New Years Resolutions for Bucketites
I will not complain…about anything. (will be broken in about 5 hours as of this writing)
I will read entire post of @jaybate-1.0
I will not make fun of Bruce Weber. Yeah right.
I will learn how to spell jumpin jehoshaphat. (Just kidding @jayballer54)
I will wait to buy season celebratory T-shirt til after NC is won.
I will get excited about KU football and volleyball, and baseball this year.
I will ramp up the intensity of my dislike of Duke until it nearly consumes me.
I will ramp up the intensity of my dislike of Kentucky until it consumes me, only to be saved by us beating them.
I will feel sorry for the sorry state of Missouri basketball, actually, no we won’t.
I will stop saying “no no Frank…good shot.”
I will push for Frank as POY.
I will dream of the day we break the top 300 of FT percentage teams in the NCAA.
I will paint my middle age chest Crimson and Blue when I attend the KU-Texas game in Austin. I will not post pictures.
I will blast all trolls as unpatriotic, pinko commie trump lovers/hillary lovers (make your pick),
I will be sure to have a Jayhawk themed outfit for every day of the week including appropriate wear for church, weddings, barmitzvah’s, and funerals.
I will not post any more meaningless drivel on the Bucket.
lol, I was NEVER any good at keeping resolutions- -probably NEVER get JUMPIN - -GEE - -HOSSA - -FATS right lmao - -HAPPY NEW YEARS MY FRIENDS, stay off the streets tonight on streets is amateur night – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I resolve to never call us bucketeers. Sorry, it’s just too close to “mousketeers” for me…lol.
I will edit all posts for @KUSTEVE !!!
@wissox you can edit mine too! I’m always going back and seeing some dumb mistake I made!
Aw, man, I kinda liked calling ourselves the Bucketeers. If anything, it makes me think we’re out on the edge (cutting edge?) like buccaneers. The noun, not necessarily the NFL team, although former KU DBack Bradley McDougald of the Buccaneers made a key stop against my Chiefs, ended up costing KC the game.
Mouseketeers is the name for Duke fan site, to remind us of K’s face…!
@wissox I applaud your drivel! Mazel Tov!
@approxinfinity thanks! It was kind of fun to write. Is that a Jayhawk yarmulke in that picture?
@wissox & @Crimsonorblue22 Once again, by the grace of God, we survive another year… So Happy New Year to all you happy ass board (bored?) rats. This time last NYE I was calmly dispersing of a flask of fine cognac only to be alerted by my 4 legged son Rascal, that it was time for him to water a bramble in the back yard. And that fine friends, is when all Hell broke loose with the skunk !! Fortunately for us it was not a bullseye, direct hit, but yet a quite meaningful glancing blow. Damn sure got my attention off the spirits & back to reality in a New York minute. A peaceful transition into dreamland was henceforth delayed by a few hours. Since now he’s a bona fide condo doggie, this year for dang sure he’ll stay on the short leash & outta harms way !! No cognac for me this year either folks. But I " gotta bottle of brandy handy in case I encounter a skunk …which I also have handy !! "
PS Thanks to the great WC Fields for allowing me to paraphrase his reference & passage.
@globaljaybird same to you! Never thought you would be where you are now.
@Crimsonorblue22 Me either. Happened so fast its still hard to fathom. Not many people sell a house the first day on the market with no haggling for full asking price-it’s a shock to the system for sure. I’d also be a little remiss if I didn’t tell you it’s somewhat “nightmarish” wakin up in misery every day too. And just in case ya ever need the quick reference for (Diggit sox?) - Phideaux: This worked pretty well. And I was damn glad it did.
@wissox it is. Not mine. Belongs to the world wide interwebs.
@KUSTEVE Works for me too Steve-
New Year !!
@wissox how bout the John Birch Society ? It’s in da Funk & Wagnals 4 u millenials…
Phideaux should be there too
Imagine long!.
@wissox Love ya, man…lolololol…
@wissox Good thread…funny stuff. The Frank…no,no…good shot was great.
@KUSTEVE For me, it’s Frank’s drives into the paint against 3 or 4 defenders. You know the ones: Frank plows into the trees with know idea what he’s going to do, then contact sends him flying across the boundary into the photographers and cheerleaders. I hold my breath until I see that he’s moving and isn’t paralyzed like every other human being would be.
@stoptheflop. Frank seems to be a little more under control, or at least converting more of those, don’t you think?
@wissox Yes, Frank’s spending less time on the floor this year compared to last. I haven’t been cringing nearly so much.
@wissox Yes, he’s certainly scoring more often, But, as Frank goes, so go the Jayhawks. Imagine the horror if Frank gets hurt and can’t go. It’s that nightmare that makes me cringe when he drives into the trees.
@stoptheflop said:
@KUSTEVE For me, it’s Frank’s drives into the paint against 3 or 4 defenders. You know the ones: Frank plows into the trees with know idea what he’s going to do, then contact sends him flying across the boundary into the photographers and cheerleaders. I hold my breath until I see that he’s moving and isn’t paralyzed like every other human being would be.
Recall his game in Nassau vs Villanova a few years back / Yuk ! I’m glad that schizz is over.
@tundrahok said:
@wissox Yes, Frank’s spending less time on the floor this year compared to last. I haven’t been cringing nearly so much.
But the bigger guys will still beat the pulp outta him in conference…