@approxinfinity One of the most insidious parts of oppression and then victimization of individuals, groups, or nations is that it makes so many begin to self limit their goals to within the box oppression builds for us. Why did John Lennon have to be killed by an apparently mind controlled assassin with the legend of an obsessed lone gunmen? Because he sang about what was not merely possible, but actually feasible. He added an explanation that the enforcers of the private oligarchy really did not want the public to recognize, or think was feasible to get away with having said. John said go ahead, imagine what you want; that apparently angered the shit out of those already in control of the explanations. This puzzled me for many years. Lennon was already long past his great influence. It was very improbable the lightening of mega popularity would strike twice. The Deep State can stop popularity by denying mainstream distribution any time. Then it occurred to me. Lennon had seen through the oppression game. It’s a set of obstacles and misrepresentations intended to make the oppressed embrace victim hood as the only feasible path. It makes them self-limit the possible. Lennon wrote songs (created an entertainment) that outflanked the oppression game, same as Gandhi built a resistance philosophy that did. Same as Lincoln built a republican government that out flanked the oppression games being played by the private oligarchies of North and South. Anyone that restores a nation’s capacity to focus on what is best for itself, instead of on limiting itself to accepting what is best for its private oligarchy is apparently best murdered, when ever feasible, from the POV of the oppressing private oligarchy. Put another way, oppression works by focusing us on the problems, not on our best interest. The oppression game is a very clever way of getting us to focus on our problems rather than on what we want and should have. Everyone should be free, well fed, well housed, have any needed medicines, feel safe, get equal justice, have their votes counted, live under representatives trying to serve their constituencies best interests, be prosperous, enjoy life and live as they wish, so long as they hurt no one. They shouldn’t be settling for a victim’s franchise. There, that was easy. Any government, firm, or person that doubts the feasibility of persons best interests is oppressive and part of the problem. The oppression game makes us willing consent to the unfeasibility of our best interests. Our best interests are feasible. Always have been. Always will be. Imagine that.