Chat here!!

  • @joeloveshawks That is not you thinking. It is you knowing.

    That, too…lol.

  • @KUSTEVE stay up w/brooks, vail, jbate, where’s global?

  • Game ball to Mari!

  • Well, let’s see. It looks like should be part of the Civil Defense system. When commercial internet breaks down, this hardened web site keeps on ticking.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Good call. His drives down the lane turned the tide. He was the only guy at that point that didn’t seem to be intimidated by how intense B12 ball was. He kind of just said, give me the ball and let me drive guys. I’ll show you we can play at this speed.

  • 350 of our posts came in the 2nd half, like selden!

  • Really glad to see Greene assert himself. The second half we saw a Jamari we haven’t seen this year. Frank was simply clutch - kept us in the game without trying to over-do it. Selden was flat terrible…until it counted. Then he was CLUTCH. This team refuses to lose- BIG 12 CHAMPS DEFENDING THEIR TITLE!!!

  • Good question about Global…didn’t he say he was down in Florida? Maybe he is out night fishing.

  • @KUSTEVE Great post. Exact thoughts. Perry is not in this game but he will be later. Mari was big. Greene was showing what he can do. Selden was patiently waiting to show what he can do. Love our depth.

  • @jaybate-1.0 He won’t be fishing tonight - it’s going to be in the forties here, with 30mph winds…brrrrrr! I’m going to have to wear a jacket tomorrow…


    The last ten minutes they played like guys that wanted to win a street fight. They can now walk proudly when the older guys come back for games to watch them.


    Ah, it must have been you that was down there.

  • @Kip_McSmithers

    So i’m playing uno w my daughter and i laughed out loud about your k-state cassette comment! She asked me what I was thinking of so i tried to explain to her that cassettes were really old technology and k-state has to pipe in jock jams from 1996!

  • @VailHawk

    Yeah, its funny this chatting during the games has become a very fun thing. I really think it is one of the best things that have fallen out of the whole online sports gig, at least for me.

  • Much better than just watching without interacting.

    And it keeps one one one’s toes and learning. Everyone sees a little something else and it helps to get a feel for the flow of games.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    Totally! I used to think you guys were crazy on the old site for typing DURING the game…but now I dig it.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    OBTW, How did we win this game?

  • 20-25 years back I worked on some research about the future of the internet. And it is really amazing what we did NOT foresee. Never had a clue this sort of thing would happen. Predicted online communities, even chat boards, but never ever even dreamed of persons sitting around all over the country chatting in real time about a game.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    Funny, I was just thinking something similar during the game. My wife tried to dispute that scott drew isn’t a poor coach and I said there are a lot of people who think the same thing as me!

  • @VailHawk

    I am not really sure to tell you the truth.

    The simple answer is what I wrote about a few days ago: Self’s approach is to hang around and let other teams self destruct.

    But there was more to it than that.

    This was a very tough match-up zone Baylor played. Very tough to get shots on. All match-ups are that way when played correctly.

  • The quantitative answer is we completely shut off their inside shooting game…held them to 34%.

  • Attendance at Baylor Game ==> 7,088

  • @RedRooster

    Frankly, I didn’t think there were that many in Waco that would go to a game. 🙂

  • @RedRooster thx! Can’t wait to play them properly at home!!

  • @jaybate-1.0

    I assume 20-40% were Jayhawkers, right?

  • We sure as heck did not control the boards. We were minus 8 on the glass.

    But we turned it into an inside shooting game and our M2M helping inside jammed them up and we found the seams inside on their zone, especially from about 14 to go the second half.

  • Just got through this whole, delightful thread… Awesome postings… I could almost see the game in my mind’s eye as I read the comments.

    PHOF: The KState cassette reference… That’s some serious wit!

    Oh, and I’ll add MBMAP to the glossary.

    A win is a win… The quest for #11 begins on a positive note.

  • @VailHawk

    Notice that Rico Gathers, who seemed to be just too much for us to handle on the glass just could not get untracked inside. He went 3-10.

  • BG and Selden at the post game. Both confident! BG really confident!

  • @bskeet

    Yeah, it really is a wonderful win to squeeze out on the road.

  • Self says hi post was wide open not getting ball there.

  • @VailHawk

    You look at our offensive numbers and it really came down to Jamari going 6-7 through the part of the game where our guys just didn’t know if they could play as tough as Baylor. Jam Tray got them through the crisis of confidence, and then Brannen (4-5), Frank (5-11) and Wayne (4-9) just played very balls to the walls down the stretch.

  • It’s often said the high after a win is never equal to the low of a loss. I can honestly say I’m sooooo glad we won this one bc losing to baylor would have REALLY been annoying!

  • Cliff also did some good things that don’t show up much over 20 minutes, but were critical in the second half. He was only 2-3, but but notice that he got 4 assists. Those four assists were something new for him and that mean he was actually instrumental in 12 points (8 on assists and 4 of his own). He couldn’t board much for reasons I don’t understand.

  • @VailHawk self says great team win, they had 8 more throws, 8 more boards, and bears 8-15 from 3, hard to win on rd w/that

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Self loves getting it to high post! However, high post needs to take one or two dribbles and draw the D and then kick back out for threeeeee!

  • I’m thinking someone picked us 57-56 on a thread today. Need to let that guy read my palm & feed the chickens.

  • @HighEliteMajor


  • @globaljaybird I said 57-54 w 3.5 min to go

  • @globaljaybird who?

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Don’t recall but will look back tomorrow. Might a been Kip or DanR

  • One of the things we did on defense that Baylor was not expecting is we blocked quite a few shots for a small team. We got seven blocks to their 5. Perry actually got 3 blocks.

    What I want to say about Perry is something a lot of people don’t understand, or appreciate.

    People always are quick to praise results: scoring, boards, etc.

    But there is a thing called keeping going, keeping trying, keeping playing hard when nothing is working for you that is crucial for a team’s players to be able to do.

    Perry has had a history of folding out there, disappearing, when they block his shots and keep him off the boards.

    But Perry didn’t fold tonight. He kept flailing away against guys way bigger and more powerful than he was. He was on the floor many times. And he was scrapping with those big lugs. And to repeat he got three important blocks.

    Look at their three bigs: ON’ealewent 1-7, Gathers 3-10, and Motley 1-5.

    That can’t happen unless all of your bigs keep fighting even when things look bad.

    If any one of your bigs quits on you and disappears, then its 3 on 2 inside and you get overwhelmed.

    But Perry Ellis learned tonight that even when he is being overwhelmed, if he will just keep fighting as hard as possible and banging and scrapping, that that will hold his man and keep him from helping on the other two. Perry learned tonight that he can make a big contribution even when he can’t do squat in terms of scoring and rebounding. He learned to play a good floor game when all else fails.

    In some ways, Perry Ellis was what made it possible. In previous games like this one, he would disappear and then our other bigs would be overwhelmed. But that did not happen tonight.

  • @jaybate-1.0 I agree, Perry did that in the unlv game. He came back hard! He’ll have more good games than bad.

  • what is it about ku basketball that makes me grow fonder and fonder of them every year…ye even every game!!!

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    My god, if Self even decided to quit free riding on Perry and scheme some stuff for him, Perry will have some very good games.

    What Self is doing is just letting Perry muddle a long on his own, while Self tries to find ways to turn Oubre and Cliff and others into D1 players. Self is having to do all sorts of special stuff for Oubre and Cliff just to get the pacifiers out of their mouths and get them up to D1 speeds. While he focuses on scheming stuff for them so they don’t just get blown out of the tub all of the time, Perry has to kind of run around and make do on his own. This is a real trial for Perry. Self did the same thing to Marcus Morris his second year.

    Self always says its is a big step up from being the second option inside to the first. He said that about Thomas Robinson, when he took over for the Morri.

    Perry is having to find out how lonely it is on a D1 floor when there are no older brothers looking out for you when the blue meanies come calling. Its just you and them. There’s no Embiid. No nothing but Perry.

    Cliff is off in head school. Cliff is thinking too much to really take the pressure off yet.

    Oubre helps but relieve the pressure on Perry, but Oubre is no where near advanced enough to actually help Perry directly.

    Perry is so quiet no one realizes that he is carrying the load out there even though it looks pretty bad some times.

    And here is the thing: Perry is carrying the load AND the team 12-2 and has played one of the toughest schedules in the country. Talk about lonely. But for all of Perry’s limitations as a 4, he just never quits coming. He is a true Kansas guy. Quiet. No excuses. Just keeps doing his job. It was a tough pre-conference schedule to have to become the guy in.

  • They r killing Perry over at KU sports, needs to give his scholarship up. They would eat their own!

  • @Jesse-Newell tweeted that this is game had the fewest possessions of a KU game since 97-98.

    While that is amazing, the site that he referenced is even more amazing with a database of stats that allow you to make comparisons or look up records on a lot of :

  • @VailHawk

    I know people think I am out in the ethers when I say this, but I am absolutely serious. It happens because KU Basketball is a living myth.

    Living myths are regenerative connections to the life force.

    The more you give to it the more it gives back.

    The more you learn the more you can share.

    Literary and cinematic myths are things like StarWars and they are not interactive. They are a one way energy transfer…from the creators to the viewers.

    But at the center of the living myth of KU basketball is not an illusion, not an art work, but a living breathing team. We are not cheering for a KU video made once a week. We are cheering for the real team of human beings that the weekly video is made about.

    Self is real. He is not an image of a coach.

    Allen Field House is unique. The light that comes in it really is different than the light that one finds in any other arena.

    Lawrence really was born of a Civil War in which one of the great issues of human history–are humans meant to be free and self governing, or toadies of an aristocracy with slaves–was played out.

    Kansas in the 1890s really did attract one of the most extraordinary collections of persons ever and really did generate a People’s Party that said: “the government is the people and we are the people.”

    The inventor of the game really did bring it to the shelter of Lawrence and the university, after seeing it coarsened and vulgarized in the big easter cities.

    The first coach and the first genius the game produced really did produce the KU basketball legacy for nearly 50 years.

    KU really was among the programs that integrated the game.

    KU really has had a phenomenal involvement in the evolution of the game.

    It really is the father of all basketball programs.

    Basketball really is the greatest game ever invented.

    All of these things are like logs on a mythic fire that burns on.

    You cannot help but experience it and feel its warmth.

    The myth lives.

    You touch it.

    And it touches you back.

    That is what is different about this.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    +1,000,000,000,000,000 PHOF!!!

  • @jaybate-1.0 I need to get a framed poster (or better yet, a laminated plaque) of that post. Something to look at when times get tough.

    There isn’t a better reminder of why we bleed crimson and blue.

    JB, you are our true hoops guru.

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