Jeff Long = New AD
@Texas-Hawk-10 His last year, Arkansas played 9 teams that went to bowls out of 12 games. The worst team in conference was Miss, who was 6-6.So, every team on their side of the conference went to a bowl game except Ark. Their East division games were against a 9-4 USC team, and a Mizzourah team that went to a bowl. Murderer’s row.
So here is the bottom line - - -pain and simple no bullshit. - -Jeff Long IS the Athletic Director now at KU. - -We have people that are ok with the hire we have others that thinks it sucks. - -Doesn’t matter he is our Ad - -he WILL name our next Coach - -you like him that’s cool - -you having kittens thinking it’s a terrible hire - -Sorry it is what it is , but he is the AD so you might as well get behind him , cause not going to do you any good to do otherwise.
I feel very confident the next Coach he hires will do just fine. - -Personally I wouldn’t mind Miles for a period - - I know he isn’t the long resolve answer but hoping he could be like 4-5 years and possibly groom Tony Hull for the following Coach I think Hull might just have a very promising future would love to have him down the road - – feel it’s really pointless to continue to debate back and forth - - back and forth whether he was a good hire - -whether he made horrible football Coaching hires or not now - - - -we need to just get behind the hiring of this AD - and his choices at this point. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
At most schools does the hiring fall solely on the AD? Or is there a committee? I remember Self saying he hoped someone w/KU ties got his job. I don’t think he wants to hand it over to anyone. It’s his baby! He seemed awfully proud during the summer league games, and he’s getting so much praise from everybody, more than any other coach! Coaching and personality.
@Crimsonorblue22 Yes…but…
Yes, the “responsibility” falls on the AD…he is in charge of the athletic department…BUT, most AD’s seek some kind of counsel on the hire (though not “required” to do so) be it forming a committee, hiring a consultant(s), getting recommendations from the “leaving” coach (assuming he was successful, such as Self) and maybe even “running” his choice by certain people (Chancellor, BMDs, etc.) before an announcement. So, ultimately the AD does the hire, but being a little like a politician…“consulting” with people and trying to get as big a “buy-in” from them as he can on his final choice (something I don’t think Zenger did).
@ICThawk after the miserable fails I can’t imagine KU giving any AD a green light on hiring w/out some guidance! I also can’t imagine letting them sign big contracts w/out an ok.
@Crimsonorblue22 then why hire an AD?..and who makes the “ultimate decision” then, the “committee”/“guider”? (and who chooses the “committee” and who is on the “committee”). Then who is responsible if it doesn’t “work out”…are we going to fire the members of the “committee” and keep the AD since it wasn’t “his” hire, it was the committees? Realistically though, most ADs have at least an informal committee for input, but that is the ADs choice, not someone telling him what he can and can not do. If you “hamstring” your AD, that seems to say you don’t have confidence in your AD to make a good decision so you should not have hired that person as AD in the first place.
@ICThawk I was thinking about the contract Zenger signed w/fritzel. Scary. Thx for your input.
@Crimsonorblue22 Agree with you wholeheartedly about that contract…though it seems to have been an “oversight” by the Athletic Corporation Board of Directors…who obviously in hindsight placed too much trust in Zenger who showed, at best, bad judgment, compounded by the Board abdicating its responsibility (as provided in its By-Laws). Setting general policy IS the job of the Athletic Board…carrying out that policy responsibly is the job of the AD. Just like a Board of Directors in a corporation, the AD being the President of the corporation. The Board sets general parameters but the “nitty-gritty” of carrying out those policies (the details like hiring/firing personnel) are left to the discretion of the President. But, the President still remains ultimately responsible to the Board and if they so choose, the Board may terminate him if they do not believe he is responsibly carrying out their policies. Because it was Zenger’s responsibility (coaches, contracts, administration) he was terminated, and properly so, even if regrettably later rather than sooner (in my opinion)…
I’ve got an idea. There’s a coach who will be successful at KU. His name is Mark Mangino.
wissox said:
I’ve got an idea. There’s a coach who will be successful at KU. His name is Mark Mangino.
Did you see his recent twitter rampage?
The search for a high profile position be that an administrator or coach will invariably involve hiring a head hunter firm to select candidates and make sure they are properly vetted before they are considered.
I cannot imagine any major school AD making a hire at this level in isolation. Typically he will hire a search firm with input of the AdHoc search committee, who normally would not have many of the restrictions a school HR office would and can contact candidates off the record, something public officials might not be allowed to do. Once the list of candidates is available, he might add more and then the information would be shared with the search committee who would narrow the list and, while the AD might have the ultimate choice…subject to approval by the school president, the selected individual will most like be the consensus candidate.
BShark said:
wissox said:
I’ve got an idea. There’s a coach who will be successful at KU. His name is Mark Mangino.
Did you see his recent twitter rampage?
Mangino would never work here again. - All the little golden boys with their little golden - don’t hurt me - don’t talk mean to me attitudes and their upper crust greater then thou parents would never allow that/ GOD forbid Mangino put hands on anyone - - I mean this is football for GOD’S Sakes - we sure the hell won’t allow any physical contact on our babies - they might get hurt - -might get their feelings hurt. - All I know is when these Golden boys make the cut at the NFL - better nobody touch these boys cause UMMMMMMM Mommie and Daddy be MAD – lmao - -get the F - - - out of here with that shit -It’s football , you think Mangino talk bad/nasty to these guys – you think his quote unquote demeanor his attitude - his approach - -his Coaching style was hard on these golden babies? - -that is such a fricken joke - -what they gonna do when someone slams them to the turf - -takes that career ending possibly cheap shot - -you think Mangino had a nasty mouth - you think he was physical? - - well get ready lil bitches cause if you wanna play NFL football - -HA - -what Mangino did - his character ain’t shit to what you will see boys - -Where is mommie and daddy then? - I wouldn’t want Mark back here not fair to him he doesn’t deserve this.
All people wanted to do was give him shit about his weight , talk smack on him. - - Tell me what the hell did his weight have to do with his Coaching ability? - He was one of the few Coach’s that we have had that could win some games - -didn’t or wouldn’t put up with the players show boating - trying to show up opposing players/teams - -Sure I would of loved to see him drop weight for his own personal health - -but we had people not even thinking about the Coaching side all they wanted to do is talk about make fun of laugh about his weight - - -SCREW THAT. - people like that are just plain and simple SAD - -pitiful lives. - Mangino deserves better glad he is not here for his sake - -one of the few times we had a decent Coach and golden boys and don’t touch me hit me talk mean to me and they golden little bitch as parents ran him out - - II’M DONE THANKS
Honest question for Mangino supporters
If a KU recruit behaved the way that Mangino did:
- yelling at an officiating crew while a spectator at a sporting event
- public, profanity laced tirades
- allegations that he mistreated those around him
would you want KU to continue recruiting that student athlete? If not, why is that acceptable behavior from a coach?
A recruit is not a coach. A recruit is just a recruit. He’s a player. He’s a cog in the system. He’s earned nothing. He’s accomplished nothing. Equating a player and coach is senseless.
I don’t know. Why can the CEO of a company yell and stomp around like an idiot? Why can a star athlete act like a fool and get away with it? Because he’s EARNED it. He’s gotten to that point in his life where he has enough leverage to do what he wants to do. When folks have leverage, when they’re a wanted commodity, they can get away with more.
But guys like that don’t build equity. When they lose, those that are offended quickly turn. It’s the risk of being a jerk. Such as happened in the Mangino witch hunt, where myth exceeded reality.
But there is a hierarchy in this world, and in society, which is EARNED by success. Not given. Troubling to some, I’m sure.
The reality with coaches is winning is the answer. When Tom Coughlin loses, he’s too much of micro manager, he’s too much of drill sergeant, he’s a jerk, players hate him; when he wins, well, he has great attention to detail, he demands excellence, players look to him as a demanding leader. Same with the “players’ coach.”
@BShark No, I don’t do twitter.
@jayballer73 The one issue that I remember reading about was that MM said some things that crossed the line as far as race goes. If the comments were what I remember…they are not acceptable in today’s world. I hope I am remembering correctly when I make this statement.
@Hawk8086 yeah, that definitely happened. Mangino can coach football but he’s not really a good dude. He also totally lost the team in 2008-09.
justanotherfan said:
Honest question for Mangino supporters
If a KU recruit behaved the way that Mangino did:
- yelling at an officiating crew while a spectator at a sporting event
- public, profanity laced tirades
- allegations that he mistreated those around him
would you want KU to continue recruiting that student athlete? If not, why is that acceptable behavior from a coach?
here is the question to you. - -how many pro Coach’s yell at officials at their sporting event? Ypu think these guys aren’t going to be around Coach’s that yell have tantrums/ tirades during games ? if these kids /parents think this isn’t going to happen then they need to keep their kids sheltered - -it’s life -it happens every day. - when these kids get to pro if they are that fortunate the way Magino acted is going to seem like being on a kindergarden level compared to some of these pro Coach’s. What? - mama and dadd - If these guys and or parents are so thin skinned to this type of enviroment then I truly feel sorry for them -it’s going to happen you can take that to the bank going to yank the kid off the NFL roster because the coach curses throws tirades during games? -If your Naïve enough to think Coach’s don’t use profanity - then your living under a rock - you don’t think NFL Coach’s don’t get physical? - mercy what world you live it? - -Football it’s self is a physical game very physical - -so if your so concerned about a Coach being physical with your kid - then they don’t need to be in football period. - -Hell yes I would want them to keep recruiting him- of course then again my boy hasn’t been pampered, had that golden spoon all his life either - these things happen Believe that to keep recruiting them
@jayballer73 I don’t think he even remotely is talking about that. Mangino went after officials at his sons high school fb game.
@Crimsonorblue22 High School game College game - - Pro game - - it happens
Wow. The other day someone was posting about the fighting here and then they come unglued over @justanotherfan 's good question.
As @Crimsonorblue22 said, I wasn’t referencing Mangino yelling while coaching a KU game. He was at his son’s HS football game and went after the high school officiating crew. KU punished him internally for that, so I can’t honestly say what happened to him as a result. How would you feel if you read that a KU recruit was screaming at officials at their cousin’s junior high football game from the sidelines, to the point where they had to be restrained?
I specifically said spectator to make it clear that it wasn’t while coaching.
The public, profanity laced tirades also did not happen while coaching. These happened off the field as well - once to a parking attendant, once to another person in Lawrence and at least one other time on campus. Again, how would you feel if a report surfaced that a KU recruit had been seen screaming and cursing at a parking attendant?
Mangino’s management habits are well known. Again, how would you feel if you found out that a KU recruit was known to be a jerk to the people around him?
And that’s just the stuff we know about that happened off the field.
These are specific to things that happened OFF THE FIELD. These incidents are pretty well known around the KU program, and were a large reason why, despite his on field success, Mangino had very few supporters among the athletic department, administration and big donors. Mangino is probably the most successful coach in the history of KU football, but when he was pushed out, there wasn’t anyone in power trying to save him. That’s telling.
@wissox YA WOW - -now you see how it really looks huh? lmao - -I AM NOT pointing at anyone specific on here with this - -let me tell you more slowly I am not in a debate with anyone specific here but thanks for trying to stir the pot - -your comment is greatly appreciated. - This is such a broad topic/conversation - you see wissox this is conversation heated about the person - - - -I appreciate what they are sayin. - Just so happens I have a very strong opinion about this - but not pissed at anyone here they have their opinions and make very valid points - -thanks again. ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@justanotherfan Thanks for your input - - appreciated.
Oh my gosh, the idea of a football coach being a “jerk.” I mean, what is the world coming too? It the pussification of America. Thank you to a portion of America. Bunch of pansies. Victim mentality. Snowflakes. Good thing they don’t see Marine corp training.
@HighEliteMajor are you ok w/a parent going off on refs at a high school game?
@Crimsonorblue22 Truthfully, it depends. Generally, I’m fine with barking or a comment here and there. “Going off” … that would be for a major, major deal in my opinion. To the general point, I don’t support Mangino when he went off on an official at at HS game. As the KU coach, he should have considered time, place, and his position. But that doesn’t color my opinion that his ouster was nothing more than a witch hunt. I have mentioned this before, but I spoke directly to a former KU player who was close with the program, at the time of his firing, who used that exact term. Lots of info that he had.
@HighEliteMajor - - That’s the bottom line - they could use any reason you want - no one really knows for sure but the administration & officals. - -But ya bottom line that’s all it mounted to WITCH HUNT
Perkins wanted Mangino gone and got it done. But it’s pretty telling that Mangino isn’t a head coach somewhere else.
You said, “If your Naïve enough to think Coach’s don’t use profanity - then your living under a rock - you don’t think NFL Coach’s don’t get physical? - mercy what world you live it?”
That’s stirring the pot sir. It’s just ironic to me since your post from a few days ago.
wissox said:
You said, “If your Naïve enough to think Coach’s don’t use profanity - then your living under a rock - you don’t think NFL Coach’s don’t get physical? - mercy what world you live it?”
That’s stirring the pot sir. It’s just ironic to me since your post from a few days ago.
Again thanks for your input. -Are you here just to argue with yourself? - see I’m not doing it. - You’ve made your point , I have no problem with that but I’m not going to keep going back and forth I move along , it’s pointless to just keep going back and forth to see who has the last word. Your point has been made I appreciate it and time to move to a new subject. - -Have a great day. - -oh one side note though – - - -please don’t call me sir - -that’s so formal. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
wissox said:
You said, “If your Naïve enough to think Coach’s don’t use profanity - then your living under a rock - you don’t think NFL Coach’s don’t get physical? - mercy what world you live it?”
That’s stirring the pot sir. It’s just ironic to me since your post from a few days ago.
I’ll fix it so it’s not so offensive to the teacher in ya! @wissox
If you’re naive enough to think coaches don’t use profanity, then you are living under a rock! You don’t think NFL coaches get physical?!? Mercy, what world are you living in?
Even more telling, compare Mangino to Mike Leach. Leach and Mangino were fired just weeks apart in December 2009.
Leach and Mangino were fired at roughly the same time for somewhat similar incidents. Leach got a studio job, then was back as a head coach two seasons later. Mangino missed four seasons, then was hired as an assistant at a non FBS school. He moved up to being an assistant at an FBS school the next year, but lasted only a season and a half.
Pretty telling that while Mangino claims he has lots of former players and staff that support him, no one has gone to bat for him to get him a job.
@dylans Haha! You get an A-.
@wissox and a
When he’s not chasing down top level recruits, he’s pitching potential ADs…
“I saw firsthand why Bill Self is such a great recruiter because, I’ll be candid, he recruited me here, and I’m proud of that and that meant a lot to me,” Long explained.