Jays vs Royals - ALCS Game 6
Four more … hell with it. SEVEN more innings like that and it’s over.
Morales would’ve had a hr in that mini ballpark in Toronto.
@brooksmd u hear him say rios?
Slump is over!
Damn good catch !
@Crimsonorblue22 Yur Moose better than mine. I got excited.
Maybe a 2 bagger
@brooksmd looks good to me
As Harry used to say, that one got out in a hurry!
YEAH!! Won the review.
Awesome call!!
Your turn salvy!
Nice to get a close call our way for a change.
@Crimsonorblue22 Marlins guy in da house.
@nwhawkfan for sure
I’m sure we’ve gotten a few reviews our way, but I only remember the ones that didn’t.
@brooksmd brings us luck. He’s quit the guy! Does a lot for other people!
@DanR finally!!
I wish I was Marlin’s Man.
@DanR I would be a marlins woman
Gordos been struggling! Bad swing
Some weasel trying to buy Moose’s home run ball?
Whew close
Big stick!!
Kinda a squirrelly jump
@DanR He donated $10000 to the families of 2 firemen killed in the line of duty last week. Also visited several pet shelters/adoption facilities - quite a philanthropist
@globaljaybird think he was at some schools today
@globaljaybird read about that. Seems like a decent guy. He’s been wearing the KCFD cap now and then.
Likin’ it.
@globaljaybird @brooksmd looks like u 2 in the blue hair? Huh?
I hope our boy continue to score runs with a sense of urgency and not rest on this lead…
Amazing Ventura can throw that hard. Not a big guy. Fingers crossed he can keep this up.
@Crimsonorblue22 Missed it. Was at the concession stand. No dogs tonite. Red beans and rice plus some gumbo. And of course a good dose of hot sauce.
@brooksmd I really need to go vist u guys!
Go loooo Cain!
Good thing it was looooooooow
Big stick! Do it
18 more
Big inning coming up for Ace. Needs to be on his pitch and keep it down.
Did she say “Blue Springs, Kansas?”