Opening day
The bullpen is so incredibly bad, Dayton should be fired just for assembling it in the first place.
How do you not pinch hit for Maldonado? Isn’t that the point of having Duda on the roster in the first place?
NVM, here he comes
Bullpen is horrible, absolutely horrible.
Seriously, how does Dayton still have a job? He lucked in to a WS and will never even be able to replicate a playoff team.
Wow, I WAS excited!
I’m kinda worried. 2 game win streak followed by 10 losses. Will a 3 game win streak followed by 15 losses?
My brother in-law is all for starting the game with the closers to see what we have to work with that night.
@Kcmatt7 The point of having Duda on the roster is so you can sing this song:
De Campptown ladies sing this song, Duda, Duda
The Camptown racetrack’s five miles long Oh, de Duda day…
Kcmatt7 said:
Seriously, how does Dayton still have a job? He lucked in to a WS and will never even be able to replicate a playoff team.
@Kcmatt7 I just saw this post. Are you out of your mind? Lucked into a WS? This is outrageously uninformed.
Moore assembled a team that went to one WS, and won another.
He’s what I can recall of the top of my head that were his doing -
Moose Hosmer Herrera Perez Holland Volquez Ventura Cain Escobar Zobrist Cueto Madsen Davis Shields Hochaver Morales
And … he had the fortitude to keep Ned Yost.
I will be awaiting your attempt to here to explain your … uh … lack of insight.
Or, better, express with sincere humility that you misspoke and we can all respect you for it.
@HighEliteMajor I 100% stand by my statement. Pretty sure we did this same song and dance last season. No reason to rehash it.
@Kcmatt7 “He lucked into a WS.” It is unadulterated B.S. I’m sorry. Folks can have opinions, but this one stands alone as the most ignorant in recent memory (apologies for the use of that word, but I can’t find another one that fits). You defame the man who brought us from the cellar to a World Series championship. And not one WS, but two in a row.
The quote is what I’m focused on. If you want him fired, or whatever, fine. If you don’t think he’ll have another playoff team, fine. But good grief …
@HighEliteMajor If you want my response, go dig it up from a year ago. It’ll be the same.
@Kcmatt7 I don’t want a response, necessarily. There are folks that don’t think Tom Brady is a great quarterback, as well.
Considering what Dayton has to work with, I’d say he has done just fine.
@HighEliteMajor Ill give it to you. You know how to push buttons.
@Kcmatt7 Ah, I’ll let it go. You’re a good dude … and you’re one of the guys that make this site worth coming to.
Royals throwing at Sox batters now. This means war.
@wissox Sox getting cocky, flipping bats! We won. Ball slipped🥴
@Crimsonorblue22 Royals acting like sore losers because a man flipped his bat towards the dugout so we must throw at batter. Then Joe West throws out batter. What a jerk Joe West is. He’s the Higgins of MLB umpiring!
Bat flipping should not be considering showing someone up. They just hit a 450 foot shot off of you. And you’re pissed about the bat flip?
Baseballs unwritten rules are so stupid most of the time
Did he charge the mound? Only way I know to stop that is to beat the pitchers butt. But ask good old chisox Robin Ventura about charging Nolan Ryan. You’ll get your keister handed to you.
I don’t mind some masculine preening. I despise the neutering of America.
dylans said:
Did he charge the mound? Only way I know to stop that is to beat the pitchers butt. But ask good old chisox Robin Ventura about charging Nolan Ryan. You’ll get your keister handed to you.
I don’t mind some masculine preening. I despise the neutering of America
Hockey players have it right. Get laid out. Get pissed. Clear out. Let those two fight. It’s done.
Baseball does not. Throwing a ball at someone who is a sitting duck and 60’ away, knowing that player is unlikely to get hit, shake it off, and charge the mound before their fully armored body guard (the catcher) can get in his way. That’s some pussy shit right there. If you’re pissed he showed you up after a hitting a bomb, go fight him then.
@Kcmatt7 I agree with ya’ll. I really don’t mind purpose pitches like yesterday. I don’t mind Timmy stepping to the mound. What I didn’t like is Bleepin Joe West tossing our best player.
By the way the newest version of the Ryan beatdown was Ovechkin knocking cold a 19 year old in the playoffs the other night. Don’t often see someone getting laid out like that in a hockey fight.
@dylans You would have to bring that fight up!
Royals now have 8 blown saves already, most in MLB.
Can Diekman throw strikes, painful to watch him pitch.
If the Royals bullpen was average, they would likely be .500 or so right now.
Convert all 8 blown saves at one point and they are 15-7. Maybe more by now I haven’t paid attention this weekend.
@dylans good thing!