Time to flex
Lightfoot swats Maween in front of 16,300 erect fans.
@kjayhawks I sure hope that tongue is from Gatorade or we might be losing Mitch soon.
KSU fans already crying about refs, even Weber didnt blame them lol.
@wissox Dude from Kstate is a moron.
@mayjay Koolaid is now a banned substance? Say it ain’t so, Joe…
@KUSTEVE Lots of people accuse others of “drinking the Kool Aid,” even here, so it must be bad, no?
@Crimsonorblue22 So how early did Adidas start paying Mitch? JK I wish more of our recruits love KU the way he does.
@mayjay When my dog’s tongue looked like that, the vet said it was time to put her down.
I can joke about it now.
He had a blue slushie on the bench, of course, that’s what bosses do
So, when many here said that we expected Mitch to make an impact his junior season, that he’s the kind of guy that needs time to develop, is this what we meant? Or when many of us also said this season was a good season to redshirt, that he might not see the floor, were we just complete fools? Or foolish to think his ceiling was lower?
Uh, maybe some truth to all of it.
Regardless, this is just great to see.
There will be games and situations where he’s overmatched, no doubt. NBA talented guys, even pros just below that line, will be difficult. But they are for most players.
He is a difference maker right now. He is as natural and as skilled a shot blocker as I think I’ve ever seen (given physical attributes).
@HighEliteMajor If we had Doke / De Sousa, he doesn’t see the floor nearly as much. We also assumed KJ would be better, and Q would be better, and Marcus might play some 4. And we knew he wouldn’t shoot the 3 (he almost hit one last night!); if he could hit the three well as an undersized big who can block shots, he’d still be able to play against any team. He must know that’s his limitation and work on it, and I expect us to be talking about Mitch as the player of the game on several occasions next year. Mitch Madness will be in full effect when this kid drains 3 treys in a game.
approxinfinity said:
@HighEliteMajor If we had Doke / De Sousa, he doesn’t see the floor nearly as much.
If we had Doke and DeSousa, one wonders if Mitch would have even played.
If we had Doke and DeSousa from the start of the season, we’d be undefeated.
Doke probably still gets hurt
still be undefeated w/just one of them! So sick of Weber talking how hurt wade is, should have sit him. May hurt the team down the line.
Anybody listen to Bruce’s post game presser? I had to rewind a few times. He said this game was not that important? But Baylor was the tougher game. I’m scratching my head.
needs a board to write his presser on instead of talking, it really gets on my nerves!
@approxinfinity I think Mitch did make a 3 last night. Top of the key unless it was just inside the arc?
@wissox he did, just missed one from the corner, said he heard about that one
@Crimsonorblue22 I watched the postgame presser with Bruce Almighty last night. He was a little more jazzed up than usual, and kept screaming about still being in first place.
I think panic was setting in as he was realizing they still have some games left to play and, since they were done playing KU, his team had nothing left to
liveplay for.
@DanR lol! Did he swallow the dogs toy when he was little?
@DanR This is what happens every 20-30 years when K-State seemingly has a good team. An injury (or two), a bad night for one or two players and the panic sets in. You can see it - they will implode. I want us to win #15, but more than that - I DON’T want K-State to win it. Texas Tech - meh, but NOT KSU.
Come on BAYLOR, TCU and OKLAHOMA !!! Finish them off for us.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@wissox he did, just missed one from the corner, said he heard about that one
Can’t miss in front of the bench or you are toast.
Or in other words, no one has been beaten as much as K-State has been beaten by KU!!!
@dylans that just warms my heart!