Warning where you donate your money for Houston
You can bite me. I don’t care. In fact come visit me.
Millions of dollars are going to roll in to help our American brothers and sisters in Houston.
So I raise a red flag on an organization that isn’t on the up and up. Yet you have a problem?
I don’t know stop defending your political views and defend the Americans that you say you care about.
@Crimsonorblue22 I saw that on twitter today and wondered what it’d be like to be a 6-10 dude wandering around in flood waters!
Good time to be tall.
@DoubleDD seriously? You think we would read crap like that? That’s the pt! We don’t go to those sites.
Yea I know it has to be liberal. Yet I did say click on the site of this organization, and read the fine print.
heh oh well. Donate your money to them.
@DoubleDD believe it or not, I’m a registered republican. But …
@DoubleDD And yet I took the time and trouble to explain how what they are doing does help. If you don’t think so, saying why doesn’t seem like a big challenge. Just repeating yourself in the face of countering information just makes it look like you don’t read that info.
I think you are stuck on this one because that article gave you no facts on which to base your agreement with it. All you say is Bad, bad, bad! But never why. And it is sort of silly.
Again I pointed to clicking on the site of this organization and reading the fine print.
I didn’t make nothing up. I just pointed out this organization isn’t a legit organization. Yet I’m getting crap for what?
Pointing out an organization isn’t on the up and up?
@DoubleDD Where do you live? I’m in Lawrence, and I’m willing to meet any jayhawk fan, any time. I’ll buy you dinner at one of the friendly local establishments, a beer at one of the left wing brewpubs, or you can pretend to like one of my own home brews, whatever. We can share some stories about our lives, and I’m sure we’ll have more common ground than you think. Us “libs” aren’t really all that scary, despite the
you’re reading online.
@DoubleDD my very first reply was post Red Cross, I’m not going to donate to them! (your posted website) I’m not stupid! I would have never found them if you wouldn’t have posted it. I don’t read that crap! Ok? Over!
@DoubleDD I have read the fine print. So, what is objectionable?
I don’t think libs are shit. In fact I love them.
yet where am I wrong in pointing out this fund raising group. I live in Gods country next to the second largest man made lake in the country. Rathbun lake in Iowa.
Seriously I had no political agenda. I was just pointing out this organization may not be the place to donate your money.
Why am I wrong?
Just like you told me you was a Reb. NOT.
Yet I don’t care. I just tried shine the light on an organization that isn’t on the up and up.
But hey do what you must.
OH and bye the way I’m donating a sum to the Red Cross. Damn that must just eat at you.
OK man. By all means donate your money to them.
@DoubleDD Still can’t figure this out, can you?
@DoubleDD You’re the one who started this post complain about a charity with an agenda, but you’re pushing you’re agenda on everyone here now and then trying to deflect when everyone else calls you out.
What am I deflecting?
@DoubleDD Hey, I went to college in Kirksville, MO, and worked for KTVO for a while. I’ve been to Centerville shooting commercials. Seemed like a nice place.
FYI, your mud puddle lake is not even in the top 5 biggest lakes in Kansas. You are delusional. LOL 2nd largest in the country!
@DoubleDD You’ve had people ask you point blank what your issue with the Red Cross is and all you’ve done is post a link and tell people to read fine print. You haven’t said what in the fine print you have an issue with when asked point blank about it.
Um read I’m donating to the Red Cross. JUst saying I posted that like many times.
LOL “man made lake”. Not naturally. Sadly Centerville has become a place of needle drug users. In fact they made a movie about it.
I do like Kirksville though. Did you ever attend the red barn blues festival?
Meanwhile JJ Watt has raised 10 million for relief efforts. Good guy JJ!
@DoubleDD I know what a manmade lake is. Do you seriously think your little pond is the second largest damned lake in the US? Good grief, I realize Iowans are impressed with their very nice state, but come on. 2nd largest in Iowa. Probably not in the top 300 in the US.
@DoubleDD Right now, just shut the hell up with the politics. Someone has a different political belief than you, BFD! It’s people like you trying to bring politics into a situation like this not trust charities in the first place.
If you really want to make a difference, drive down here to Houston and I’ll gladly drop you off in the middle of a flood ravaged neighborhood so that way you know 100% that your time and money are going to help people so that way you don’t have to bitch about what charities do with peoples money.
I was out there today helping people clear out their homes, I’ll be out there tomorrow, and Friday as well for sure until I have to go back to work.
@Texas-Hawk-10 Not enough upvotes in the world for you.
I’m not actually an Iowan I grew up on the streets of KC. Came here to get away from some troubles. Yes I was a bad guy.
Yet I found my way. I’m just going off what people tell me about Rathbun lake. Don’t really care. Yet those around here seem to care. It used to be a nice lake people friendly. Sadly that isn’t the case anymore. It’s all about money. They built a hotel with a water park in the poorest country in Iowa. Really? In fact they did illegal. The Des Moines Register actually had an article on it. Crazy. The locals are waiting for the casino they know is coming. Politics at its best.
@Texas-Hawk-10 bless you!
I know you’re pissed at me. Yet you should of read before you responded. As I said many times I am donating to the Red Cross. I will come down to help if you want. I don’t know how much help I would be. As I’m old and fat but I’ll come if you want. I just thought a donation and my prayers would be good enough.
Yet if you want me to come? Then I will. Lets make arrangements. I have no doubt of the devastation that has taken place. Houston has received more rain in a few days than Seattle has received all year. I know it’s terrible.
@Texas-Hawk-10 Yeah, he is ok with Red Cross. He doesn’t like the charity mentioned in his link to a conservative rag in the very first post because it is run by a liberal muslim who wants to help 500,000 poor and/or immigrants mobilize to make sure they aren’t forgotten. I tried to explain why that might be useful, but he seems to think there is fine print somewhere that must say the charity will not help anyone.
I wish you well in your assistance efforts. Houston is going to need thousands more residents like you persevering through trials for years.
Not calling you out @mayjay just needed someone to latch onto so my words wouldn’t be deleted time and time again. I would explain it but we won’t be talking anymore.
It appears to me that I have crossed some taboo line. I was trying to point out a organization that isn’t on the up and up. I was ridiculed and told to shut the fuck up. Not sure why.
My funeral seems set? I mean what could say from here on out that would merit respect? Especially on a site dominant with liberal views.
Oh I so want to blame the creator to this website, but I can’t. He just wanted some political views. Can you blame him? No I took the bate hook, line, and sinker. I exposed myself as a conservative and Trump voter. Sadly I didn’t realize how many would read and view my posts on the political topics. Just ask @DanR. Even some would lie to me? @Crinsonorblue22 said why not just post donate to the Red Cross? Only later post that she would never donate to that organization. An Organization that @Texas-Hawk-10 would accuse me of defaming. Which if you read the posts I said I’m donating to the Red Cross. Yet @Texas-Hawk-10 and @Crimsonorblue22 are friends and on the same page. Yea how does that happen?
To my friend @jaybate-1-0 you’re amazing wright the book. Do us all a favor and wright the book. Right the book on the history of offense changes in college basketball. Please
@HighEliteMajor you have a book on you too and you’re me friend too. . Normally I would say the ebbs and flows of the tournament. Yet I really think your best material would be the history of KU basketball.
Thank you @approxinfinity you’re a man of passion and getting things done. I love your website. I’m afraid your website doesn’t love me. I fear I crossed a line I can’t come back from. So I will look at your website as a stranger.
Rock Chalk. Yes a conservative cheering for the Jayhawks.
@DoubleDD I would never donate to the website u posted.i would never read that website. I would donate to Red Cross. I guess I wasn’t clear.
@DoubleDD “I was trying to point out a organization that isn’t on the up and up. I was ridiculed and told to shut the fuck up. Not sure why.”
I never insulted you, or told you to shut up. Quite the opposite: I asked for what language on the charity’s mission statement was specifically objectionable to you. I explained my position, and in response you were the one who was rude, dismissive, and sarcastic. (“Okay, you donate to them. I care more about helping people.” Was pretty much what you said.)
Your misunderstandings with others weren’t my fault, but I tried to clear you up with @Texas-Hawk-10 about the Red Cross.
In response, more outrage and ranting from you. Still, not a civil word of discussion from you in this thread you started. It is mind-boggling.
Incidentally, I don’t recall a single thread started in this category by anyone containing a link to the Democratic Underground or some other liberal site that bashes conservatives. (Links during discussions are a different matter.) You started this thread explicitly to link people to a nasty conservative site that bashes a lot of us for our political views, not just this charity you have such unexplained animosity for.
So, don’t complain about liberals fighting back. Your incendiary initial post opened it, and you, up.
Please reread my first reply to you in this thread, and your responses. When was I offensive?
Edit: I have now researched the woman leading the charity. Seems like a questionable, shrill person I likely would have no use for–anyone accusing Jake Tapper of being “alt-right” might have at least one screw loose. Apparently the funds donated to her group will be distributed to other activist groups. It would be hard to vet each one, so anyone caring about the issues I discussed might want to consider groups more directly involved, like a Legal Services office. I will try to find some links and post those in the Houston aid thread.
I only cursorily skimmed this just now, and don’t have time for a full investigation. It seems the point has been made scrutinizing the viability of charities, so I am appointing you @DoubleDD as being in charge of a brisk clean up effort for this thread, to lead the charge in shaking hands, dropping snark without anyone getting one last jab in, and moving on to less contentious material, or I’m afraid this thread may be lost.
approxinfinity said:
I only cursorily skimmed this just now, and don’t have time for a full investigation. It seems the point has been made scrutinizing the viability of charities, so I am appointing you @DoubleDD as being in charge of a brisk clean up effort for this thread, to lead the charge in shaking hands, dropping snark without anyone getting one last jab in, and moving on to less contentious material, or I’m afraid this thread may be lost.
I was actually looking to lock this last night because it got so damn ridiculous but I didn’t see the option.
Alright. Let’s just shut it down. I think the points have been made.