just can’t be as easily spread or hundreds if not thousands would’ve contracted if that was the case.
The recent knowledge about the Kawasaki disease makes me think my family has already had it. In January we were all sick and my daughter tested positive for the coronavirus. The doctor said it most likely wasn’t the same strain as the China one. A few days later after weeks of troubles our daycare providers daughter was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease after fighting the same symptoms as us. I still am taking precautions with my kiddos and not going out besides work and grocery pick ups. But half of me is waiting Tattoo to ride by welcoming everyone to fantasy island. Hundreds/thousands of people are at the big box stores and coming in/out of restaurants everyday, why can’t small businesses open? More proof that big business runs the show in this country. Wal mart and amazon will most likely hit record profits this year. Jeff Bezos is on schedule to become the richest man alive in the next few years
Edit: That’s before you discuss Bill Gates and is shady investment into healthcare.
@kjayhawks what businesses you wanting to be opened?
@Crimsonorblue22 Several Bars are going to go outta business, have a friend who’s sports memorabilia shop is outta business. Several restaurants have closed and won’t reopen around here. Smaller book stores, barber shops and others have had trouble all sorts of small businesses won’t be here anymore.
We’ve lost several restaurants, I don’t think they were doing that great before. Most weren’t doing curbside. A lot of people I know, including me, aren’t that excited about eating out. I’ve done some curbside. Bars will probably be the worst. Getting to inebriated to follow rules.
@kjayhawks they had a test for your daughter in January?
Stuff like this doesn’t help the confused and frustrated (myself included):
@Crimsonorblue22 I wasn’t at that doctor appointment but yes they told us she had it. Haha hey there are some nice sports bars lol.
@benshawks08 That’s f’ing insane.
She wasn’t tested for COVID-19 in January. She was tested for a common strain of coronavirus, I’m assuming.
@approxinfinity I believe they diagnosed her thru blood work but yes it may have not been Covid-19 but now the same doctor says it could’ve been because they weren’t checking stuff that close at that time.
The CDC has came out and said it’s not as contagious thru items. Which like I said had to be the case with Dillion’s and a McDonald’s worker getting it near me. Sometimes having logic and common sense is a curse in this day and age.
I still wipe my groceries off.
The CDC shit the bed on messaging. They should have presented this as a narrowing cone of uncertainty, not presented things as truth when they didn’t have enough evidence. This waffling on messaging has undermined their ability to affect positive change as people already struggle to deal with the new reality and look for excuses to abandon social distancing practices.
I tell you what. I wear my mask when eve I go out , where ever I go , some can call me hell whatever it is they feel like calling me - -I’m STILL wearing my mask. - Some may say that’s an over reaction - to which I say AND ? ! - -it’s MY CHOICE, you choose not to - -great - -BUT it’s MY CHOICE to.
People saying that the contagious ratio / the death ratio is next to nill , I don’t want to be that ONE that does get it and then dies from it,
People want to always try and compare it to the flu , how more die from the flu - - I don’t give a GOD DAM -were not dealing with the flu here , were dealing with the Corona Virus , I’ll deal with the flu when that time comes , right now I could give a rats ass about the flu.
You want to under react about this? - -Fine great , that’s you. you think it’s not a problem - -super , but I tell you what if you come around me and are a carrier and your thinking is that it’s not a big deal - not a problem - - if you give that shit to me - - -WE GOT A PROBLEM I’m telling you that - - PERIOD end of story. - -you wanna blow it off , laugh it off think people over reacting great , but do it some where else - -how about this go to the Ozarks hook up with those idiots that were elbow to elbow , try and hear what the Head Dr of the KDHE had to say about that - -no thanks
@jayballer73 exactly this so many times. Wish I could upvote it over and over.
I wear a mask. A kid I coached, he’s like a son, has it. He an administrator over nurses at KU Med. I think it’s day 7. Quarantined in basement, his wife’s a nurse, 3 kids. My moms quarantined. Her hairdresser’s Husband has it, he went to DODGE city. She’s done a lot of elderly women’s hair. So far so good. Hardly anybody here wears a mask. Now that governor Kelly has left it up to counties, there will be zero. I think we will see more from Memorial Day. I hope not. Catholic Church has been having services, practicing social distancing. The others start Sunday, with safety issues. I just want school to start so I wish we would be careful now, so that can happen in the fall.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m with you, girl. I’m very concerned that churches are not going to adhere to social distancing. Now that Gov. Kelly has turned over the decision making to the counties, Sedgwick County is going to open up completely. This just in from the Wichita Eagle: “Sedgwick County’s new coronavirus plan: advice but no rules, everything can open The commission decided Wednesday to allow all county businesses to reopen, with no enforceable rules on social distancing or other measure.” I just don’t get why being asked to continue to use caution is considered by some to be an infringement of their rights/freedoms.
@bcjayhawk said in So I just don't know , things are just a mess:
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m with you, girl. I’m very concerned that churches are not going to adhere to social distancing. Now that Gov. Kelly has turned over the decision making to the counties, Sedgwick County is going to open up completely. This just in from the Wichita Eagle: “Sedgwick County’s new coronavirus plan: advice but no rules, everything can open The commission decided Wednesday to allow all county businesses to reopen, with no enforceable rules on social distancing or other measure.” I just don’t get why being asked to continue to use caution is considered by some to be an infringement of their rights/freedoms.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m doing the same because of my kiddos. Better safe than sorry. @approxinfinity I agree they change their tune weekly.