Anyone Else Watching Last Chance U?
I stumbled on Netflix’s Last Chance U last summer and really liked the close-up introspection of the several junior college football players it followed during the 2015 football season. At my age, I’m just not around young men to see their struggles and just how few options some have. The first season of the program ended dramatically with a brawl and the East Mississippi team forfeiting it’s last two games. Coach Buddy Stephens lost control and absolutely melted down after the brawl-all on camera. I can’t believe he wasn’t fired.
The second season covering the 2016 football season just started on Netflix. The second episode covered the struggles of running back, Isaiah Wright, who was in foster care for six years with his brothers. It’s a sad and compelling story that helps me appreciate my family and the stability I enjoyed growing up. Check it out if you miss football as much as I do in the summer.