Offense Only vs Chris Beard's Group of Ragtag Misfits Game Chat
We shot 51% for the game, 50% from 3’s, 81% from the line, held them to 40%, 39% from three which is below their average, outrebounded them by 11, had a few too many TO’s but forced the same amount from them. And we OUTSCORED THEM BY 17. Other big 12 teams are going to compete with us. This wasn’t a bad performance at all by our team. Not once did I feel like the game was slipping away.
@wissox steals?
You’re making a assumption. You don’t what a sweet 16 game would be like. Me personally it was a pretty good defensive game for the Jayhawks. I mean I get you want a lock down nobody scores defense. Yet remember to play that type of defense affects your offense. And offense is what this KU team does best.
@Crimsonorblue22 We had 9, they had 4 too, so that’s good, right?
Lucas’s line just edges Bragg’s. Interesting.
Sure the defense isn’t the same but Bragg may surpass LL on a by min basis.
@Crimsonorblue22 I have my Texans jersey on. I’m happy the Texans won. I’m ecstatic we looked better, and squashed a good Top 25 type team. I’m not going to let peanut gallery yammering ruin the victory buzz.
You’re about to play the Patriots. oops sorry for killing the buzz…
@DoubleDD We’ll get killed…lol. But, we’re still playing, so it could be worse.
@DoubleDD Ha, beat the Patriots. They’re my pro football Duke. Hate them. But I don’t care too much actually. If the Bears ever figure out how to field a decent team I’ll care again.
When the Bears get a new ownership, then maybe things will change.
@KUSTEVE trash talking?
Just read that’s our 2200th win. I’d love to know how many since 1985 when I first became a KU fan.
@DoubleDD I guess I don’t know why people are thinking I am upset and disappointed? If tonight’s game is all you expect, thats fine. I am just expecting more because I know they can play better D.
I always enjoy watching the games despite your opinions.
@DoubleDD He still sucks in playoffs …
@HawkChamp We beat a good team by 17. That said, we need to improve a lot more. But, it was a better effort. Good to see Devonte hasn’t turned pro yet, and had his best game in a while.
@HawkChamp I agree w/you, we are all happy w/win! Always room for improvement. Never be satisfied it will bite you in the rear. Rock chalk!
It’s ok bubba. Nobody thinks that. Every KU wants more. It’s apart of the lore. You’re fine. Just try to enjoy the journey a little bit more. I mean this team just went from not playing defense at all to playing pretty good defense. That’s all.
Beard is a pretty classy coach!!
@KUSTEVE Don’t fret Jethro- same wit da Chiefs too they still play like squaws when it counts.
@DoubleDD I am enjoying it, but I know not to get too excited about home wins. I want to see this team win at Iowa State and West Virginia before I consider them a final four/championship contender.
asking the cats that watch the NBA. Is this KU team the Golden State Warriors of College Basketball? If not are they close?
@DoubleDD yeah they remind me a lot of the Warriors.
I got ya. Road wins are big. Lets cross our fingers and hope for the best. I’m not to keen just playing with just two Post players, but I’m not coach.
@DoubleDD I’d say kU is the closest comparison to the Warriors - nobody else really is similar
@Crimsonorblue22 GN @Crimsonorblue22 & @RockChalkinTexas Nice
to hangout for awhile & will try to BBack next.week. If ya hear from Dad let him know he needs to get JOS for dis next one …Prob working on da church bulletin tonight . Tell him I said so too! On da rebound.
Me and Frank bad pic of me lol
@kjayhawks looks good
Are you a student right now young fella?
@BShark young fella? You talking to Mason?
@Crimsonorblue22 Had to work the range today, then give my bride a break since she had the gbaby today. Then take gbaby home so had to watch replay of game. Maybe if JJ brought each ref a box of Shari’s Berries they’d cut him some slack. His first pf was bs. The no goaltending call was bs.
@globaljaybird Who you callin’ “dad” you old fart?
@Bwag said:
@Crimsonorblue22 I think Grayson has a problem.
He is a problem. It’s his head. I’ve watched his trippin’ of the Elon player several times and in my opinion he should’ve gotten a double T. One for the trip and one for his outburst at the ref. And after he tripped the Elon player, why the hell did he look at his hands? It was like he was placing the blame on his hands. As I’ve said before, I hope he makes it to the league and tries his trippin’ bs. He’ll get the butt-whuppin’ he so richly deserves.
@BShark haha no not quite that young
Best gif of the evening. text
@wrwlumpy needs this comment from Landen afterward (curtesy of @Crimsonorblue22
Full quote from LJW:
“That’s our point guard and he got fouled pretty hard so I just went up, very nicely, and asked (Livingston) not to foul him that hard,” Lucas explained after the game. “He felt like I was attacking him or something and wanted to throw himself against the back of the hoop and then realized that that didn’t do anything so he came up, pushed me and then go the tech. I was really just making sure that he knew not to foul Frank that hard… It reminded me of someone who used to play at Oklahoma State.”
Who’s he talking about???
@brooksmd From your post, it should have been “Grampa”–my favorite name!
“Po-Po” here in da bayou. It’s music to my ears. Three weeks ago got a call on my b day from 3 yr old g-daughter in Australia and she sang happy birthday to me. Told my son that was better than any b-day card.
@kjayhawks Hudy posted on her twitter account the installation of the new Rock Chalk sign and said it was Frank’s idea. I can’t get the video to copy so here is the capture from her account. Check it out!
@RockChalkinTexas cool thanks I love Frank lol, something with number 0 trob was my boy as well