Watching theScoreboard
The Royals with a 2-0 lead I their half of the 4th & Twin up 4-0 on da tribe in bottom of the 7th… gettin tightern’ a gnats ass stretched across a rain barrel in the AL Central. Twinkies & Indians both with 34 losses & the boys in blue right there behind em with 36. 6 division games next week
Well Joey bats
just made this one a new game top of 5. 450’ dinger is a no doubter. Hammels itch count already in the mid 80’s. Call to the pen may be the right move.
Abt 30 pitches in the top of the 5th this will be it for Hammel. After 4 1/2 it’s all
tied up at a deuce apiece.
@globaljaybird ugg
@globaljaybird nice tie
Too bad Alexander’s short day wasn’t shorter.
Thanks ump.
Butera needs to let one nail the blind man behind him.
Moylan walked off too quietly. I would’ve stayed and got my 30 cents worth.
Our new Chris young?
Gotta show u guys the pic from tv yesterday, awful
Can’t post it, says something went wrong
Yeah, I want one of those Fizzoo branded Royals hats. NOT!!!
Dang! Not our day!
Well I thought the Rangers were trying to help us out, but now not so sure. Start the bottom of the 6th they were up on Clev 9-2. So far they’ve given up 4. Last I looked the bosox were up on the twins also. 9-7 now at Clev and tribe still batting.
@Crimsonorblue22 Your Marlins man is at CWS, just to left of plate.
@wissox Seems those 2 wins against Ore St took some wind out of LSU’s sails tonite.
@brooksmd I have a lot of men!
brooksmd said:
@Crimsonorblue22 Your Marlins man is at CWS, just to left of plate.
Sounds fishy to me.
Crap, now 12-9 tribe still batting bot 8th.
Bosox now 4-1 vs twins, bot 8th at Boston.
@brooksmd Yeah, they’re not looking too goodly.
@Crimsonorblue22 You should latch onto Marlins man as he does seem to have mucho dinero. Look at all the games you could go to.
@Crimsonorblue22 And probably private jet or at least first class air.
Oops, Tex/Clev in bot of 7th.
@brooksmd ok I will!
15-9 still bot 7th. Tex self-destructing.