Doke/top 10 ESPN
Ya big fella - -Doke hiy the highlights # 4 on ESPN top 10 highlights. - -ESPN also ran a prety lengthy hight of KU setting the school record for 3’s this morning.
Anyone wanna guess who made the # 1 highlight on ESPN? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Allen tripping someone?
dylans said:
Allen tripping someone?
lol - -no that wasn’t it - -THIS TIME - -it was - - -Zion Williamson with a windmill slam dunk in his game. - Would be nice to get him - but feel that’s a distant dream - -more of a chance with Romeo. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer54 Hammond, the team Zion was playing, was only able to prepare with 2 practices for that game, their season opener. 9 of their 13 players had previously been unavailable because they were on the fb team, and had won their SC state championship game on Saturday.
It is a very expensive private school about 1.5 miles away from my house. All the big SUVs zooming through the neighborhood are a huge irritant around here!
What is it about the affluent and those brand new, behemoth SUVs? They seem to buy them by bakers dozen and give one to each member of the family, especially the kids going to spend private schools, then one for the family driver, then one for grammie, then two for the company fleet expensed as backups.
If they were thinking clearly, they would ALSO send them out to be custom up-armored and require their darlings to wear Kevlar exoshields to class.
Have you seen that reputed market research done for one of the American CarCos that circulated around the internet for awhile that characterized the primary market target’s personality profile for different kinds of new cars? My favorite was the one for large SUV drivers. They tend to be sharply more selfish, and sharply less caring about others, in comparison to all the other categories of drivers! I never bothered to run down, if it was a legitimate bit of research, or just something hoked up for click bait, but I got a kick out of it, anyway.
mayjay said:
“All the big SUVs zooming through the neighborhood are a huge irritant around here!”
They better not “hit a curb” or they won’t be playing college ball!
Larger cars are inherently safer. My brother got older Expeditions for his 3 HS-college aged sons and one of them was in a serious accident but he was largely unscathed; had he been driving a small compact car he would not have been so lucky. Something to ponder.
JayHawkFanToo said:
Larger cars are inherently safer. My brother got older Expeditions for his 3 HS-college aged sons and one of them was in a serious accident but he was largely unscathed; had he been driving a small compact car he would not have been so lucky. Something to ponder.
Especially in our reputed current era of remote crashing of noncompliant person’s cars by the Deep State?
P.S. to @JayHawkFanToo
Choir preaching regarding relative impact advantage of an Escalade over a Civic.
Likewise, armored personnel carriers are sharply safer than SUVs
in impacts.
Alas tanks and SUVs lose out to the Terex MT 6300AC: 400 tons/ 3,750 HP in most impacts.
I would vote for most any pro constitutional republican government favoring, anti NeoCon/NeoLib, pro rule of law, anti Deep State candidate for President that promised every American that does not already own a large SUV a Terex MT 6300AC and the necessary fuel subsidy to operate it to let the SUV drivers spend a little time being squashed like bugs in traffic accidents. Nothing like walking around in another man’s driving shoes to make him appreciate a problem of asymmetry.
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…and how many armored personnel carriers, tanks and Terex MT 6300AC do you see in the streets? SMH.
I give up. How many?
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Off your meds today?
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@JayHawkFanToo As to the first two: Saw a few on the streets of DC on 9/12 16 years ago. I see them all the time around Ft. Jackson. Once at a light, in a glance at my rear view mirror, I saw a long tank barrel pointed directly at me. That almost made me very Depends-ent.
The big mine trucks? Never, but we did see four flatbeds last week, eack carrying one monster tire about 13 feet in diameter. So cool! We see all types of fun stuff here.
You poor, poor bot.
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You guys are not doing a very good job of letting me distract you.
If you are in Fort Riley, home of the Big Red One, you will see lots of the first two but not many or any at all in your average drive around any town. You might see armored carriers under special circumstances (9/11 around government property) or the occasional SWAT armored truck but you will not see tanks in any urban setting unless they are riding on a semi since their tracks tear the pavement up and the very expensive tracks wear out quickly. The Terex? it is not even highway legal.
Your chance of getting into an accident with one of these vehicles is pretty much ZERO so why bring them into the discussion?..that was my point.
As long as I get to have my buffers, I’m cool.
@JayHawkFanToo I took it as tongue in cheek precisely for the reason you cite. You took it too seriously. I was going to point out a Javelin missile would take out all 3, and it weighs about 22 lbs, but I didn’t want to interrupt y’all’s incisive back-and-forth. (SMILE)
jaybate 1.0 said:
As long as I get to have my buffers, I’m cool.
Good for you! “Buffer-in” will help with the pain of hitting a nerve.
I know, A dump truck or a snow plow (lots of accidents with those) would have been much better examples without using unnecessary hyperbole. Of course no one drives those as personal transports.
But a harvested, guided asteroid fragment would hit with sufficient impact to render that missile a minor irritant.
@JayHawkFanToo They do in the movies. No, oops, they use them as weapons. Con Air, Tremors, etc.
Seriously, you’ve gotten a great idea for a business. After market conversions of Terexes into Executive Terexes for sale to leaders of resource countries, etc, pumpdoms, and/or petroexecs, operating in these pumpdoms recently knocked over by their proxy enemy ISIS, or soon to be. Wouldn’t it be impressive for someone in the private oligarchy’s installed lackey base in the Middle East to tool around this war torn pumpdom in an absolutely lavishly tricked out Terex!!!
I can already see the Jet Black with gold trimmed Terex rolling right over Joule Oil headquarters and then pulling up in front of a Russian Casino for some baccarat and a caviar stuffed falafel!
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