Mets vs Royals - World Series Game 1
Smart move to keep tv outage as short as possible.
This is bizarre. Stop a game because the broadcast goes out?
@wissoxfan83 Unintended consequence of the video replay rule.
If Bud Selig was still commissioner he would have declared it a tie.
Did we see morales hit? I didnt
Guys still getting good wood on the ball. They’ll drop soon.
Quick switch to the Bulls-Cavs game. Still weird to see Fred Hoiberg coaching in the NBA…
Looked like a strike to me.
Leave the damn game with MLB
'Here we go again.
on fox
So apparently we missed a web gem?
@nwhawkfan past tense
Another good save Moose.
Okay, bust this thing wide open now.
Dang shift kills us!
Who and when do they tell eddy! Sucks!
Our inning!!
Sick of hearing about harvey
Lotsa balls down the line tonight.
Wooohoooooo send him
@Crimsonorblue22 Nope. Zo no speed merchant.
@Crimsonorblue22 You need to whisper to your boy.
Big kens a dude lately!
There’s yer Crunchwrap !
2 out RISP is what we do.
Back in bidness !
Moose telling Esky I want the WS MVP.
Crud, I didn’t change into my lucky shirt! Do I?
@Crimsonorblue22 Could be what we need to finish this one off.
@brooksmd changed
Anyone find it odd that they haven’t talked about Edinson’s father passing? They must have to handle it delicately I’m sure.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m wearing the 2014 Wold Series T-shirt that my old KU girlfriend sent me from NoCal. A little outdated with the SF logo, but the orange and black colors work well for Halloween.
@wissoxfan83 Could very well be he doesn’t know. It’s been reported both ways.
@nwhawkfan need a pic!
@wissoxfan83 oh my gosh they better! Joe buck would be gone!
Thought Duffy was fast? Here comes Tabasco with a pinch of ghost pepper.
Gasol just stuffed Lebron to save the game for the Bulls
So fast evidently the ump can’t see it.