Happy Fathers Day!
Is Brady Morningstar eligible to play in the WUG?!?!
Could ShoeCo forge birth certificates to get BM and Danny Manning eligible? Can you imagine how we would dominate w/ BM feeding the post to DM?!?!
Happy Father’s Day, Jayhawk dads and grandads!! Always be a great role model for your kids! Rock Chalk!
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks miss lady. If you happen to have a good handbook for the process, I’m sure you would become rather wealthy from the proceeds. Have often wondered if daughters are as inherently as stubborn as boys,Shoulda named mine HEE & HAW. Also.they were costly as all get out to feed, The one that went to KU in the early 90’s is taking me to the game Tuesday for a Fathers Day treat. The nut evidently is under the tree. Stubborn ? Surely not me ?!
@globaljaybird is that hee or haw taking you?
@Crimsonorblue22 That would be the first born donkey-HEE.
@globaljaybird Younger one-HAW & his wife took us all out for dinner today. And yes, theyre both stubborn as hell. Maybe even more so now that they’re getting older.
It’s great to be a Jayhawk and even greater to be a Dad.
My son is 22 months old and he’s already a Jayhawk. He watched this past year’s game closely and he knows what a Jayhawk is! I know… call it “indoctrination”… guilty as charged.
@drgnslayr if he didn’t know, you would lose your Jayhawk rights!
Happy father’s day to all the dads in the forum and those in their extended families. My daughter got me tickets for the Tuesday game and she and I will spend the day together and catch the game…what a great present.
@JayHawkFanToo awesome day! Special daughter!
True on both counts…and a huge Jayhawk fan as well.
@drgnslayr said:
My son is 22 months old and he’s already a Jayhawk. He watched this past year’s game closely and he knows what a Jayhawk is! I know… call it “indoctrination”… guilty as charged.
This made my day
I remember those moments well!
@drgnslayr by the sounds of it I’m guessing you didn’t know that the Jayhawk does live on old mcdonalds farm? W/a Rock chalk here and a Rock chalk there…
@Crimsonorblue22 Now thats my kinda Cowgirl talk.
@Crimsonorblue22 Come on down…
“I’m guessing you didn’t know that the Jayhawk does live on old mcdonalds farm?”
I guess I didn’t know. I’d think we would be able to recruit a lot more McDonald’s All-Americans since our Jayhawk lives on their farm.