Which Guard?
well just saw where Kobie announced his intentions of weekend visit. sooooooooooooooooo, question is, which one commits to KU? Kobie Eubanks, or LeGerald Vick? LeGerald still has to qualify acedamically to reclassify, personally I believe I would rather see Kobie, but feel either way will fill in quite nicely with Wayne, just a gut feeling, bu a strong gut feeling one of the 2 is coming to KU
I know some Jayhawks don’t like LeBryan Nash from OSU… but I heard Eubanks looks and plays exactly like Nash. He’s a couple inches shorter (but good chance he still grows a couple).
@drgnslayr attitude not talent!!
When did Kobie surface?
JayBate, he came up a week or so ago. the article about him visiting on weekend was in Jayhawk slant. today, I’ve been following it see where its at with him
Here’s a link on Eubanks.
@jayballer54 Question for you and everyone … why would this kid, or any of current group we’re targeting (Mack, Vick, Eubanks) come in and steal playing time from any of our five perimeter players? None of these guys are that quality. Which player would sit, as Self is only going to play five perimeter guys max post-Christmas?
)I’m not sure about the qualifying thing at Baylor. I must admit, haven’t been following these two much. I should. Eubanks reminds me of a more polished LeBryan Nash with way more bball sense. He seems like he has a high bball IQ.
) Love his court awareness, instincts, ball fakes, and pump fakes. He seems methodical and looks for the right shots. He runs the court and sets his teammates like a pg. Either one is a good get, but the Eubanks Baylor glich may not be a good sign. I think overall, Vick would fit best and give us a great option that can play 1-3,4. I do think Eubanks is the better post fit.Eubanks reminds me a little of Lance Stephenson.
I think the Mack kid follows SHaka to UT.
@HighEliteMajor For Devonte Graham Turf toe can often progress into a chronic problem, in which the joint(s) never really heals or heals too slowly to return to usual physical activities. It can become more serious if left untreated, and may cause serious problems for the athlete.
Brannen Greene’s surgery for a torn labrum will require crutches for up to six weeks and there should be no expectation that he can return to activities such as running for at least a period of six months (according to web MD).
Wayne Selden dealt with a left knee injury throughout most of his freshman campaign. Though he played through it, the ailment required arthroscopic surgery in the offseason in 2014.
Frank Mason was warn down and wearing knee support on both legs by the end of the season this year. Svi has not proven him self so if HCBS puts on his recruiting shoes he should be able to land someone. I am worried that one of these injuries re surfaces next year but I sure hope it doesn’t!
Kobie Eubanks could help us 10-15 mpg next year in matching up with 3 and 4 guard offenses. And he could let Selden swing 2/3 and keep Frank and Devonte from having to play mega minutes.
LaGerald Vick seems two years away.
But these feeds may no-show Vick at his best.
I think Eubanks will be a Jayhawk. He has been recruited by many high major programs. Known as a confident shooter he will have an maturity edge that Graham came in with because of having to do a post grad year.
Now if Vick commits before him then I’m okay with that as well. I prefer Eubanks of the 2 but this is definitely a situation where we could use either.