JoJo White in the H O F.
So, fellow Jayhawk fans, I am planning a visit to Springfield Mass on Sept 10th to see Jojo White get immortalized in the Bball HOF.
A few questions
Who is interested/capable of going?
Should I attempt to heckle Calipari?
Im on the fence about it. On one hand, I want to represent the Jayhawk Nation with class.
On the other, would you want to stick it to Calipari if you got the chance? I sure do. Nothing vulgar or threatening but definitely Calipari sucks type stuff.Tickets are not expensive and I live 4 hours from there. Either way, it should be a cool experience to visit a shrine of basketball. Notice, I did not say The Shrine cuz we all know where that is (AFH).
Sounds awesome! Please take a bunch of photos to post in here.
I wouldn’t heckle Cal in public as a Jayhawk fan. You can always heckle him online in an anonymous fashion because fans across America despise him.
I just wouldn’t clap for him. Silence is golden.
Better just focus on the great one… JoJo White!
@Lulufulu I can think of lots of stuff you should do-not me, you!!! Say hi to drake! I love JoJo!
Take the high road. Hecklers only make themselves look stupid.
Hall of Fame - I expected him in there at least five years after he won MVP of the NBA Championship. A GREAT MAN, AND A GREAT JAYHAWK. He and Gayle Sayers have represented our school with dignity and honor for 0ver 40 years.
@nuleafjhawk but we don’t know him!!
just no Jayhawk gear!!
Cal spent time as a jayhawk, one season I think, so no heckling! Heckle the fools who picked him over Bo Ryan!
@wissoxfan83 Cal was at KU for 3 years I believe. I know he was hired by Ted Owens and left after 1985 to go to Pitt and was replaced by Bill Self.