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  • Much, much better game all around. Yes, Bragg is struggling. It’s like his timing is off. But, he’s playing hard and he has such a great attitude that I’m sure he will be a consistent contributor by January. Great tune up for Indiana. RCJH

  • @jaybate-1.0 Josh was nasty too

  • I am really liking those 5 assists by our OAD.

    That may be another first this early in the season.

  • Doke, Josh and Svi w/post game interviews.

  • @jaybate-1.0 Bragg didn’t start. Vick did

  • Coach Self just said Carlton is a really good player, he’s just in a funk. Does everyone get the one hour post-game show?

  • About LaGerrie,

    Actually, that quiet line could bode well for him. He was clearly ice cold from outside, but did not let it unsettle him. 5-6 front the FT line, and 4 reebs, and ZERO turnovers in 25 minutes is the kind of performance that is going to get him some SELF trust for the Indiana game.

    And wouldn’t it be great if he came out 4-4 against them Hoosiers?

  • @jaybate-1.0 he’s hustle not showing in box score

  • @stoptheflop

    Not me.

    When a player is in a funk this early, it translates to TOUGHENING BOX!!!

  • @jaybate-1.0 I still think LL is a lil leaner

  • LL much better offensively

  • @jaybate-1.0 Another thing about Lightfoot… he’s in the right places on the floor, setting screens on O, filling lanes on D, but not wasting energy flying around (like Bragg is right now). Showing signs he has a high BB IQ.

    Could be Bragg is just so much faster than the competition right now, but it seems like he just needs to dial it back a half notch and just use the afterburners when he needs to.

    Doke… if all he does is run the floor for dunks, grab 7-8 boards and block 3-4 shots a night, I’d be thrilled. But he looks MUCH better than I expected this early.

  • @Crimsonorblue22


    I think Bragg could have problems with how rough Indiana will play this early in the season.

    Self is probably trying to make Indiana prepare for Vick, but once Bragg has a chance to watch a few minutes and feel for what will be allowed and what will not be, then I am hoping Bragg will come in and do his thing. We are going to need four bigs even with playing a lot of 4 out.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said:

    LL much better offensively

    Great to hear.

  • @DanR

    Makes sense on all counts. Thx.

    Gotta get our newbies into a Big Ten bang ball game and see which ones like it, and which ones its going to be an acquired taste.

    Sounds like Doke and Lightfoot will like it, but you never know till the live rounds fly.

  • Good night all.

    The old man has to get his rest now.

    Rock Chalk!

  • Jesus UK put up 156 points tonight

  • @jaybate-1.0 when ltft killed a guy the bench was priceless!

  • Doke is bright, did a good job in his interview!

  • image.jpeg Svi trying to break a hip

  • image.jpeg
    Ltft killing a guy

  • image.jpeg Bench excited about ltft’s dunk

  • image.jpg Ltft taking a charge

  • I told you that Lightfoot would be the breakout player for KU; so far, so good. At this point I would put him ahead of Bragg and Coleby, based on performance to date. He might end up being the steal of the class.

    I don’t know what to make of Bragg. He has the tools, he has been in the system for a year now but he seems at time lost and to have butter fingers, missed a dunk early when the ball seem to squirt off his hands, then he missed a couple of rebounds by not being able to hold on to the ball. One time 3 KU players go after the rebound with no ESU players around, fumble the ball that goes out of bound for the turnover…embarrassing.

  • I’m sure Carlton has been preparing to be the man this year for 2 years now, during his recruitment, and last year, the staff, his family, the students all expected this to be his opportunity to take the offensive big man reigns from a graduating senior scorer in Ellis. And then along came Jackson, Udoka and Lightfoot, the freshmen that weren’t, and then Vick getting the start in the second exhibition game, and all those presumed opportunities now appear writ in water, not stone.

    There is no doubt you’re right @jaybate-1.0 , this is already the toughening box.

    Go Carlton! You can and will be great on this team that is great too!

  • @approxinfinity yeah, he was green last year and had freshman moments, but this is nothing like last year. He also has not been put in a position to score. How many times has he had the ball on the block for a b2b move? Or how many times has he been in a pick and pop situation? I don’t remember one so far.

    Coach said he is a good player and in a funk. Prediction - he is going to snap out of it pretty soon. Hopefully on Friday.

  • Re Lightfoot’s ft shooting: stats over time will tell the tale but I think he will be fine. KU is his dream school so I’m guessing he was super nervous in these exhibitions.

  • @BShark

    He looks like he has good form. Could be nerves, something to monitor

  • @JayHawkFanToo said:

    I told you that Lightfoot would be the breakout player for KU; so far, so good. At this point I would put him ahead of Bragg and Coleby, based on performance to date. He might end up being the steal of the class.

    Only exhibitions so far but I have to tip my hat to you. He is high bb iq (this team in general hooo boy I can’t recall having 2 large wings with the feel for the game that Josh and Svi do) and is aggressive, two traits that will get you on the floor for Self.

  • @approxinfinity My prediction all along has been CB will need to conquer college bb before he goes pro. I think he’ll need another year here. 5 TOs/ 5 fouls = hot mess. He has enormous talent, but has to solve the mental aspect first, imo.


    Definitely looks that way but let’s wait and see what he does first in real games. I can’t imagine the lights won’t come on when it matters. He’s an intelligent kid with great character and I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now is going to last.

  • So much summertime talk about Bragg needing to become our next Perry Ellis, putting up substantial numbers; is little wonder that this soph, who really didn’t play significant minutes last season, is struggling to find and establish his game. CB has the talent to rise from his current “funk,” given time and opportunity. Jaybate probably on target re Self’s “toughening box.” Seems as tho someone every season must endure that specific role! And Lightfoot: gonna be tough for Self to seal this freshman to his bench. An early riser, for sure.


    I was looking at these number earlier and shaking my head. It seem that Carlton has let the hype and expectations get to him and his head is just not in the game. Maybe he needs to start thinking about staying one more year and get the expectation monkey of his back and go back top playing basketball unencumbered and having fun while doing it.

    For KU to be as successful as predicted, Bragg needs to have a good to very good season. 2 points, 4 rebounds, 5 turnover (out of 11 total) and 5 fouls in 15 minutes is what you get from an end of bench player in a pinch and not form a starter.

    The scheme to play 4 guards with Bragg at center is just not happening right now. I can see going with Lucas or Lightfoot or maybe even Dok ahead of Bragg at this time.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I think CB will be just fine… eventually. I don’t think he is ready yet to dominate, and will grow nicely into a solid contributor by year’s end I am of the opinion this team doesn’t need CB to be a star to be a complete badass team, final four/national championship team. You have future NBA pros sitting on the bench, itching to get into the mix. Don’t think for a second Coach won’t slap Doke into the lineup at the same time as LL - we can go as big as anybody in the country if need be. The other path opens the door to vets Svi and Vick, and now we’re potentially one of the fastest teams in America. We can literally field an entire starting 5 of 3 point shooters- or we can throw a big kid in LL, and a bigger kid in Doke at you the same time if we want to push you around. Our guards are going to be trapping, and stealing the ball all over the court …the passing will be tremendous. Wait until they get 10 to 15 games in- the ball is simply going to zip. The depth on this team allows Coach to play a variety of ways, with a variety of lineups, including your guy, Lightfoot. That kid is a natural born brawler- when he hits you, he flattens you out. We haven’t had muscle like that in so long…put him in w/ Doke, and we’ve got a mack truck frontline. Next year, they’ll have to issue shoulder pads for other Big 12 frontlines.

  • @KUSTEVE this team, I think, is the type that has a lot of room for growth and will improve a lot during the year.

    Good point about ball movement - to think we haven’t been running offense these past two games.

    I hope coach runs a couple plays for Carlton to get him going on Friday - pick and roll type stuff. Bill doesn’t sound too worried about him - he is better than what he has shown and just needs a few positive plays to get back in a groove.

  • I think Jaybate has a point with “Not to worry about Bragg. He was destined to suck for half a season, while he figures out the new body he is inhabiting.”

    Bragg has grown in both height and muscle, I went through that as a runner and I promise you it will totally throw you out of rhythm. Add to that the hype and pressure to compete for a starting spot it is easy to believe he is sped up. Self comment that he is in a funk but is a good player adds to that theory. Of course the toughening box is there to get his mind and body back on the same page. Just have to wonder how long it will take.

    My breakout player is Vick. Svi will be great don’t get me wrong but after I spent a weekend at a camp with some of the guys I have felt Vick has improved the most.

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