Marc G
Love to see it.
I would love to see MG carve out an NBA career as a shut down defensive stopper much like Bruce Bowen all those years with San Antonio.
Love ya Marcus, glad to hear your coming back, Had to stick up for G many times talking about his offensive end, he has turned that around some -enough to where at least I feel he IS NOT as big of liability on the offensive end.
And on the Defensive end - -he will STEAL YOU BLIND IN A NEW YORK MINUTE. – -BAM ! ! ! and he is of headed the other way - -I’m - -talking CYA, opposition wondering what the hell just happened -MERCY - -QUICK - - ya feel me- - I said QUICK. - - OCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I was way off the mark on Garrett, bigtime glad he’s coming back. It will be interesting to see where Garrett is drafted after his senior season. Since I just brought up the NBA draft, question - how many future leaguers do you think we have on next year’s team?