Remember When?
FOURTEEN years ago -
The beginning of a mildly successful new company called Facebook
Janet Jackson had a Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction
The Final episodes of Frasier and Friends took place
The last Oldsmobile rolled off the assembly line
Ronald Reagan passed away
A basketball team in a place called Kansas started a new fad called Winning The Big 12 Regular Season Championship every single year until the end of time
(please add to the list!)
Winning the Big 12 regular season, you mean? Not meaning to criticize…
The Big 12 has had some pretty serious talents during that run. Not to mention some yokel named Durant!!!
Some things NEVER change
@Gorilla72 Yep - that’s what I meant. I was at work and didn’t take time to proof read.
Thank heavens for somethings not changing!!!
@nuleafjhawk - I’m not one to worry about that stuff. Just wanted to clarify. Good post!
Looks like either an Olds Aurora, or an Intrigue!
I loved that Aurora, problems and all.
With it and the Intrigue, they were moving in the right direction, despite the value engineering and reputed strategy to hollow out the employee pension funds by swapping underperforming regional malls into them for the equities.
I have loved Oldsmobile’s, since my father’s late 60s OLDS DYNAMIC 88 that was supposed to come with a GM 350, but accidentally got built and delivered with an Olds 425 police interceptor!! OMG! That family sedan Q-Ship could lay scratch till the rubber was gone!
@jaybate-1.0 I wasn’t even born when that happened!
You spring chicken you!
I was born in the mid 17th Century!
I am an Illuminati that has been given the secret occult potion that allows 4-6 Century life spans!
@Gorilla72 Thank you for pointing it out! Sometimes my fingers get ahead of my brain. Not that hard to do…
drgnslayr said:
Ha… you think you’re old?!
Now that is what I call a hard crib!!!
But the ornamentation is to die for.
Rock Chalk!!!
JayHawkFanToo said:
We must have been neighbors…my first teenage crush…
I believe this may have been taken at Black’s Beach, San Diego, Raquel’s home.
No, wait, there are no nakies in the back ground, so that can’t be Black’s.
She was the best Paleo Cheese Cake of the Messozoic Era…next to Wilma Flintstone. I always carried a torch for Wilma.
I liked that number you linked of Ned Beatty.
The guy deserved to have some fun after Deliverance.
Those guys on the front row wore some fairly serious knee protectors. Maybe Self will bring those back for next season!!!
She was not only a knock out, but one of many very talented women that Hollywood has made a habit of largely squandering the talent of.
She was a comedienne and they didn’t get it until too late.
@jaybate-1-0 hmmmm…I would have mistaken you for a Betty (Rubble) type.
Great pick! Did you catch her?
@Buster-1926 Ah, yes, the famed sequence of homo blonde-iens versus the sadly extinct tortiseus Tarkanianus.
Well…We do share common ancestry and I did meet her one time but she was older…not that I would have cared…