1000th User
This rapid regeneration of spam accounts is really interesting and fascinating. Sounds like about 500 accounts were automatically created… Is that correct?
Would be interesting to see originating IPs from the logs…
Interesting indeed. However, I will guess that the IP is probably from proxy server running on a zombie computer. There are tools available to track the real IP but those are generally available only to law enforcement agencies, very advanced user and hackers.
As far as I know, the “captcha” approach is the easiest and more readily approach to avoid most bots.
@brooksmd I like the idea of KANSAS being the headliner and kubuckets.com below; I think you’re onto something there.
@bskeet I did a quick count this morning (9/9/14) and looked at the “Latest User List” and find 1,300 Users with Zero in BOTH the “Reputation” and the “Post Count” category. The “random NAME Generator” is hard at work!
I wouldn’t put too much importance on post and reputation counts. This is my first post. I just joined last week; however, I have been reading posts from before people were begging jaybate to post here
I would not worry. I am pretty sure the system keeps track of how many times you login and likely you would not be affected, plus you have a real user name and not a random generated one. The site is up to 1,600 users and well over 1,000 are fakes; you can see why this is a concern. As I understand, the latest Google software looks for sites with suspicious high traffic and it can actually lower the SEO for the site if it suspects it is artificially generated; in short, these fake users can end up hurting the site’s ranking.
@JayHawkFanToo the fix is straightforward I just haven’t been able to do it because of personal stuff. I will be able to soon. Please don’t be too alarmed.
No worries here. You have worked so hard to give us a first rate site, I would hate to see the SEO go down because of spammers.
@sfbahawk What took so long !?
@RedRooster PD close to the nub bub. I’ve been passively tracking since I first noticed the spike & that began about the time the new buckets site was born. In my estimate we have approximately 300+ legit members, give or take…
S**t can another 100 or so & we’re about where we ought to’ be. IMO.
@JayHawkFanToo yeah man, I was irritated at myself that I couldn’t get it done. thanks for the encouragement to knock it out.
@globaljaybird For certain reasons I had to do it at my desktop and my back is really screwed up right now, so I’m limiting the amount of time I sit at it. It’s getting better so I could get back on the horse.
Nice work and thanks again for all that you do, @approxinfinity
You have provided us an amazing gathering place; anyway you want to handle it is fine with me and I am glad I don’t have to do it.
While we’re on the subject… I had thought about creating some alternate themes for the site – sort of like home and away jerseys – that could be applied to the site on game days or for other events.
Anyone who thinks this is an interesting idea AND knows enough about CSS styles to assist me, please let me know. I was thinking of creating a Crimson skin and maybe a Blue skin to go with this White skin.
@globaljaybird ==> 428 this morning after “Approx …” performed “HIS MAGIC” last evening !!! Looks like he did a GREAT Job … as usual!
@bskeet great idea! Maybe white vs blue for home /away?
Yeah, that was kind of the idea… with a Red skin just for fun occasionally.
@approxinfinity Thanks. I felt adding Kansas, hoop and ball would help to identify kubuckets, but hopefully not create any trademark problems. But if anybody else has ideas we need to get busy and pick one cause it’ll be hoops time before we know it and I want a kubuckets t-shirt to wear.
@approxinfinity @bskeet Love the idea of different skins depending on home/away games. And of course red, oops I mean crimson, whenever those uni’s get pulled out of mothballs.
thumbs way up for home and away skins for game days.
Looks like the random generator of names is back! I see this morning the Site is up over 1,000 users again !!. KU Basketball season is upon us !!
@RedRooster I may block all of Russia.
Put em on double secret probation and give SvI a secret password for his fans.
@JayhawkRock78 It would be really cool to know if this site gets traffic from overseas because of Svi, or Sasha…or any of our other Jayhawks that play overseas.
@approxinfinity I know I’m getting in late on this, but if you guys do shirts I want in on it.
If any of us ever got together it would be cool to make t-shirts with our user names on the back.
We could even make some with our popular acronyms on the back too for family members and what not. I would get a little one for my 3 year old with “MUA” on the back! It fits his personality!
(This is me thinking waayy outside the box)
@jayhawkbychoice hey, so the pricing seems scary to me on a run of shirts. In order to break even let alone make a profit from that site I mentioned, we’d have to have a big run of shirts, so I started looking at trying to get a better deal with people local to me, but the couple leads I had didn’t amount to anything. I haven’t seriously pursued this any further. I could use some help setting it up for this season. I’d just like to get something out there promoting our site to encourage fresh faces to stop by.
I have two ideas.
Start a T-shirt thread and have viewers go on record they will buy one. (I will-heck I will donate $ to this site without a T-shirt.)
Have someone place two simple “Kubuckets.com” signs on ku bBall game day. One near the student entrance, and one near the main entrance. I would do it myself but I live.800 miles away.
@approxinfinity Sent you a chat- I have a connection for t-shirts-let me try.
@JayhawkRock78 pretty sure KU would not let us do that!
@Crimsonorblue22 One of my buddies has two boys at KU. Maybe I could convince them to wear a KUbuckets.com T shirt to a game.
Looks like the fake users are back…
I find the title of this thread somewhat funny ??? “1,000th User”!
And then the update by "JayHawkFanToo’ to “2000 Users” … which was poted 24 days ago which would be around the October 20th time frame.
I just took a quick count of the Current Users today and that number is now 5,053 ! Wow, … and … the names ALL look legit (i.e. the random name generator is NOT at work. … Or is it ?? Getting closer to the season has certainly brought a bunch of new users. Thanks Approx, Drgnslyr, Bskeet, Jaybate and others to keeping this site going with “USEFUL” and interesting commentary and information.
If you click the “Users” icon on the top menu row, select “Top Posters” and then scroll to the bottom and press the “Load More” button, then you will see that after about 200-300 users the computer generated IDs start to show.