North Carolina sending students home after outbreak
So North Carolina is going to do virtual classes, but the football players are staying. That the players want to play there is no doubt and they are adults - can vote and, if necessary, even be drafted. I say, let them play after signing a waiver and for those who don’t want to allow them to opt out and give them another year of eligibility. What say you? It’s not like they are going to be less safe playing football, if anything with students being gone they are going to be even safer.
@Marco said in North Carolina sending students home after outbreak:
So North Carolina is going to do virtual classes, but football players are staying. That the players want to play there is no doubt and they are adults - can vote and, if necessary, even be drafted. I say, let them play after signing a waiver and for those who don’t want to allow them to opt out and give them another year of eligibility. What say you? It’s not like they are going to be less safe, if anything they will be even safer.
They was just talking about this on my local sports talk show.- - This is going to open up some debates. - -They are talking about students going to argue if the players stay then the regular student should have the option to stay.
Students going to say they aren’t getting the education that they are paying for if they have to do on line classes and are going to demand money back if they don’t have the same option that the players are getting. - -No more safe they will say for players then students - - bringing up if your giving the players testing and extra precautions against the covid then the students should have the same opportunity. - -gonna get touchy = = =ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayhawkblue73 Agree. There is no win with this pandemic. If they play, everyone who is doing classes from home are going to bitch. If they don’t play, then all of the players and parents are going to bitch. Keep some states shutdown and the citizens will bitch; remove state restrictions and people bitch that you removed them too early and don’t care…
There’s plenty of other times when athletes are basically the only people on campus such as over summer and winter breaks.
This will also give UNC a much better chance at completing their season because their players are now in a much more controlled environment with a lot fewer interactions with people outside the program.
Chapel Hill’s covid numbers are getting a lot better with each week. In part because most of the city is shut down.