Watching theScoreboard
Abt 30 pitches in the top of the 5th this will be it for Hammel. After 4 1/2 it’s all
tied up at a deuce apiece.
@globaljaybird ugg
@globaljaybird nice tie
Too bad Alexander’s short day wasn’t shorter.
Thanks ump.
Butera needs to let one nail the blind man behind him.
Moylan walked off too quietly. I would’ve stayed and got my 30 cents worth.
Our new Chris young?
Gotta show u guys the pic from tv yesterday, awful
Can’t post it, says something went wrong
Yeah, I want one of those Fizzoo branded Royals hats. NOT!!!
Dang! Not our day!
Well I thought the Rangers were trying to help us out, but now not so sure. Start the bottom of the 6th they were up on Clev 9-2. So far they’ve given up 4. Last I looked the bosox were up on the twins also. 9-7 now at Clev and tribe still batting.
@Crimsonorblue22 Your Marlins man is at CWS, just to left of plate.
@wissox Seems those 2 wins against Ore St took some wind out of LSU’s sails tonite.
@brooksmd I have a lot of men!
brooksmd said:
@Crimsonorblue22 Your Marlins man is at CWS, just to left of plate.
Sounds fishy to me.
Crap, now 12-9 tribe still batting bot 8th.
Bosox now 4-1 vs twins, bot 8th at Boston.
@brooksmd Yeah, they’re not looking too goodly.
@Crimsonorblue22 You should latch onto Marlins man as he does seem to have mucho dinero. Look at all the games you could go to.
@Crimsonorblue22 And probably private jet or at least first class air.
Oops, Tex/Clev in bot of 7th.
@brooksmd ok I will!
15-9 still bot 7th. Tex self-destructing.