Coaches Poll Released
Will it be a 1 vs 2 in MSG??
@BeddieKU23 better be! Indiana’s no slouch. Saw where NCAA came down on Pitino.
Other Big-12 Teams.
West Virginia- 18th
Texas- 22nd
Iowa St- 27th
OU- 31st
Kansas State got 3 votes??? Must be from Manhattan or drunk, likely both
Yeah he’ll appeal and serve some phony suspension
KSU got 3 votes? Every single poll has them as #9 or 10 in the Big 12…
@JayHawkFanToo every dog… This must be theirs? How is that possible?
Liberace’s siren’s song? LOL.
Yes I cannot actually make this up if I tried. More votes then Baylor, a team that is likely to be ranked during the year.
@BeddieKU23 How the hell did KSU get a vote let alone 3 lol Webber must be spending extra time on his knees. I saw on CBS they had all D1 teams rated and put WSU as 26, I spit out my drink I was laughing so hard they barely got in to the dance last year and lost half their team.
I kinda hate being ranked so high early in the season. Whenever we’re ranked high we tend to play down to our competition it seems. i like when our guys feel disrespected and get that fire in their belly.
Everyone plays down to competition unless you have an elite team.
But I get what your saying, Self’s job to create that chip on their shoulder mentality.
That’s what happens when you let coaches vote. The AP poll should provide better clarity.
I know CBS was having a nice drink party when they made that list. Wichita is not a good team this year after losing arguably the 2 best players that have ever come through the program.
It is coincidence that Kansas and Duke are ranked 2 and 1 right before the Mono Sodium Glutamate game?
@BeddieKU23 Xavier McDaniel and Antoine Carr? Long gone, VanVleet and Baker were nice also rans, but won’t have the pro careers that the aforementioned did.
@dylans Levingston and stallworth
@Crimsonorblue22 I think it is Cliff Levingston.
@jaybate-1.0 me thinks it is no coincidence
A little hyperbole? Dave Stallworth , Xavier McDaniel, Antoine Carr, Cleo Littleton, Warren Armstrong and Cliff Levingston among others would disagree.
give the mid-major its due: once every 30 years, they get a few great players.
@BeddieKU23 We could have an elite team this year. I just feel our teams have always played their best when we “overachieve” and play feeling disrespected. Take the 11-12 team for an example. Most of the talking heads didn’t think we’d be the ones playing against Kentucky.
@jaybate-1.0 ha it took me a minute to get the acronym at first. Good ole high school chem.