Some New Ways Bruce Weber Might Disgrace Himself
Bruce might hire Steve Lavin and Gene Keady to hold press conferences and point out all the things Bruce might have done differently.
Bruce might hold a mock burial of Bill Snyder and say that though there is no way for him to ever equal Snyder’s accomplishments, he’s still the KSU’s Interim Head Basketball Coach.
Bruce might tell national media that his favorite thing to talk about with his players is how to get rid of head lice by shampooing with fresh bat guano.
Bruce might admit that he never tries to figure out what offense an opposing team is running, because it takes more time than he can concentrate for.
Bruce might pray publicly for Bill Self to miss the KSU-KU game due to strained piles.
(Note: All fiction. No malice.)
Don’t be have enough K-State with the headlines from the feeds? Must we endure a thread on its coach as well?
Let’s try to keep the threads focused on sports, more specifically KU sports, particularly basketball…it is KUBUCKETS after all.
I belong to several other (technical and business) forums and I come here to escape them and get my fill of KU SPORTS, particularly basketball. Can we please skip the other stuff? I am sure there are other forums where non KU related topics can be discussed. I understand occasional reference to other topics, as long as they pertain to the discussion at hand, but I would prefer keeping it mostly KU sports related. Having said that, I am not the forum owner or administrator and whatever he wants to do is fine with me.
Nothing personal and no malice intended.
or Bruce can have a press conference and admit he has a man crush on HCBS.
@DoubleDD Wait.
I might have to join Bruce on the podium for that one…
I am great with no more Kevin Haskins KSU stories, but a KU website that can’t have threads and posts satirizing the pussies would be like a day without sunshine, wouldn’t it? How about if when we make fun of KSU we put a number code, like 9999, before the title that signals you not to read it? That way we get to keep satirizing the pussies and you don’t have to read it? That seems like a perfect workaround!!! You can even pick the 4 digit number code. For example:
“9999 Bruce Weber Buries HIMSELF Again”
9999 Bruce Weber asks Self if he would retire so Bruce can replace him and have one good season with Self’s material"
“9999 Bruce attends Berlitz to learn Okie in hopes of eavesdropping on Self’s game plan”
And so on.
I think this can be a win-win situation.
And RedRooster will get very testy with me if I quit making fun of KSU!!!
Rock Chalk!!!
@jaybate-1.0 I’d like to add to that category about the Missouri bb team. 2 more arrests added to their growing list. I’m knocking on wood!!
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@drgnslayr lol! Man, I love Burgess Meredith’s character in the Rocky movies so much, I hate to compare him with Wussy Weber.
How about if we post KSU features here:
or here:
Wouldn’t those be the more appropriate forums for KSU related stories?
I don’t mind the occasional stories about other programs or non-sports relates topics but I would personally would not want them becoming common/daily occurrences since they distract from the main purpose of the forum; I would prefer to keep it focused on KU sports. Again, I have no say in what threads are posted or not posted here; I am just happy that I have a place where I can go and discuss KU sports…mostly.
“I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” H.A.L. from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
@JayHawkFanToo good idea! I only want to hear the negative stuff about kstate or mizzou. There’s plenty of that!! Oops, forgot about KU fb!
Going neg on Fizzou is unavoidable!
To say the word Missouri is to blaspheme.
MU Trivia: Did you know that the Greek word for Missouri is spelled Phi Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Sigma, which may be anglicized as FECES.
@jaybate-1.0 and @JayHawkFanToo
Both of you are “coming around” to the “GREAT Side” of my discussion … and THAT is Basketball. “Basketball” and “Buckets” are equal in my world. Hence, KUBuckets is the name of the thread.
To take this thought “one step further” Basketball should be the MAIN Subject (i.e. KUBuckets)! If football discussion were to be included in the web-site, then the Web-Site should have been called “KUSports” which would cover all KU Sports including girls tiddlywinks, and girls mud-wrestling, baseball, etc.
OK … Approx … slap my hands again … I’m sorry if this crosses “YOUR line.” Approx, I will admit that most “football topics / discussion” has the word “football” in the threads title and that helps me a bunch as I can easily “Skip Over” those threads!
Top O’ the mornin’ ladies & gentlemen board rats!
This is simply too engaging to resist with the potential for PHOF’s just absolutely enormous:
How ugly is Bruce’s wife: Bruce’s wife is so ugly, when she told him to go out & get something to make her look sexy, he got drunk !!
And if someone wants to bag on misery, I’ve a plethora of tidbits to share.
@globaljaybird Bruce’s wife asked him if her new jeans made her butt look big.
He said " No, it’s the other way around ".
@nuleafjhawk Bruce’s wife sent her photograph to the Lonely Hearts Club… They sent it back saying they weren’t that lonely.’
@approxinfinity - My tech guy at work solved my posting stuff on my work computer; it was a firewall issue. Thanks for the help on your end.
@RedRooster just wondered if you disliked all sports except KU bb? Do you support any other teams? Just curious?
@Crimsonorblue22 … Crimson … First, I like ALL the posting YOU do !!
Now, I like watching what I call “GOOD Solid Fundamental Games.” It goes beyond only Basketball games and beyond only College games. My desires go towards teams that “Dominate” their league in their specific sport. As an example … I like to watch, high school football and particularly when Blue Valley Tigers (Overland Park, KS) are playing. I follow and I’m in attendance at every game. Here is some of their accomplishments:
“Kansas 5A State Champions”
2013 - Tiger Varsity 2010 - Tiger Varsity 2006 - Tiger Varsity - Undefeated 2003 - Tiger Varsity 1998 - Tiger Varsity - Undefeated 1991 - Tiger Varsity - Undefeated
And … they are “dominating” other teams this year with a current record of 2 W’S and 0 L’s
My desires are VERY similar with Jayhawk Basketball (NOT the football team)!
When and IF the football team gets turned around and start laying down some Conference “W’s” then I may reconsider my current stance of NOT following the football team.
@RedRooster appreciate the info!!! I follow all KU sports-yes fb too. I’m a chiefs and royals fan too. I also follow our high sports sports. Thanks rooster, appreciate it.
@jaybate-1.0 Remember Brucie, your relatives had no choice in the matter either.
@HighEliteMajor great! Glad you’re back in business. that explains it. I wonder what the rule is so we can make the nodebb guys aware.
Thank that IT for me. I was beginning to wonder if you had slipped into the chronosimplasticinfidibulum, Mr. Pilgrim.
I’ve been concerned about some other regular posters, jay doc, rehawk, and our friend icthahawk- toothless cole. Anybody know?
@Crimsonorblue22 I wondered about some of them as well. Hopefully, it’s just that they have an actual life. Until Basketball season starts…
I am of the opinion that we left the pettiness and name calling on the other forum(s) and this one would have civilized discussion on issues pertinent to KU sports (there is a football section after all), more particularly basketball. Name calling other programs, as tempting and easy at it is, strikes me as somewhat juvenile ( I am an older fan after all) and I prefer not to have that type of posts in this forum. Like I said, I don’t mind the occasional off-topic topics such as the music thread; however, having a thread dedicated to name calling an opposing coach (and his wife) seems to be over the top…again, my personal opinion and I don’t expect other posters to feel the same way, although I am sure many do.
There are plenty of KU basketball related issue, particularly when the new season is almost upon us as @RedRooster pointed out. Let;s concentrate on those and leave the name calling to the other forum(s). Nothing wrong with having animated discussions (and we certainly do) as long as we keep them civilized.
These comments are not directed to any individuate but to the forum community at large. No malice is intended only the desire that his forum is the best it can be.
@nuleafjhawk I sent them a message on chat and got no response. Just concerned! I know jrman is dealing w/health problems.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
(and his wife)
Ditto. What’s anyone’s wife got to do with basketball? Do we condone marital rumors about Coach Self?
There is a rumor that increasing numbers of Americans are joining “The Order of Elon,” and are being transported by new generation of Space X space ships to classified space colonies on exoplanets in an as yet undivulged binary star system near the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. But this is only a rumor.
Cindy is reputedly going to take over play calling, if KU falls under .750 this season.
Bruce’s wife reputedly has always called his plays.
My wife not only calls my plays, but then blames me when they are bad calls.
“There are plenty of KU basketball related issue, particularly when the new season is almost upon us as @RedRooster pointed out. Let;s concentrate on those and leave the name calling to the other forum(s).”
AMEN, Amen, and amen Brother!
@JayHawkFanToo now I feel bad!
@jaybate-1.0 I have no idea what that means!
I was just having some fun with your and nuleaf’s wonderings about where several of our esteemed posters have gone.
I am definitely on board with no name calling, except for Missouri.
@jaybate-1.0 TWO Thumbs UP for that comment !! MissoWHO??
@jaybate-1.0 Works for me jb !!
Misery is the only state in America that used a Government shut down to solve its problems.
And no one in the state could tell it was shut down!
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I want to try to keep things civil. I personally feel if you have a problem with the content of a thread, you should ignore the thread, instead of trying to dictate to everyone else your personal preferences. It’s real simple - if you don’t like the content, then ignore it. And honestly, if you don’t like a thread, don’t disrespect the person that started it by belittling their efforts.
You posted:
I’m a lot more afraid of tyrant thread trolls who demand their own way than any pictures of Bruce Snyder. No malice intended, of course.
if you have a problem with the content of a thread, you should ignore the thread, instead of trying to dictate to everyone else your personal preferences.
I f you actually read my post(s), I indicated several times that it was my personal; preference and I did not expect posters to agree with me or demanded they stop posting subject other than KU sports. I wrote:
"I would prefer keeping it mostly KU sports related. Having said that, I am not the forum owner or administrator and whatever he wants to do is fine with me."
"Again, I have no say in what threads are posted or not posted here; I am just happy that I have a place where I can go and discuss KU sports"
"…again, my personal opinion and I don’t expect other posters to feel the same way, although I am sure many do."
and last but not least…
"These comments are not directed to any individuate but to the forum community at large. No malice is intended only the desire that his forum is the best it can be."
Clearly not the statements a “tyrant thread troll” would make, and I in no way disrespected anyone or belittle their effort, wouldn’t you agree?
I only expressed my opinion, which I believe much like you, I am still entitled to do, and did not demand or even ask that topics be stopped in any way shape or form; I simply made a suggestion to go back to what, IMHO, the forum strived to do in the first place. If you want to start threads belittling opposing coaches (and wives), or rivals in general, by all means go ahead, I will simply chose to ignore those threads, much like you can ignore my comments.