It sure looked like Landen baited Livingston in last nights game. I think I’ve seen Landen get under the skin of opposing bigs this year and last year which is hilarious. We’re so fortunate to have such a savvy fifth year senior we can count on.

Best posts made by rocketdog
RE: LL, you've come a long way...
RE: Scott Pollard assistant coach?
@HawksWin Always been a big Scott Pollard fan and heck yeah I’d love to see us have another KU guy come back to help the program they fell in love with. Kinda think he’d be a good recruiter too with that personality and he’s got some credibility when it comes to talking about his experience in the league. I’m all in.
RE: Bad day for ranked teams/parity
@nuleafjhawk OH YEAH! To further demonstrate how little Wichita State means to me - I almost forget about their loss yesterday. What happened to the 35-0 days?
And people wonder why we don’t schedule these clowns every year…
@wrwlumpy said:
RED RYDER - Man we are old aren’t we?
You think you’re old? I had kids and a mortgage when that movie came out!
RE: Something
For me, I used to focus too much on the poor/boneheaded plays of our team and not fully appreciate the beauty of how these same players would spool off a 17-2 blitz that destroys the other team. And I tended to only “see” other teams runs in games. Anytime a team goes on a mini-run, they look pretty good for that stretch. I gotta admit, I’m digging on this years squad for the runs they put together. I see a lot of Bill’s 2012 team in this team and because of that I can’t help but feel good going into the tourney.
RE: Day 4 Tournament Game Thread
So much for the KC Star getting into our teams head throughout the season. They can suck it.
RE: One night ONLY: An Iowa St. fan
At half time, Fred convinced his guys they were playing the Jayhawks.
RE: Mitch Lightfoot is officially a Jayhawk
@jayballer54 Damn. That was a hard read to follow.
RE: BENCH LUCAS (cant play)
Games like this on national TV concern me. It clearly hurts in recruiting when one sees how Self manages the talent he has. Self’s myopia and hubris is frustrating to all that see this unfolding again, and it hurts me to feel this way because I really like, generally how coach Self represents our program, school and community…
RE: Ok guys
@jayballer54 Pretty good take on the game and potential of Diallo taking this team to a final four. Hard to not be excited now that he’s here and looks ready - really ready!
RE: I Almost Forgot: Harry Edwards Needs to Stay Away from Lawrence Until He Pays Us Back for Jacking Jaylen Brown!!!!
@jaybate-1.0 What does need explanation is why von Braun lead a team in 1967 to Antartica to retrieve a bunch of moon rock meteorites shortly before the US Apollo space program went to the moon and brought back a bunch of alleged moon rocks, most of which can no longer be found, and which turn up in places like Neil Armstrong’s closet found after his death by his wife?
Interesting. This is a story I’d never heard. Surely you’re not suggesting that the fake moon landing conspiracy theories have merit. We’ve been deceived by our government more than we know, but I don’t think I can accept that notion. I was barely nine when Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon and it was magical for me at the time. The space program inspired me and my generation to embrace technology and I felt positive about our future. I’m still hanging on to that.
RE: Frank's Legacy
I’d like to add a couple of names that get missed when we look back. Kevin Pritchard, Milt Newton, Adonis Jordan and Rex Walters deserve some props considering their contributions to FF’s and a NC. It’s going back a ways, but I’ll never forget those years.
RE: KU vs the Purps
If this is KU playing loose with no pressure, I like what I see!
RE: When was the last season KU had a lottery pick at point guard?
Wasn’t K Hinrich lottery pick in 2003? I suppose technically he might not be considered a point guard though.
RE: Head coach David Padgett
My nephew is a MU grad and I’ll never forget his response to David Padgett’s game winning shot against MU at the Hearnes Center. He was so pissed. He said that David Padgett will forever be known as David f’ing Padgett to MU fans. Still makes me laugh the way he said it.
RE: Self Has Covid
@BShark Exactly. I suppose that if someone wants to drive without wearing their seatbelt that’s on them. They generally will only put their own lives in danger. However, a drunk driver (the unvaccinated) is a danger to themselves and others.
RE: OU, Texas to the SEC?
@KirkIsMyHinrich Adding KU and Notre Dame would be pretty much a home run for the B1G. Without adding someone like Notre Dame, the B1G can sit back and wait it out. I did see where someone mentioned a KU/MU package to the B1G, and at first I thought it kinda ridiculous, but honestly it’s not that crazy. Both AAU and geographically it makes sense. It would open up another spot in the SEC for OSU or whoever fits best for them. Personally, MU can suck it, but anything facilitates our move to the B1G, I’m down.
RE: Nov 25 Headlines: Self not likely to coach USA, and other stories
Speaking of spokes, I recently noticed John Robic was an assistant at Kentucky. He was an assistant for Brown from 86’-88’. Funny when I looked up his bio on a UK site, they failed to mention his time at KU and being a part of a National Championship.
Why are we an Adidas school?
I’m aware of the contract KU has with Adidas but can some explain how we ended up with them and for how long KU is obligated to their brand. Seems to me there is a real shoe war that dominates basketball recruiting and Adidas ends up as one of the have-nots when it comes to the very best of the prime high school stars. I wonder sometimes what our rosters would look like had we been a Nike school for the last ten years. Don’t get me wrong, coach has pulled in some really impressive classes and I always seem to love most of the kids he draws. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but it feels like an embargo of top bigs has taken place.
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks, I forgot about that article on the Greene injury. Yeah, Jackson’s injury was way worse, so I’m feeling a lot better about Greene coming back and maybe having a pretty decent year.
RE: Mitch Lightfoot is officially a Jayhawk
@jayballer54 Lighten up Francis.
RE: OK. what's the deal
@ralster I feel 100% supportive of KU Ladies Basketball also. 100%! Agreed. But don’t forget the women’s volleyball team!
RE: Self gives explanation of his "fools gold" comment.
@Statmachine No problem, it made me think about what I wrote. By the way, I do appreciate reading your posts and the knowledge and insight you bring to the board. Keep up the good work.
Coach Self not publicly campaigning for Diallo...
But, he totally is. I think it’s awesome. New Bedore column in LJW concerning Cheick Diallo and the NCAA. In the article, Self states:
“We’ve got to do our job as far as to create a situation in which the process moves in a more favorable direction toward Cheick, if in fact that’s possible, which we 100 percent believe it is. Yes it’s frustrating but at this point in time I don’t have to say anything publicly because that will happen. That’s going to happen. It won’t necessarily have to come from the University of Kansas or the athletic department, but it’ll happen. It can’t help but happen. At some point in time when you see a 6-foot-9-inch kid sitting with a coat and tie on at the end of the bench, every camera that we play at is going to focus and the announcers are going to talk about Cheick. That’s going to happen. That doesn’t mean we’re planting seeds. That’s a fact of the matter. Every game we play (in which he’s) not suited up that’s going to be a topic of conversation. It’s not like we have to do it. Trust me the media will be our mouthpiece without
RE: New Plan: Rebound with Guards, Score with Doke, Shorten the Game with Bragg and Big Luke, Bring on the Mothers
I know we’re all hopeful that Devonte stays for his senior year, but realistically if he’s projected to go in the first round - he’s gone and he should leave.
RE: Can we win a national championship without a strong interior?
It’s a great question. But I’d be curious to know if Bill believes they can. I’m afraid he’d say no. But I also think it’s too early to write off Bragg and Lucas. Bragg will likely have some great games and look average in others - not sure if or when the light comes on with teenagers when it comes to consistency. Lucas’ minutes may be limited simply because of the inherent speed of this particular coach Self team. I’m awestruck at the speed and athleticism we’re seeing and it’s potential. Amazing really. But our bigs need to get healthy and step up. When that happens, watch out - this is a final four team. I’m going to enjoy the ride like most of us.
RE: Sunflower Slaughter Game Thread
I usually have to wait for the replay. It was a nice surprise for me - dedicated cable cutter.
RE: So what ya think? / score today
KU - 88, ISU - 66. Our threes will fall and we run them out of the gym.
RE: Tejas Game Thread
The good news for Texas fans - since the Leanhorns scored 55+ points tonight, patrons at Pluckers Wing Bar get five free wings!
RE: Day 4 Tournament Game Thread
@JayHawkFanToo It would be an awesome win for South Carolina and Martin. Go Cocks! That just sounds bad.
RE: An Appetite For Discussion And Ginger Lime Duck
It was a respectable season and the Hawks were a lot of fun to watch, but that was a tough ending. I’m sad for sure but the guys that had bad games tonight feel a lot worse. At least I don’t sense that Bill puckered as much as we didn’t play well and Oregon did. I also don’t believe we got beat by an inferior team. Oregon is good - good enough to cut down the nets, so I’m gonna let it go while hoping Donna Altwoman stubs his pinky toes in the dark every time he gets up to take a leak in the middle of the night.
RE: Pre Season Stat Projections
There’s video of Doke working out and he was pretty fit looking. I think he’ll be able to play more minutes at a speed we’ve never seen from him. No more baby fat!
I too chose not to watch the second half, because I really hate to see them lose. Instead I decided to wait for the fireworks in town. My birthday is on July 4th and I’ve always liked celebrating Independence Day and it was so sweet hearing the first boom off in the distance. I thought, you gotta be kidding me. And the flood of fireworks just kept coming. I immediately started watching the second half and zipping through the commercials. I know this is weird but it’s good for my blood pressure
RE: Not a positive outlook
Anyone else see no. 6 Auburn’s close call with FCS Jacksonville State? Seeing that actually made me feel a little bit better about our close loss to SDSU.
RE: Nov 25 Headlines: Self not likely to coach USA, and other stories
I think it should come down to Self or Izzo because I can’t stand Boeheim, and while I can respect Pops, he sure can be wet blanket. Does anyone else remember Popovich being on the bench at KU when Larry Brown was here. Seems he was here for one year, but I can’t find anything to confirm that.
RE: Just Beat Duke, OK!
They were trying to strip the ball more than tackle him. Hell of a run!
RE: Nov 25 Headlines: Self not likely to coach USA, and other stories
This season, Im afraid, the Sherrontagon-O-gloom, Tyshawntagon, Elijahgon… has hit its Naadir, running right into our Masonry. We have a habit of leaving Chalk-dust in our wake. Or shake (harlem).
That’s good stuff ralster. The Jayhawks record in Manhattan since the early 80’s is truly remarkable. I called in and told Jason Whitlock on his radio show in the mid 90’s that it’s no longer a rivalry when one team dominates the way we were dominating. He said I was crazy and of course it’s a rivalry and tried to make my comments sound over the top. And we just kept winning at their place. Seems to confound all the laws of in-state rivalry… uh… laws.
RE: A Perfect Tension
@jaybate 1.0 I rarely comment on the boards, but I read everything by everyone. And when I reached you’re second paragraph, I had to look up and check to see if it was really you. My first thought was how happy this would make so many people on here and the timing was great. Thank you.
I do not know you, and that’s ok, cause I much prefer to use my imagination when reading the posts by everyone. For some reason, I envision you as a cross between Winston Churchill and “The most interesting man in the world” guy. And I like that. Thank you.
I’ve always loved your take on the subjects discussed and the thoughts you provoke, and will never forget how masterful you can be when shucking down a would-be antagonist. Approx, I think you’ve just rounded out your class with this kid. Thank you and Merry Christmas to everyone.
RE: One night ONLY: An Iowa St. fan
I’ve given up on ISU winning this one for us. Lonnie’s got himself a pretty good team. This is what veteran teams look like.
RE: One night ONLY: An Iowa St. fan
It’s working. No way they come back. This game was over at the half. The magic is gone. Brent said so. Just gotta keep a negative attitude. It’s working!
RE: One night ONLY: An Iowa St. fan
@VailHawk there you go. Wait. You don’t really think the clowns are gonna pull this off? Magic is gone damnit.