@drgnslayr I’ve not had lunch yet~!~
@JayHawkFanToo I agree with you. I was more surprised that it was just “assumed” that he couldn’t get one.
@drgnslayr If I were still active it would be a pain. I don’t do more than walk now but breathing is tough during allergy season-and of course I am sure my wife is way tired of the snoring. It can even wake me up so normally sleeping on my side takes care of it.
@JayhawkRock78 sounds like it is still a pain! U should check that out! Kinda bossy!
Seems like everybody has a broken nose story… My story
I got in a fight in seventh grade and got aroundhouse punch right in the nose… Broke instantly. Lots of blood… When I went home my mom was horrified. I went to the doctor the next morning, he brought me into the back room, and said “I can fix this right now” He soaked two large cotton swabs in liquid cocaine, attach them to two steel rods, and pushed them up into my sinuses… After about 15 minutes my whole face was numb… He then took a curved metal bar, Push it into my nose, braced his knee against my cheek and started to pull… It sounded like somebody stepping on cornflakes. He wiped up the blood , then held a mirror up and asked me “how do you want it?” Hi said it looked okay to me and he said let’s make it a little bit thinner and grabbed my nose with his fingers and squeezed… More crunching. Then I left . Had to take a lot of Tylenol that night
@Bosthawk omgosh! For real? @JayhawkRock78 will never get his fixed now! How does your nose look now?
My broken nose story. I was a boxer for a number years. Nothing big. Small clubs and such. Got hit thousands of times. Never once broke my nose. But then I got this big fight and of course, first round, broken nose. I lost the fight but got another shot at him shortly after that and won.
But Adrian didn’t want me to box anymore.
@Crimsonorblue22 You are right. I am like Rosanne Rozannadana.
My head hurts, I can’t see well, my feet are swollen, I am allergic to something and keep sneezing, my ears are ringing, I have gas, my calves are cramping, my stomach makes noises, my nose keeps running, I have hiccups, etc. etc.
Bad luck, especially when you’re a pretty kid. Then again, maybe that’s the kind of thing that unlocks a woman’s inner Florence Nightingale. I wouldn’t know. Despite playing football and basketball in HS and doing Judo in college (nothing seriously competitive), I never once broke a bone. Hell, even falling off the top of the gym bleachers when I was a dumb ass freshman didn’t break anything (of course I landed squarely on my head, er butt). Maybe I’m the opposite of some glass-boned, wheelchair bound mad man somewhere, or maybe I’ve just seen one too many M.Night Shamylan movies (and really that’s anything two and up). Either way, hope they don’t Owen Wilson you too badly, Carlton.
Well, this is a job for Mick the corner guy :
I broke my nose when a baby sitter dropped me on my face, but that’s another story.
The games haven’t even started and we’re getting hurt. I was mocked, ridiculed, reviled, and chastised for worrying about such things in this WUG’s and behold and lo, I guess I’m right, kind of.
7 games in 10 days fellas and gals, I still don’t like it.
Only sports injury I had occurred while watching football scouting film one afternoon before practice. Back in the early 1980s. Crappy b&w 8mm tape. No AC in schools back in them days… Walked to school through snow uphill both ways, etc. (actually I lived across the street from the high school so I did walk)
Anyway, I decided the room was hot, and the high school window I tried to open was stuck, so I bumped it with my palm to nudge it free and my hand went through the glass. Eight stitches. Lots of blood. Felt OK during practice a couple hours later until the local wore off. Had it wrapped like a cast the next day for the game and somehow managed to get flagged for my one and only holding penalty the entire year.
Good times!
@wissoxfan83 ok!! Let’s hear the story about being dropped by the babysitter.
Oh, another time… big-time basketball injury. I’d been married about 2 years, living in Lawrence. Was at one of the grade schools over in East Lawrence shooting hoops on the playground.
Usually when I tell this story, it was a regulation 10 ft rim, but honestly, it was about a 9 ft rim, so I was having fun doing 360 slams and alley oop dunks and stuff. Unfortunately, I was wearing my wedding ring. Went up for a reverse slam and had what the ER doctor called a 50% “de-gloving” accident as the ring caught on the rim and nearly took my finger off (well, the skin anyway). Nine stitches. Had to cut the ring off (sorry, hon’) and haven’t worn one since!
@DanR dang!
My first sports injury happened at 1 1/2 years old.
I was doing what most babies do… laying there shaking my arms and feet on the floor and my aunt dropped a vacuum cleaner on my head, requiring several stitches over my eye. I think that was the beginning of my “tough look” in my youth because it looked like a fight scar. Consequently, other guys want to challenge the guy with the fight scar, so I received plenty of attention and my life took a turn for the rough side because I wasn’t going to back down from the other bullies.
BTW: Thanks Aunty!
It was a sports injury because it was a sport trying to stay out of the way of my fumbling aunty.
I actually had a sports related injury last year. I was watching the Jayhawks in the NCAA tournament, and I jumped out of my chair at my desk, and banged my knee on the desk. It was of the most painful 3 seconds I ever had watching a game.
@KUSTEVE I’ve had my heart broken during several games…
@jaybate-1.0 That explains some things.
No malice.
I had my nose broken by an idiot Nebraska fan after they beat KU in football. He still had to prove his manhood by hitting a person who was looking away when he started his swing. I straightened out my nose myself as soon as it happened as it was layed over. (He ran away, wuss) Yeah, all Nebraska fans are the best, or so I’ve been told.
I had a couple of teeth go through my upper eye-lid during a lay-up drill. Stuff happens when you play basketball. If you think you can prevent all accidents then we had better change the name to avoidables. Or something that doesn’t imply sh!t happens.
@dylans crazy!
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Look at his eyes.
Did you fall over?
Did you stay down 5 minutes?
Hey, I was once shot in the face twice with 45 hollow points… I just shook it off and played through. You know, shizz happens.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Let’s talk about stopping ALL accidents!
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Let’s distract with an impossible straw argument.
Let’s ignore the evidence.
Let’s focus on improbability.
Shizz haps.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
There are no docs that could treat a nose break in Korea.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Did anyone else see where USA beat down China 93-56 in a scrimmage today?
Yes, not much of a contest. Looks like Coach Self started with all the bench players to get their playing time out of the way and once the starters went in, they ran dominated. Look like their are playing a fast game and Coach Self is till trying to keep the game simple and emphasize defense. The other teams are going to be better than China.
@Statmachine How did we let them score 56? Watching the highlights it seems like we should have won by 70. Looked like thier tallest player was 6’4
Billions of Chinamen and that’s the best Communism can create?
Should I even suggest that genetics, DNA, and … er, the politically incorrect stuff holds back China on the basketball court?
Or do they just not work as hard as our, uh, “urban” hoopsters?
Or am I just trying to cause trouble here?
They are too busy becoming the richest, most powerful country?
They are too busy building the trans-Eurasian hi speed rail and utility corridor to cut the Anglo-American central bank out of control of Halford MacKinder’s Eurasian center point strategy?
Still angry about the opium dumping by Brits and Americans back in TR’s gunboat days?
Been there done the hoops thing with Yao Ming?
Don’t like the market price for China white FOB old Kelly AFB?
Still sore about Herbert Hoover stealing title to biggest gold mine in China during the Boxer Rebellion?
Can’t stand Doogie Godlove?
All of the above?
@HighEliteMajor Now that’s funny! Least we forget, they do have a leg up on us in some other sports, but BBall, nope. BBall is American born and bread! More specifically, Kansas born and bread! Rock Chalk!!! Anything else I can say with more “!!!” ?
@HighEliteMajor Maybe Chinese kids care as little about basketball as our “urban” kids care about soccer? Or ping pong?
Still, out of a billion people, you’d think someone of authority in China would see at least one 7 foot 15 yr old boy working in a plastic factory and see some potential for something else.
I’m guessing the CBA (Chinese league) would stack up pretty well against some the top European leagues. I’m guessing China didn’t send the best team they possibly could have for this tournament for whatever reason.
Maybe Chinese universities take the name “university” seriously and concentrate in academics and sports are just extra-curricular activities…the way American universities used to be once upon a time…
@JayHawkFanToo Good point.
@jaybate-1.0 Sorry, not what I meant. You never seem to get me. Maybe next time.
I will keep trying.
Seriously, the bigger deal here that the busted schnozola is the neck on Carlton.
Carlton was a pencil necked geek last basketball season based on the feeds showing him doing great things with the ball.
Look a the Hudy-neck on the that big fellah now!!!
They may have broken his sniffer, but that neck can bow up and it suggests he soon will be able to deliver a world of hurt.
Go, Carlton, go!!!