Senior Night vs OU

  • @Bwag two things about that quote.

    A. same sentiment well as what we were discussing: can’t play like this in tourney and win. B. acknowledgement that this game did not really matter ("…In a game that really matters")

    Trial combat is not real combat. I believe this team will win the war.

  • @dylans

    McDuffie is WSU’s best player. Looks like he can play in the NBA tbh.

  • @bskeet

    Yea, I was thinking that too… OU is going to be tough next year. But i still wouldn’t bet on them winning at AFH 😆

    Not too excited about the conference tourney (as usual), but man, I am stoked for the Dance this year. These kids know how to win, and just never give up!

    It’s good to be a Jayhawk these days.

  • @BShark Why do you watch Wichita? Life is too short.

  • @BShark

    McDuff reminds of Cleanthony Early

  • @dylans

    I like basketball.

    @BeddieKU23 said:


    McDuff reminds of Cleanthony Early

    Interesting comp.

  • @BShark I see. I like KU basketball.

  • Banned


    Every person is entitled to speak their mind. After all this is America regardless of who you voted for. Yet what is misleading? Though you have a right to speak your mind doesn’t mean nobody can respond to what you wanted to say.

    Yes KU played like crap. Yet instead of saying they stink. Try to understand why? From you’re posts I’m getting the feeling you’re all but guaranteeing a early tournament loss? You want to focus on the 33 minutes of bad play. Yet you don’t want to give any props that KU out scored OU 31-9 in in what 7 to 8 minutes.

    You may want to say it’s luck but KU has done it all year long. It’s just the way this team is built, and have to play. They are short handed on the bench. So they have to play it safe for most of the game as to not foul out key players before the game really counts. It’s only in those later moments are they allowed to play with the fury we see time and time again. What good does it to play great for 33 minutes, yet then lose it in the end because 2 or 3 of your best players are sitting on the bench, because they fouled out of the game?

    I’m fine with criticism, yet at least try to understand what you’re criticizing. I may have to disagree with you again? Coach seems not to get hard on this team. In fact he goes out of is way to defend his team’s play. Either way he isn’t criticizing them.

  • @autohawk Always

  • @DanR Yeah…I’d look out for KU too, just sayin’

  • @BeddieKU23 did he get shot w/a hooker? 🤔

  • @DoubleDD yes. You can bank that. If they play that way against “insert tournament teams name” here for 33 minutes. I will gaurantee a loss. No that doesn’t mean they will. And no it doesn’t mean I said they will. Best thing to do is probably read all information rather than picking parts of it that only supports what you think my opinion is. I’m largely fond of this team. And if you can’t see that. Then you haven’t seen enough of my posts to make an objective reply. Either way. I couldn’t care less if you agree with my opinion. Whether you feel it to be backed up with data and info or not. I respect your opinion. You can do the same with mine or ya can’t. Really doesn’t affect me. I’m not changing my train of thought for you or anyone. And id expect nothing less than the same from you. Hey. I love your positivity. And I sincerely hope you and others keep it coming. I also hope negative opinions keep coming. I also hope realistic opinions keep coming. I love it all. This board is where it’s at. And it will continue to be as long as the individuals that make it what it is continue to do what they do. It’s all great. It’s all part of it

  • Banned


    It’s not about whether I agree or disagree with your opinion. It’s I don’t understand your logic. I’ve explained why I think the way I do about this team. You have yet to do so. I’ve read many of your posts. It’s pretty much KU sucks and then well KU dodged another bullet.

    So if KU cuts down the nets does KU still suck? I know you say you’re quite fond of this team. Yet I have to wonder with some of your posts. Hey all I can do is read and draw conclusions.

    I have to question some of your logic. In one of your previous post you make a claim that Coach is just ripping this team during timeouts. Like a jockey going to the whip way to much. However every thing I read and see. Coach is quite fond of this current team. Do you have a link where Coach is pissed off at this team and he has to brow beat them every time out? Pretty sure Coach has said this is his toughest team. So why are you right and Coach is wrong?

    I guess I don’t know what is driving you? KU is number one in the nation, continued the conference winning streak, 4-0 against top 10 teams and is likely the overall number seed in the tournament. At this point in the season what more do you want?

    Are you an expert on what it takes to win a National Championship? I mean KU has had the great teams you so desire and they bowed out of the tournament early. So what gives?

    Anyways by all means criticize, as for me I going to enjoy the ride. Even if they play like crap for 33 minutes, then blow off the doors of the opponent.

  • Well let me ask this, if our current comeback style is one that inspires belief, what about the ISU game at Allen?

    There is no doubt that our “style” is a risky one.

    What makes our style even more risky is that we don’t have AFH on our side in the NCAA tourney. We’ll have, most likely, a partially hostile arena (as the fans of all other teams will be rooting against the #1 seed).

    We have to really win three games to get to the final four since the first one is a gimmee.

    Coach Self’s quote, as noted by @Bwag, is right on point, and think goes to what @cragarhawk’s concerns … “These guys are confident, but I think they think that, whatever the situation, they can flip the switch, which is a bad trait. You get behind like this in a game that really matters and you may not and probably can’t…”

    That says it all. Self knows our style is very risky in one loss and out tourney format.

    Of course, our toughness is a great asset.

    We’ve had all sorts of teams lose short of the final four under coach Self. Until we get there, I don’t expect that we will. It has not been the pattern for whatever reason. The pattern has been finding some way to lose, short of the final four.

    All we can hope for is that this unique toughness that Self describes will be the x-factor this season.

    I also think that the “good guard” theory is on our side, too. And we have one, POY Frank Mason, that can lead us to the title like so many other PGs have done for their teams. That, in my opinion, is our greatest weapon.

  • @DoubleDD while I recognize that I could be wrong… cause I have been before and certainly will be again. I don’t believe I’ve said this team sucks. I don’t believe I’ve said that Coach is having to “go to the whip” too much. I don’t believe I’ve said they have no shot at winning an NC. I don’t even think I’ve said they dodged another bullet… but I will tell you I believe they have dodged some bullets. I don’t think I’m alone in that theory. I think you’ve decided to view me and everything I say as negative and that is okay. But that doesn’t make it so. And yes I am very fond of this team. I have said in agreeance with others that I like the way CS has handled this team. FM is in my top 3 of players all time of not number 1. I think Devonte is as clutch as any guard I’ve seen. JJ is far and away my favorite one and done. I’m not at all sorry that I refuse to find fault within myself for hoping they all still improve at some things down the stretch. I’m not saying a thing that I haven’t heard Coach say honestly. Promise you he thinks they can still get better at some things as well. So this idea that you have that I think I know better than he does is unfortunately just simply a fabrication of sorts. Very much in conclusion on this topic… I am enjoying this team and “the ride” probably more so than I have since 2012 and I don’t really feel I need anyone to police that for me.

  • @HighEliteMajor Yep. Toughness factor and Frank.

    Remember though, Tulsa for the first 2 games. Not that far away. Should have a good KU fan turn out. Then, hopefully in KC for the next two games. Basically home court advantage. Granted, its not AFH but its very close.

  • @Lulufulu @HighEliteMajor I’ve kind of had a theory on this team for while now… Have not spoken it out loud as of yet. There’s no doubt they have huge grit… We all know what AFH is to every team. Every year. It’s phenomenal. Hands down in my opinion the greatest home court. But I find myself asking if this team is actually a better road/neutral team. Or maybe they can just recognize they have to turn it up a lil more sometimes to compensate the lack of the Phog. I do realize that the game in Morgantown would not support this theory. Personally I throw away the Honolulu game for multiple reasons. Other than that I think there’s much evidence to support this idea. The eye test is definitely a big part of it I won’t lie. And of course the feeling that this team could very much be quite special. If so being great away from home probably is one of the requirements. The Saturday game could be an indicator or it could be nothing. It’s really not for anything at this point other than some pride. Pride we would all happily sacrifice I’d think if it meant a run to or thru Phoenix.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    If we win 1 game (as the first is a gimmee) we’ll be playing in front of a packed house full of KU fans in the Sprint Center for a chance at Phoenix… Can’t think of a bigger advantage for any team going into March.

    The ISU game and how it unfolded is definitely a concern going forward, 18 3’s is exactly the recipe for beating a Bill Self squad. At least recently in the past 4 games KU’s 3 point defense has improved a good bit 29% and the points per game allowed has dropped a good amount into the 60’s. Are we seeing defensive improvement over longer stretches of time or just playing offensively challenged teams? And as I understand, 3 point defense is largely a statistic that defenses have no control over but the overall amount of points we give up has been decreasing as we get closer to tournament time which could be a positive sign?

    I agree fully that our style is risky, and history suggests in the NCAA tourney a Bill Self team gets tight in situations where they are facing a deficit. I don’t know if there is a correlation to this but KU has found ways to do it on the road (not just at home in front of an imposing home court advantage) overcoming deficits @ Rupp, and @ Baylor.

    At least as you’ve pointed out we have a player tough as nails with the ability to proverbially “put the team on his back”. Heck we might have 3 of those types on this squad.

  • @BeddieKU23 I have to imagine the overall amount of points were scoring has come down some recently as well. I feel like that happens every year to an extent on both ends. Second half of the conference season. Playing teams for the second time. I believe it’s somewhat a by product of that. However, I will say I think this team has improved it’s defense quite a bit from the start of conference. There’s still room to do it more often… but they’ve shown they can lock down when they want to. For some long stretches too if need be.

  • @cragarhawk

    I have often looked at how KU has played on the road as the true “eye test” as far as March is concerned. In years past we’ve seen a Jekyll/Hyde type team on the road. This year the team has shown unbelievable poise/toughness on the road besides the one dude in Morgantown.

    And while we lost to Indiana in a neutral setting we played well enough to win, we played great in MSG against Duke, we won the CBE while facing average competition. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest this team brings its game wherever it plays. I think a large part of that is the experience Mason/Graham/Lucas bring to the table. It’s something I think helps this team going into March

  • Banned


    I don’t know this KU team seems to play a more complete game on the road.

  • Banned


    Police you? I’m pretty sure you can take care of yourself. Remember you responded to me with concerns on what I posted. I just responded. I just wanted to know what feeds your logic. You on the other hand want to act like I’m trying to infringe on your first amendment rights.

    The fact or reality is no matter what kind of team you go into the tournament with, there is a good chance of losing. There is only one champion. Many of great KU teams have been sent packing from the NCAA tournament.

    It takes a special team to win it all. They have to believe they can win. They have to have a special player or two. They have to excel and not whither when it counts most. Sounds like KU has all that in Aces to me.

  • Seems to me… like to most teams that are 7 deep, if our key guys get quick fouls, see josh Jackson this year, frank and ll, West Virginia this year and Perry last year w/nova, we are severely handicapped. W/Perry’s being offensive fouls, he was completely stymied. Mason was completely off his game at wv. Of course w/ISU, not to many teams can beat a team that hits 18, 3’s. Part of me wants to play ISU again, I wouldn’t let Burton catch the ball, wear that guy out. They show up for conference tourney.

  • @DoubleDD We’ve been beat time and time again over the years by great guard play in the tournament. The only time I can recall losing due to superior size would be the 2012 title game against kensucky. Our great advantage this year are our guards, which was our great advantage in 2008. So, the ingredients are there for a deep run.

    We are a very tired team right now. It shows up in our shooting, our turnovers, overall sloppy play, and close game after close game. That’s the product of running a 6.5 man rotation. For reference, look at Virginia going through the meat grinder, who lost 5 out of 6 before righting the ship somewhat. Look at Baylor running the gauntlet. WVU, too.

    We are a distracted team right now- no less than 4 players have been in the news involving one immature act after another. Not your normal Bill Self team, to say the least. That is a brain drain, an unforced error, where one night of complete stupidity involves no less than 3 of our players. Then our other distraction comes up on Senior night, where at least 3 of our starters we know are playing their last game. For reference, look at kensucky’s epic battle against Vanderbilt last night on their Senior night. Kensucky was down double digits. Heck, look at Nova’s home loss to Butler.

    Yet we have posters in here demanding that we essentially win every game by 20, that we lay everything out on the floor in a meaningless game against a last place team. When we don’t, then we get post after post of critical commentary where the summation is always “if we play that way in the tournament, then we’ll get our ass beat”. And they are right. But they aren’t accurate in their perspective in trying to equate a meaningless game versus a game where everything is on the line. Apples and oranges.

    We’re winning games normal teams would lose. We’re winning games we would’ve lost last year. And here’s the real kicker- we haven’t played our best game yet. This team has such a fierce will to win, it is astonishing. I haven’t seen that since …2008. With some rest and focus, we will win the national championship this year.


    Solid post, good thing we only have 1 game over the next 9 days to rest the legs etc. The possible 3 in 3 days won’t help that afterwords but this is College Basketball. I’d rather see this team win every game it has to suit up for then trying to predict whether rest would help anything at this point. We either survive as we have all season long and keep doing so or we don’t…


    I would think the loss to Stanford was one due to superior size, wouldn’t you agree?

  • @JayHawkFanToo I debated whether that could be included. But losing the rebound battle 37-35 is not a conclusive result, imo. You could certainly say their size bothered our shots…BUT, Tarik Black was our leading scorer, and our starting guards ( Wayne and Naadir ) were a combined 3 for 13 against a team that had no point guard.

  • @JayHawkFanToo And all this time I thought it was due to Self continuing to focus our offense on getting it into the post, and thus our shots in the post were contested by bigger players (i.e. we missed bunnies – it was the missed bunnies game). Or, maybe, we’re now saying the same thing?😲 (that is my first emoji here, and it was the “astonished” one)

    I also seem to recall Wiggins sitting out on the wing, with multiple players in his face, all while the high post could have offered him an opportunity for some offensive looks.

    The 2017 Self would never have lost that Stanford game.

  • @HighEliteMajor I was at that Stanford game. And as much as everyone may disagree. And as much as it pains me to say it… I felt it was more an overall lack of effort or energy than anything else. Stanford did nothing special in my opinion. Minus Frankamp and Black. They came to play

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