If Tomorrow Comes...
@nuleafjhawk Prayers to you and your family, especially your dad and sister-in-law. My wife is an oncology nurse. Don’t know how she deals with it as she gets close to patients and their families. Wish I had a dollar for every thank you card she gets from patients and families.
BTW, anybody know when Late NIght is?
@nuleafjhawk we gotcha tomorrow but we will never stop
there. It’s all in the master’s hands. Sometimes our Sunday services get down right annoited so don’t precurse a miracle . These things happen so come on in bro, the waters fine.
@brooksmd Didn’t know I was Pentecostal until we went there.
@globaljaybird That’s what we attend. Church of God out of Cleveland, TN. When I go back to Topeka to visit my sisters I go with them to Methodist (what we were raised) services and I just don’t care for it. It seems so structured. I like my pastor shouting, people shouting, clapping and getting into the Word. And of course there ain’t nothing like good old southern gospel singing.
Prayers to your sister-in-law.
I was diagnosed with stage IV in November…Fortunately prostate is a different kind of cancer than liver and pancreatic and people live years and years with it. But I’m an outlier at my age… so I am counting on living years and years.
We don’t get to choose how and when and we sure don’t know why.
All season, I’ve been riding the wave a hope with the hawks this season. I got my radiation treatment plan lined up on Wednesday to start in mid-April. I thought the timing was a sign that I would be very busy through April 3.
I was planning to go into treatment with a headwind from a FF run and maybe an NC. Damn it.
@bskeet Along with the radiation throw in equal doses of positive thought and prayer.
@brooksmd thanks man!
You couldn’t have put this game into any better perspective. Stay strong, my man. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers. F*ck cancer.
@globaljaybird said:
Didn’t know I was Pentecostal until we went there.
That is so awesome! We are a Foursquare Pentecostal church as well and I think I feel the same way!
@bskeet Prayers to you brother. If we’re winning National Championships at the rate of every 20 years (since 1988) then I hope you get to watch us win 4 or 5 more.
@nuleafjhawk You expressed what I feel…as I have aged I started realizing that it was only a basketball game…when I was younger you couldn’t have told me that.
@Hawk8086 Many of us are like that then become better people throughout the journey. Lately I’ve been doing some backsliding & need to straighten up & fly right.
@nuleafjhawk AMEN
. Sorry
we can’t be there to give you a hand but we’ll ask the Lord for help with the heavy lifting ! This video is Woody Wright & our pastor, Gary McSpadden. you’re on the prayer list today!
@brooksmd Maybe I’ve told you but for about 10 years we drove Mom& Dad to The Northland Christian Church on the North side of Topeka once a month for the Saturday Night Alternative-Southern Gospel & potluck dinners. First place we ever heard the Isaacs. Even heard half of the Stamps quartet there once. That was almost 25 years ago when I was one of the youngest guys in that gym. My how time flies. All of our days are now becoming much shorter.
@bskeet Ride that “Glory
Train” skeet. Our tickets have been paid in full.
@nuleafjhawk One of my all time favorites… I love to share this!
@bskeet Best of luck with the radiation. I had 44 treatments in 2013 for the same cancer. Been doing pretty good since then. Having the Hawks go down like they have the last 2 seasons feels much more traumatic to me. But it really isn’t. Life itself is much more important. Hang in there. You will do well. ROCK CHALK!!!
@globaljaybird Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. This will sound weird (I won’t even say “probably” - it’s just weird), but I feel closer to a lot of you on this site than I do to people with faces. We’ve all said it before, but @approxinfinity - thank you again for this site - it’s about a lot more than basketball.
@nuleafjhawk I know what you mean!
@nuleafjhawk appreciate you guys immensely. We came over to this site Frank’s freshman year, hard to believe. This year has been a real joy talking through Frank’s senior POY barnburner tour and talking about Selfs evolution as a coach with you all.
@Big-Clyde52 Hope your status continues. My wife has a close friend who has gone through 3 rounds of recurrence after chemo and radiation, with 2 to 3 years clear reports each time.
Sometimes I look at sports as a tool we unconsciously use to channel our sadness and grief from real life into something ultimately not important.
We get to express our anger, our frustration, and our disappointment. That is a huge release of pent-up emotion. But if we are stable and healthy, we can then realize how minor an issue a game is, and then set it mostly aside. And that becomes a second huge release of emotional baggage.
Of course, we have seen several people who don’t seem able to do that!
@mayjay Thanks. Best wishes to her friend. It is easy to forget that without our health it does not matter what else is happening.
I was just sick after the loss last night, so did something weird to take my mind off of basketball all together. Listened to Ronnie Bennett and Timi Yuro until I fell asleep after midnight. Worked pretty well as I woke up in an okay mood. Things will be better.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes and positive thoughts! Giving you a virtual handshake and one=armed hug and back-pat.