Coach Self
Well read where coach Self has become the New President for the NABC. - -Interesting, just another accomplishment and how he is respected by peers.
Really not sure what all that even involves - -little help? - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Not sure. Hope it involves increasing appearance of non Nike program recruiting success with Nike power team players in summer game!!!
Rock Chalk!!!
Just one more step up the ladder for Bill. Not many steps left. He’s right there at the top and we are only beginning to take advantage of improvements made within our program.
Recently… heard lots of NBA chatter that Coach Pop might be leaving within the next couple years. I’ve heard the same chatter before, but he’s now losing most of his old team he had for around a decade and SA is about to become a completely different team. Does he have the patience and desire to basically start over?
SA has always been the one NBA situation that I believe intrigues Bill. Doesn’t mean he is truly interested in the job… but who knows?
@drgnslayr Sounds like SA should draft Frank Mason as bait, just in case.
I know Self and Buford et al make a bridge.
But I wonder if Self is ready to lose badly for 3-4 seasons?
I have been wondering if Self’s embrace of the trey and the 4-1 with Perry and then Josh has been in part an advertisement that he knows how to coach NBA small ball.
The place that I think could be a great fit for Self would be to move in an take over as head coach for Fred Hoiberg, with Fred moving upstairs. Fred immediately got to .500, then into the playoffs last season, but Fred has that heart thing.
Self and Fred would make quite a tandem.
Chicagoland would be able to embrace Self as a returning hero to Illinois and keep loving Fred.
Perish the thought.
Self’s mission is to go on a Wooden style roll at KU once Coach K retires and Cal is marginalized and Roy gets senile.
Self loves him some Frank; that’s for sure.
You need to read up on what is going on in the NBA. Hoiberg has not come even close to meeting expectations and he is in the hot seat and barring a great next season he will be gone.
That’s exactly why I thought it would work.
And I like this new one off yours: “You need to read up on…”
I’ll add that to the list of phrases for gaslighting and discrediting posters, rather than just disagreeing with them.
Rock Chalk!
Instead of attacking the messenger you should have read the message on the link I cited at If you would have done so, you would have read quotes like…
Hoiberg’s two seasons in Chicago have been mediocre at best and descended into complete dysfunction.
But going into next season, the hot seat will be Gentry! Holberg (if he’s not gone already), Dwyane Casey and maybe Nate McMillan.
I’d guess that Alvin Gentry and Fred Hoiberg are sitting on the warmest seats, but both of those guys are just finishing up their second season.
All the comments coming from different analysts. Also, as much as Coach Self respects Hoiberg, I just don’t see him coaching under him.
In short, while your scenarios sounds intriguing, if you follow the NBA you would know that if Hoiberg is let go (unlikely in the near term given his contract) he would not stay with the Bulls given his lack of success running the team and his likely destination would be ISU.
JayHawkFanToo said:
Instead of attacking the messenger you should have…
Howling!!! I have to add this one, too.
You appear a bottomless upwelling of gas lighting, discrediting smears, and thread cracking rhetoric.
Its like you are programmed to begin each post with one.
Carry on.
I still think Fred as GM and Bill as HC in Chicagoland could be a toddlin’ combo for da Bulls.
JayHawkFanToo said:
Another keeper!
Interesting adaptive re-use of an old slang.
jaybate 1.0 said:
@drgnslayr Chicagoland would be able to embrace Self as a returning hero to Illinois and keep loving Fred.
Yikes… not sure how that would go. I don’t know any old Illini but I do have family in Chicago and they’ve told me Bill is still hated up there at Illinois.
Guess it was a double-blow for them. Losing Self while winning Weber. I know Weber took them to the FF with Bill’s team… but look after that… Their program never recovered.
They loved him at Illinois.
They are right to resent his departure and success at KU.
But I would give strong odds he would be warmly embraced, once again, if he were to go to work for the greater glory of Chicagoland.
They know better than most how good he is, because they had him once, and lost him, and watched him go onto awesome accomplishment.
And he never wronged them, or left their program in worse shape than it was when he arrived.
Quite the contrary: Self left them all a great team that went to the Finals under squeaky.
No, I have to believe Bill Self could walk in and get the key to the city.
I also think Chicagoland fits Self better than San Antonio, but you never know. Chicago is just an awesome city, despite the bad pub it is getting for the designer violence going on there. Self might not be the right guy for NYC, or LA, but Chi? Oh, I think the City of Big Shoulders would be great for the Coach with the Broad Shoulders.
Now, I sure as heck hope he doesn’t do it.
So: just between us, I hope you are right and Chicagoland and Da Bulls cut off their noses to spite their faces and fire Fred, and pass on Bill, instead of being smart and moving Fred upstairs and Bill onto the bench.
@jaybate-1.0 My buddy who is an Illinios fan (and resident) isn’t too high on Self either. Still has hurt feelings I suppose.
Self leaves, life goes on. I wish I had an ounce of worry about it. I don’t. He’s given us a chunk of his life. There are other good coaches that can keep us chugging along. We might not win the big 12 every year (horrors), but you never know how other things might shake out. We could descend in the darkness or maybe a new coach will win a national title with Self’s players. Or maybe Self stays 15 more seasons and all is good.
Haters gonna hate.
KU can replace Coach Self, but I want to wait until he wins a string of rings.
But speculatively speaking, if we sign a replacement that has William Wesley as his agent, well, I figure we could finally get our share of OAD/5-star 1s and 5s…somehow…without even having to open a PO Box in EST and claiming to be KU-Eastern Shore.
Larry didn’t want for talent down at SMU, even after not having recruited since the early cretaceous era.
Or KU, since the early Jurassic.
Or UCLA, since, well, back when he assisted Dean back in the single cell era.
Cal has not wanted for talent at UK.
Or Memphis, well, not for ringers, anyway.
Or UMass. I still wonder how Camby showed up at UMass.
Say, who is Bill Self’s agent, anyway?
Does he have one?
I’m not doubting they hate on him NOW.
I’m doubting they will hate on him when he is hanging Ws and championships for THEM.
@jaybate-1.0 Precambrian?
@jaybate-1.0 Worldwide Wes has his agent’s license now. He can’t do what he used to do for Cal as long as he is a certified NBA agent.
@HighEliteMajor Remember it’s off season and there’s nothing like projecting something to worry about that may or may not happen. Maybe somebody could start a thread on why we aren’t going to get the top oad in 2025. Could it be he knows that HCBS would be in San Antonio?
Texas Hawk 10 said:
@jaybate-1.0 Worldwide Wes has his agent’s license now. He can’t do what he used to do for Cal as long as he is a certified NBA agent.
I wonder what the chances are that WWW became a “certified” NBA agent, so that he could do MORE?!