White flag event

  • Banned

    Man when it rains it pours.

  • @mayjay

    There’s no lipstick for this pig. They have been terrible, particularly the last two days. Any hope of contention is basically fading away with every passing day. They would need to go on a 10 out of 12 streak to recover at this point, and the way the offense has looked, I can’t see them suddenly snapping out of this funk and getting hot.

  • @JayHawkFanToo My specialty!

  • Duffy was arrested in KC for DUI on last Sun while team was playing in Cleveland, situation with Royals is getting worse.

  • @AsadZ oh no!😭

  • @AsadZ Cops in KC are notorious to set outside of restaurants waiting for people to emerge so they can write tickets also. Pretty shifty operating tactics so revenue enhancements can be maximized. 2 beers & you flunk. Not saying it’s OK, but just saying entrapment is rampant in most all law enforcement these days. Is mostly about the money for sure. This has zero effect on the team but hopefully Duff becomes a much smarter adult because of it. Thank Heaven no one was hurt.

  • @globaljaybird the article I read said he was pasted out drunk not just two beers drunk. I know a guy that got a DUI after having two beers in a hour that’s bigger than me. I’m 6’2 215 and it takes 8 unless I chug them to feel anything.

  • @kjayhawks just saw a news feed coming up at 10 said 2 gals found him passed out in a drive thru. They were scared. That sounds pretty dang bad! Maybe he had some Med’s for his arm?

  • Royals blew their chance for a record. Only had 45 innings without a run. 3 short of major league record. From espn.com:

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Whit Merrifield, Jorge Bonifacio and Eric Hosmer homered as the Kansas City Royals snapped a 45-inning scoreless streak on the way to a 6-2 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays on Tuesday night.

    Merrifield’s 16th home run with two outs in the third ended the Royals’ drought, three innings shy of the major league record. The 1906 Philadelphia Athletics and 1968 Chicago Cubs share the mark with 48 scoreless innings.

    Hosmer’s three-run homer, his 22nd, in the seventh off left-hander Dan Jennings gave the Royals a cushion.

    Bonifacio homered with two outs in the sixth off Alex Cobb (9-9).

  • However, going into the game they did have the longest American League streak in over 100 years. Since the St Louis Browns. You remember them! Again, from espn before the game:

    Kansas City has now gone 43 consecutive innings without scoring a run, which is the longest streak of that kind in over 49 years, since the Cubs failed to score in 48 straight frames in June of 1968. The last American League team to go at least 43 consecutive innings without scoring a run was the St. Louis Browns in 1913 (43).

    Mayjay again: You have to laugh because Tom Hanks made it illegal to cry.

  • It was all over the news in KC. First, it was not in front of a estaurant that sell alcohol, it was at the drive-tru at Burger King at 135th and Metcalf in Overland Park. Second, they interviewed the two girls that called the Police and they both indicated that he did not appear to be drunk and there was no alcohol odor whatsoever; he seemed to just have fainted. A lot of questions why the police gave him a DUI. This is all we know so far.

    Let’s wait until we have all the facts before passing judgment.

  • @JayHawkFanToo He basically admitted to it in his press conference. And Dayton’s comments have been extremely harsh.

    The likelihood of him being guilty at this point is pretty high.

  • Passed out, car in drive, foot on brake, scary. No smell of alcohol, if he was that bad and he was, they usually reek. Still wonder about Med’s and his injury. 7:30. Duff does so many great things for the city he loves. I hope he doesn’t have a problem.

  • How costly will be the blown save by Kelvin H last night. I wish we had not traded Wade Davis.

  • @AsadZ tough call. Who would have predicted Herrera would suck so bad in the closer role? Guy has been nails for 3 years.

    If Soler becomes a 30 HR guy for the next 4 seasons, that changes things around too. Too early and emotional to judge the trade fully, yet. But at this point we definitely are losing the trade.

  • @AsadZ he’s toast!

  • I believe Royals are done, I cant see them getting into playoffs, too many holes. I hope that Moose can break HR record. With so many free agents it will be an interesting off season.

    It will be awesome if Royals can somehow sign Hos and Moose and address much needed pitching.

  • @AsadZ I’d like to keep hoz and Cain.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I like Cain, great teammate and solid presence in the club house. What I am not sure is if he can improve from both offense and defense perspectives. Has he reached his peak?

    If Royals can sign him for a good value than I am for it.

  • @AsadZ I was wondering about moose and his injuries.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Moose gets injuries like Brett did. From trying to do more than more careful players do. Remember when he was lucky not to break his neck in the 2014 playoffs?

  • I am wondering if Moose can improve his injury situation by losing some weight, less stress on body.

  • @AsadZ

    Moose went from 220 to 210 pound at the end of the 2011 season and he has maintained that weight, At 6 foot, he does not seem to be overweight to me for a power hitter.

  • Might be to much for a bum knee

  • JayHawkFanToo said:


    Moose went from 220 to 210 pound at the end of the 2011 season and he has maintained that weight, At 6 foot, he does not seem to be overweight to me for a power hitter.

    Does he actually look like he has maintained 210? I look at him and immediately think 6’ 225. And not a good 225.

  • @Kcmatt7

    He is listed now at 211…

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