Some Royal love
Lets go Royals.
@DoubleDD love it! Thanks for sharing!!!
I’m loving me some Royals!
Fired Up for the game. Thanks for posting.
@DoubleDD Just had my nite cap of Christian Brothers & a fresh Nicaraguan victory cigar. Some days are definitely better than others. Now 2 more & we take the crown. Have 3 more cigars + backup but may have to get some Hennessey if it goes to 7. That stuff (Privilege Gold Label) is expensive but is the smoothest damn cognac I’ve ever tasted. We can do this-GO ROYALS !!
@globaljaybird Don’t mind a Nicaraguan cigar. Used to love a Cuban but anymore they are quite dry and harsh. Myself I like a little Templeton Rye. (gangster style)
Lets go Royals.
@DoubleDD @drgnslayr @RockChalkinTexas Hey ya’ll we run a thread during the Royals games and ya’ll invited to drop in and chat with us.
Let’s Go Royals!
Take Game 4!