The 3 amigos reunite! I’m curious where we would be today had we still kept these two on the bench. I’m imagining Danny working with Doke. I wonder how many FTs Doke is planning to shoot every day this summer? He should start without going nuts on repetitions until he gets his stroke mechanics worked out. I’ve seen guys become too ambitious and then learn bad technique and reinforce it with reps and muscle memory. Then, he should have someone around him to verify his mechanics constantly. Do many short reps in a day and spread them out to see if he is able to replicate his proper mechanics each time. Then start increasing his reps. I can’t believe (if he does this right) he will shoot below the 60-percentile mark this coming season. Proper mechanics and some reps should guarantee him of that kind of number (or higher). I guess I am assuming Doke will be back next year. IF Doke returns…