Greg Popovich

  • Pop made some news last night when he grabbed the mic and told spur fans to stop booing K Leonard. (sorry too lazy to look up his first name spelling!).

    He learned to coach from one of the best, our very own Larry Brown. Pop was a grad assistant one of Larry’s years here, the 85-86 season. It was almost like a sabbatical from his D3 job at Cal Pomona Pitzer. Well one game that season a lad from ISU playing for their great and underrated coach Johnny Orr shot an airball. We were destroying them at the time but didn’t stop us students from the chant every time he touched the ball. Well we were still doing it ten minutes later and the poor boy probably wanted to go hide in the team bus, but Larry Brown grabbed the mic and told us to knock it off. We obediently followed suit and so the origin of last night actually started in Allen Field House.

  • Applaud him for doing that

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