Jayhawk Becomes World Select Bird... And More...

  • @icthawkfan316 I just watched the announcement and I’m confused!!! Sounds like NBA guys could play if they enrolled, and if their agent/team ok’d it. Self said 25 yr old guys too. Anybody else see it?

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I know it depends on who leaves, recruits, but it sounded like if we had less than 12 schollie kids Self would be excited to get some older jhawk players. I’m guessing coaches kids wouldn’t be on bench? Who would you like to see go w/us?

  • @drgnslayr We got lucky beating Ghana. I know USA is ranked higher-but that can be like taking a pole. Ghana was controlling the ball much better than we were. Fortunately we got one super early and our late goal saved us.

  • @HighEliteMajor Chinese accent would read, Rook, there Wilt Chamberin, glatest ahh time.

  • @JayhawkRock78 Exactly what I was thinking … perfect!

  • @JayhawkRock78

    Boy did we get lucky. We only had 8 shots on goal… and scored on two of them. That’s an effective “FG%” of 25%!

    I think Ghana had something like 30 shots on goal.

    I watched the entire game and couldn’t believe we held them to one goal, especially after halftime.

    But that was karma coming around… since Ghana has smoked us in the world cup a couple times before.

    I did feel sorry for Ghana. They totally outplayed us and lost. That is one of the frustrating elements in soccer… and it no doubt helps viewers become addicted to following it.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    I could see Reed playing for us.

  • @HighEliteMajor My daughter played “Kato” in “The Pink Panther” school play so we practiced her accent-sometimes it comes in handy.

  • @drgnslayr I was watching with my daughter who plays club soccer-she played on a German tour last summer is so wired about this cup-Last night she was screaming at the TV the whole game-thank goodness we won one so it helps her mood-but even she admits we probably won’t go far.

  • @JayhawkRock78

    When your coach announces to the world (prior to play) that we are not going to win it, how confident can the fans be, and, more important, how confident can the players be? (imagine the impact on media sponsorship, too)


    That didn’t exactly make many USA fans happy… along with other comments Klinsmann has made about sports in America:


    I do believe Klinsmann could use a better agent. One that has a concept of PR.

    Good luck with your daughter and her sports endeavors. She seems to be quite talented!

  • Yes, both couldn’t believe the coach said that-if anything he should have just done a Bill Self soft sell like, “it’s a big challenge”, etc. Thanks for the well wishes-I’m fortunate tohave a couple of great kids and we are all having lots of fun-she’s a little brainwashed about soccer, and the music she listens to though. But that’s a teen vs an old fart.

  • This is cool. Let’s go Jayhawks.

  • BIGGEST BENEFIT of playing in competition in July, is that they allow weeks of organized, coached practice prior to the tournament, when usually summer organized practices are a no-no under NCAA rules. Man! We will have a major headstart over other schools prior to November!!!. This is the biggest benefit. Bill Self found a way around the practice restrictions, and it is legal, and it will give KU a ton of publicity. Awesome!

  • @ralster huge recruiting tool too! What as awesome opportunity for the kids. Does anyone think he’ll suit up the “sons”? He sure wants to competitive ! I think he said 2 non playing players would be able to go.

  • Banned

    This is just crazy. I’m completely stoked. 😃

  • Banned


    Yes I have had a few beers. 😃

  • @DoubleDD That was awesome!!! Better have a few more!!!

  • @JayhawkRock78

    “But that’s a teen vs an old fart.”

    The classic confrontation! 😉

    I’m a late family starter so in a few years I’ll be experiencing this classic confrontation, too. At least, I hope so. I wouldn’t want my little guy to be just like his old man when he’s young! ha…

    Enjoy the times while you have them. Kids grow up too fast!

  • @DoubleDD

    ‘Hail’ yes!

  • @drgnslayr Your quote: “Just imagine what this will do for the sale of Jhawk mdse”…made me think of another direct benefit of all the ‘free’ practice time ku team will get under Self’s meticulous guidance: better execution of ALL phases of basketball.

    There is a coaches’ flyer I receive that sells teaching & instructional DVD’s from big-name college coaches (Kryzyewski, Hoiberg, Knight, Auriemma, Donovan, etc) that happens to have several DVD’s from Bill Self: 4 DVD set “open practice”, another dvd set of ballscreen offense + breaking zoneD’s + defensive philosophy and positioning + skill set building…then a few other dvds, including breaking 1-3-1 zone defenses. My point is that Self teaches & expects proper execution in all phases of the game, on both ends of the court. We now see with last year’s squad that if there is too much inexperience on the roster, the team simply cannot execute reliably everything Self teaches. Case in point: zone-busting. Couldnt do it last year, but excelled in yrs past, as his teams usually do great against zones. Self’s playstyle demands MORE repetitions than other playstyles.

    Now, of course, this doesnt mean Self cannot tinker with his own philosophy, and interject a new wrinkle to torment opponents with, such as quick inbounds/push the pace changeups (supported by having a deeper roster), for example…

  • OH MY GOSH- At the end of the clip other videos pop up including KU AT THE WHITE HOUSE 2008. In the upper left hand corner.

    You can see Bill Self wiping the tears of joy from his eyes behind President Bush. Bush also welcomes Danny Manning BACK to the White House. I have a picture in my office of Danny handing a KU letter jacket to President Ronnie Regan at the White House in 1988.

    Approx-maybe you can post that with a permanent link with others-as in greatest ku moments?

  • I would love to see Adidas do something interesting with the Kansas uniforms with a Red/Crimson White and Blue theme.

    I think I’d pay for some apparel with a KUSA logo.

  • I wonder if the American fans in attendance will do the Jayhawk chant…it would be super cool and would increase KU’s prestige and exposure worldwide.

  • hmmm… Maybe I should say KUSA ™

  • @bskeet


  • This is sooooooo great for recruiting!!!

    Dook had a few down years before consonants started coaching team USA…and since then he’s won a title and consistently gotten better recruits…coincidence?

  • All-- you might have noticed that the article says players who were born after 1990 are eligible for this tournament. And you might have wondered “which players from the past few years were born after 1990?”

    Thankfully, someone on Scout.com did the research on a pretty interesting thread: Former KU Players Born Between Jan 1, 1990 and Dec 31, 1997

    According to that thread, here’s the list of qualified players (not counting the members of the current team):


    • Tyshawn Taylor - Apr 12, 1990
    • Elijah Johnson - July 11, 1990
    • Josh Selby - Mar 27, 1991
    • Ben McLemore - Feb 11, 1993
    • Travis Releford - Feb 22, 1990


    • Thomas Robinson - Mar 18, 1991
    • Jeff Withey - March 7, 1990
    • Kevin Young - Jun 24, 1990
    • Tarik Black - Nov 22, 1991

    Note: Xavier Henry was born March 15, 1991, so he would also be eligible. There may be others… but the Morris twins were born in 1989, so they are not.

  • Could we possibly get Brady to play? Just imagine–the ball wouldn’t stick!

  • @KULA I think I read that the new signees for next year will also be eligible to play. That’s an interesting carrot to dangle in front of a prospective signee.

  • Where does it say active pros and former pros can play? I don’t see that at all.

    The key to the team should be the large number of current roster players with a few years together, plus TADs Oubre and Alexander, plus the rim protector Self will sign, plus what OAD/TADs adidas stacks him with. The ringers will be 1 or 2 top transfers that will be eligible for Korea, but not the regular season.

  • @jaybate 1.0 I can’t quote the poster because I don’t remember who, but somebody mentioned USA Basketball rules: NBA players can go to the Olympics and Worlds, but not to other tournaments. So active NBA players are out. As far as other pros (or former NBAers) are concerned, it’s not clear. If Self does go with former players, he obviously will want the best.

    Personally, I’m with you: first, convince as many current players as possible to stay through 2015-16; then complete the roster with near future players, not past players.

    The bit about transfers being able to play is tantalizing: anybody who transfers after first or second semester of next year would get to play in 8 more games with KU than with any other possible destination. That is a clear and unique advantage for recruiting transfers.

  • @KULA

    Nobody would want Brady. He could actually guard, shoot 40% from trey, protect and feed the post. Haven’t you heard? The current rage is high ceilings with low foundations that turn it over, don’t dish, shoot < 38% (33-35% is preferred) and disappear intermittently while waiting to develop later!

    Yeeeee hawwwww!

    KULA, baby, we gotta get ewe a whole team full uh low foundations, so we can lose 11 games, see one or two high touch high scoring low assist performances, and get bounced early, too!!!

    Yeeee hawwwww!

    When lousy, fail the eye test Brady started wet behind the ears his first season after a shirt we got to the sweet 16 with non OAD stiffs like Cole and Sherronatron! They too suffered from useless high foundations and playing all out!


  • @ParisHawk

    Thanks for the assist and I envy you putting it more lucidly than me! Rock Chalk!

  • @drgnslayr As a hawkeroo working in the Republic of Korea (RoK) for the last 4 years, I’m really looking forward to driving over to Gwangju to see my Jayhawks play. And I’m REALLY looking forward to seeing them play in my own time zone.

  • I am writing this 50 times on a chalkboard:

    “I will not get pulled into a Brady-debate”

    Just a thought – causation, correlation, whatever – Final Four 2008 (Brady doesn’t play). 2009, 2010, 2011 (no Final Fours, two significantly premature exits, Brady plays). Final Four 2012 (Brady doesn’t play).

    Or another way, does anyone seriously believe that if Brady would have been on the 2012 team in place of either EJ or Releford, that we get to the championship game? No one believes that. No one can even create that argument. No one can create that fiction.

    And that is the most simple point. Brady was a role player. A guy that is best off the bench, and not cast in a starting, big minutes role. When he was cast in that role, he was exposed. In a more limited role, a fine player.

  • @HighEliteMajor How about Brady in place of Conner Teahan?

    Bonus question: if we went to the U Games after the 2011 season, would Brady have been eligible?

    Second bonus question: is Brady the only player who, if you believe every post written about him, had a ceiling lower than his foundation?

  • @HighEliteMajor

    I believe Brady’s lore is increasing w the passing of time and I LOVE it! Revisionist history right before our eyes.

    Brady’s memory is similar to that of Scooter Barry just w/out the national title!

  • @HighEliteMajor you are right, role player, certainly not a role model!

  • @HighEliteMajor Relax. Pretty sure Brady would be too old for the team anyway. Wasn’t the dude like 27 when he finally ran out of eligibility?

  • @jaybate 1.0 Ah yes, a 40% three shooter who averaged 6 points a game–awesome. With a lower case “a”. And a couple of #1 seed 30+ win teams with future NBAers that got embarrassed in the tournament by nobodies. It’s informative that during Brady’s vaunted career, the only time Kansas advanced to the Final Four was the year Brady wasn’t allowed on the court. (I suppose you’ll argue how much Brady’s influence in practice forged that team)

    I hope Bill learned a valuable lesson from that era–that you’re only as strong as your weakest link.

  • If I use the same lens on Wigs folks use on Brady, here is how it appears…

    I am hoping Wigs has his USA citizenship, so we can see him protect the merchandise, get bitch slapped by semi-pros, hold assists under 3 and intermittently disappear under international rules, too. Imagine his trey percentage with the stripe 2 feet farther out! At any moment he might get hot from 3 and make 35%. And if given 20 touches he might score a lot , but then objectively, he probably wouldn’t take us any farther than Brady would based on a comparison of how the team did each of their first seasons starting. 😀

    And the great thing is you can play this scratched lens, busted eye test comparison game with Brady vs SELBY, Brady vs Xavier, and Brady vs Travis, etc. in each of their first seasons starting. No, on second thought don’t you dare play it with Travis, because he was all Jayhawk just like Brady was.

    People need to give up the Brady bashing. He would easily have taken 20 mpg from Wigs last season (as he did from SELBY and XAVIER) and the team would have been much better had he been around. He probably would have played 35 minutes against Stanford and we probably would have won that game.

    I don’t see why board rats can’t knock the high ceiling, low foundation hype guys and just leave quiet, low ceiling, high foundationed, good guarding, low TO, 40% trey shooting Brady alone. He played up to his abilities. The guys that need to be taken to task are the guys that DONT play up to theirs! And don’t leave it all on the floor.

    Travis and Brady are all good, all Jayhawk. They left it all on the floor. We would be so blessed to always have them on our teams.

    Wigs, SELBY and X were just high ceiling low foundation types that punched the time clock a year because they could be a short term fix for a missing piece. They really don’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breaths with Travis and Brady. Travis and Brady were all Jayhawk. Wigs, SELBY and. X were just all adidas.

    Rock Chalk!

  • @jaybate 1.0

    I agree.

    All Brady tried to do was help Kansas win games. He will be the first to admit there have been more-productive Jayhawks than him. All he could do was play the best he could play. He would never match fan expectations.

    If people want to gripe, they should aim it at the coaching staff for playing Brady. When Brady got the nod to enter a game, he wasn’t going to tell Self, “hey, there are fans out there unhappy with my performance so I’ll stick it out over here on the bench.”

    Maybe there are fans that actually think he should have done that. If so, it shows their inability to face reality.

    Brady will never make my Top 10 list. So what. I still respect him for playing Jayhawk basketball and trying his hardest.

  • @jaybate 1.0 O. M. G.!!! You’re seriously going to compare Brady to Wigs, and pull out that Brady was better for KU Basketball than Wigs? That’s it jaybate. You’ve reached senile dementia status on this board. You’re not even worth responding to at this point.

  • @drgnslayr I’ll agree with that–it’s all on Bill Self. As I posted before, I can only hope that Bill learned the valuable lesson that you’re only as strong as your weakest link (no matter who picks up the greens fees).

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