We win at Baylor

  • After last years 3 game skid I was nervous about tonight. We played badly at Texas and with inexperience I was concerned it would remain in our young heads.

    And baylor was coming off a big win, and had KU coming to play them at home. I was nervous about momentum. Just before the half. We has frosh no shoes.

    Wigs hits the halfcourt shot at the half time buzzer and I like the score separation. And for the most part we played well and extended the lead. Nice to watch without so much anxiety tonight.

    Congrats boys, and HCBS nice adjustment to smother Heslif.

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  • We has no frosh. No shoes. This autocorrect slams me again. We had 3 frosh, no scores.

  • The win was a beauty, but Embiid’s knee being out of commission is a huge blow. Hopefully he get’s back to 95% before the year is out. He should be able to get rested when WVU and TCU come to visit, but we’ll likely need him in the Hawktagon. He and Tharpe, oddly enough, have really become the two most important players we have. Liked how Wigs stepped up and impacted the game even though his shooting was abysmal. We’ll be needing that too.

  • @konkeyDong the last 4 minutes of the game Embiid came in and turned it on. He hustled and looked good, like his old self before the injury. Maybe he’s back already.

  • Yep, liked the win. And Just finished watching TCU vs UT here in Texas. TCU had then on the ropes, just couldn’t finish. Hopefully it wore them out and UT drops a game soon.

  • Great props to Tarik Black … this is what we signed up for. Tough inside play, active, even had a couple of nice assists.

    And @konkeyDong, you’re right, Tharpe has really become one of, if not the most important player. His outside shooting is just what the doctor ordered. I found myself wanting him to gun from three when ever he had the opening. The biggest adjustment that he has made (at least from my view) on his three point shot is discarding the slight fall away.

    As I posted today, getting Tharpe his outside shot (just one combined shot in the prior two games) is a must for this defensively challenged team.

    And boy, is Baylor bad … a reflection of their well below average coach. Jimmy Dykes mentioned that Baylor had “top 25 talent.” A nice back handed slam.

    Finally, isn’t it nice to listen to an analyst like Jimmy Dykes? Isn’t full of himself, doesn’t have to fill every second with chatter, does’t obsess on the NBA, sticks with the action as opposed to a bunch of tangents, and generally good observations (except on odd one about Wiggins scoring 4.2 point per breakaway or something like that). I’ll take Dykes any day.

  • @JayhawkRock78 I like the no shoes better!!! I feel so much better after this game. We don’t need everyone on the same night hitting. I love the different guys stepping up. Just imagine if we put it all together at the same time? Even though Wiggins wasn’t hitting the first half, he was d ing up and had some great passes. Self has lots of teaching left, but nice to see them playing hard tonight. Still think we can get tougher, but really like these young kids!

  • @HighEliteMajor Both Dykes and Sciambi are good. Games are so much more fun to watch when you aren’t fuming at the idiocy spewed by commentators.

  • @HighEliteMajor Spot on regarding Black. When we play LSA teams, Black and Traylor are our most important players because of their strength. I am excited about the opportunity to play Texas again. I want to see if the players, and maybe even Self, will make the necessary adjustments to beat LSAs. They are the only team that is capable of stopping this KU team from reaching Dallas.

    Yes, Jimmy Dykes is a very good analyst and commentator. He typically has very good analysis and insight about the game. He and Jay Bilas are probably my favorite ones.

  • @HighEliteMajor I love it when players have breakout games and have shouted that out in the past-so thanks HEM for reminding me what was going well. I guess I got hypnotized by the announcers and graphics. And yes, these guys were refreshing. 22 same to you.

    Happy with the win!

  • @HighEliteMajor Tarik is a huge asset. Glad he’s getting well-deserved props! He’s a great leader too. He keeps his composure when I think I would lose it. I’m so proud he’s a Jayhawk.

  • We can win when Wiggins has 3 points… We can win when Embiid has 2 points… We can win when Selden and Tharpe and even Ellis have off nights.

    And on any given night – any of them could score 20 points or more.

    None of the starters have reached their ceiling; the team keeps getting better and better!

    And our bench depth is fantastic. Probably the best in the country.

    These are characteristics of a team that goes deep in the tourney.

  • As I posted before, Coach Self is a master of making adjustments. Heslip hit the first four 3s he attempted and went scoreless after Coach Self adjusted the defense.

    Trust thy-Self

    All in all, a very good bounce back game, a very workman performance by the entire team. Tharpe had a great game and the rest of the players had solid all around games.

    This game places KU back solidly in the lead for the conference title, with the softer (hopefully) portion of the schedule ahead. Beating Texas at home would almost ensure the title. KU has 5 home and 4 road games left with the tougher games being at Oklahoma State and Texas at home. Texas has 4 home an 5 road games, with tough road games at OU, KU, ISU and KSU; definitely a tougher schedule . All in all, KU has the more favorable schedule moving forward and a t this time, the conference title is KU’s to lose.














  • @jaybate 1.0 “White out of sight, not out of mind”

    I told AWIII when he signed my Jayhawk for me Sat. after the TX loss he “needed to hang in there. There were a LOT of fans wanting to see him stay and play.”

    He said “Thank you. Rock Chalk”

  • @RockChalkinTexas Your preparation for the Texas game was great. A pertinent comment for everyone.

  • @approxinfinity My husband videoed every time each player/coach and I talked. Special memories.

    Wish WE could have sang the Chant on Sat. but it was great hearing it last night come out!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Speaking of Black’s composure, how about that ball that bounced off his noggin when the BU player saved it from going out of bounds? That was a tough shot to the head, and Tarik just shook his head and smiled, as if he should have caught it when it caromed off his face. Thick skull on a tough player!

    His struggles with fouls earlier this year seem to have been resolved. He stayed positive throughout his slump, and now is a huge asset to the team. I love it when guys with the right attitude are rewarded.

  • We can win when Wiggins has 3 points… We can win when Embiid has 2 points… We can win when Selden and Tharpe and even Ellis have off nights.

    I’d amend that sentence to remove Tharpe’s name, @bskeet. The one thing we haven’t been able to do is win when Tharpe hasn’t been effective. He doesn’t have to score a lot (he was extremely good vs TCU, probably his best game of the season as a pg, despite going scoreless), but he does need to run the O, bring energy, and help the team maintain composure. As he’s become better at doing those things, we’ve grown into a national title caliber team (how many of you, like me, were wondering when we’d actually get good back in Dec?). When Tharpe backslides, such as last Saturday, we really get exposed. It’s going to be a tall order, but hopefully, he’ll be able to play close to the top of his game for the rest of the year, or at least through six games starting in mid-March.

  • @JayhawkRock78 It is obvious that Joel E is not the same player. One can tell from his facial expressions. He is playing scared. He is lacking aggressiveness. He is unable to finish. His control is not good.

    Is he too consumed in the 1st overall pick hype or is this the result of playing with a bad knee. If injury than I blame the coach as he should be given the rest, sit him in the next couple of games and let Black and Lucas handle the duties because I really believe that he is the key for our title hopes this year

    Changing the topic to Mason, when will he learn. Not only he allowed Heslip to get open 3s in the first half he is out of control on Offense. He is a point guard. He should be looking for his teammates instead of looking to score all the time. He continues to drive in the paint in heavy traffic and most of the times his shot is either blocked or he cant finish. Very frustrating

    He has tremendous abilities. He must learn to use his speed to create team Offense and not be looking to score himself.

    Furthermore what’s up with our guys in not understanding to milk some clock late in the game. There were at least two occasions I can remember from last night where Ellis and Embiid took ill advised jumpers within 5-10 seconds of the shot clock and missed them giving the ball back to Baylor. When will they learn to close become smart BB players. Ellis is now a sophomore and he should not be making such mistakes

  • @JayhawkRock78 HAHA, I thought you were making a clever reference to Wiggins needing to get in the game the first half: Frosh, no shoes… (as EJ once said: Putcha shoes on!).

  • @HighEliteMajor Yep, Jimmy Dykes is awesome. I think he has some ties to OkieState, having been an asst. coach there under Eddie Sutton, and Im sure he knows Self from those days. Very nice on-point basketball commentary and analysis. I dont mind Jay Bilas either.

    As a total counterpoint, tongue-in-cheek thing: Have Doug Gottlieb call the KU-OSU game in Stalewater, as KU wins it…(where in the curiously similar matchup of ManSelden vs SmartFlop, I’d have to bet the farm, firstborn, wife, and Ferrari on WayneMan). Smart is a horrible distance shooter, and basically helped Baylor win that game in Stalewater. Smart is a muscle-type wing or a power forward --> all trapped in a 6’4 sized body. He is a 10ft-and-in player. Marcus Smart makes Wayne Selden look even better…



    Also: Add TRAVIS RELEFORD + SHERRON COLLINS to play-thru hall of fame!

  • @AsadZ Self took responsibility for the first 3’s, he had them go under instead over on screens. He corrected it. Commented on another thread, I think Embiid is physically beat up. He’s getting hammered! The calls are not consistent, confusing to the big fella, to all of us! He’s not thinking about NBA. Just my opinion !

  • @ralster love the Hasleft! Need one for forte!

  • @AsadZ

    There is no way that Coach Self would play Embiid, or any other player for that matter, unless he is fit and ready to play. Playing an injured player is unprofessional, unethical and could open KU and Coach Self to potential liability. He is not that kind of coach or person.

    Joel is finding out what is like to play the toughest schedule in Division I basketball. Unlike other players that have had qualified physical trainers since they were young, he did not have this type of training and he has not built the endurance that comparable players have.

    HS seasons are typically 20 games total and he has played 22 games already with opposing players climbing on him like he is a jungle gym and refs not calling fouls, and there are still at least a dozen games left (hopefully more) to play. All of this has taken a toll and he is just plain tired; it happens to a lot of freshmen, particularly those that started with below average conditioning like he did. Also, the bigger the player the faster they tire.Once the upcoming games become easier and the conference title is all sewn up. Coach Self will probably rest him more to let him catch his second wind in time for post-season play. It is really that simple.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 “…due to Smart’s flip-floping, and thus OkieState’s inability to make a (strong) final stand in Stalewater, they were forced to SURRENDER THE FORTE!..”,




  • @JayHawkFanToo

    Good post on Embiid, and all true!

    “Joel is finding out what is like to play the toughest schedule in Division I basketball.”

    And if he thinks college is long… he has a lot to experience at the next level. The No Boys Allowed league is 82 games long, and then comes the playoffs! And that doesn’t include the additional 8± games each team plays in preseason.

    Joel should return for another year just to build his body to withstand the rigors of the NBA. Once he gets into the league, he won’t be in “build up” mode any longer… he’ll be in “tear down” mode because that’s what happens to their bodies when they play a minimum of 90 games in one year. And the playoffs can add as many as 28 additional games to the season! Imagine playing 118 games in one year?

    Joel doesn’t have the leg strength to endure a season this long. He’ll have a higher risk of injury. He needs to spend all his off-court time with Hudy until he leaves!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 @ralster Since we’re talking about Smart’s flopping, ESPN just posted an article about it where he basically admits to flopping, but that everybody does it. Goes on to basically blame it on inconsistent officiating. Pretty funny stuff, even more so if you delve into the comments. LOL.

  • @drgnslayr

    There is a principle in economics called Occam’s razor. Basically, It states that when there are competing theories, the simplest one is usually the correct one.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    Right on!


    Here is the link:


    Smart’s perspective is driven by his competitiveness… and so it is going to be tilted… but he nailed this part:

    ““It’s so inconsistent,” Smart said about the new rules. “We have no idea what to expect. And as a player, it messes with your mind. It’s incredible how inconsistent the new rules have been.””

    I’m certain all players feel this way.

  • @drgnslayr But he also whined about every player out to get him. Welcome to the real world. What, they are all supposed to be intimidated by him and let him score at ease?

  • @HighEliteMajor I am just amazed that I was hoping Naadir would shoot the ball again. Talk about an about face on him. That kid is a pure shooter.

  • @RockChalkinTexas

    I believe this is pretty much what happened last season. Now they are no longer intimidated, he is not as dominant as he once was.

    I have compared him before to Mike Tyson that used to bulldoze opponents until he was exposed by Buster Douglas, and he was never the same after that, because boxers were no longer intimidated by him.

  • @ralster as always, great job, love you included page. Save them for OSU game!

  • @drgnslayr I thought that, out of context, he did in fact hit the nail on the head regarding officiating. It is inconsistent. However, if he is attributing that to his flopping, as if to say he has no other choice, that is absurd. Instead of just taking a bad call here and there, moving past it, putting his head down, and competing, he is more focused on trying to win back a few calls every game. And it’s backfired, as they are having a horrible in-conference season, and he’s tarnished his reputation. Seriously, this guy was almost universally respected last year by media, opposing coaches, and fans. Now…not so much.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Completely agree with you on Joel, I will not refer to him as JoJo anymore since there is only one JoJo, “My Avatar”, and only one Joel. The Iowa State game at home with the starter’s play almost the entire game was exhausting with Joel walking down the court on defense towards the end. Flying to Austin one day later with the monsters inside for TU, made me worry that this was not going to be a victory in Austin. When tournament time comes, You will see Lucas and Black play much more and Wiggins will move down on the blocks for some extra minutes. Joel needs another year of Andrea and another 15 lbs. of muscle.

  • Fraschilla alluded to Smart being a bully last year and enjoyed Black standing up to him during a fracas Wednesday night. Players are less and less intimidated by him this year. The double flop against ISU where he received the foul was a classic with all of the BIG12 applauding the ref that made the call.

  • @icthawkfan316 > @Crimsonorblue22 @ralster Since we’re talking about Smart’s flopping, ESPN just posted an article about it where he basically admits to flopping, but that everybody does it. Goes on to basically blame it on inconsistent officiating. Pretty funny stuff, even more so if you delve into the comments. LOL.

    I loved it when he flopped against ISU, didn’t get the call, got up and was run over and called for the foul. Ref’s are catching on. “beer”

  • @JayHawkFanToo I hope that you are right as I firmly believe Embiid is one player who can dominate on both ends for us to be playing in Dallas come April. I hope that he can get back in form when he was shooting over 60% from the floor but has struggled badly in the last two games.

  • Concerning Smart and how he nailed the inconsistency in refs this year…

    I precluded with "Smart’s perspective is driven by his competitiveness… and so it is going to be tilted… " because he was correct in his general statement, but concerning his own predicament, he has been treated with way too much ‘fairness’.

    Yes… he complains about everyone else, and he will always portray himself as the victim. He is warped in his competitive views.

  • Msg to Marcus Smart: Just shut up and play. You have lost a lot of respect. The nation was shocked you passed up the lottery, but we have to see flop attempts now? And do you REALLY want national press coverage of your flops??? Last time I checked, flopping is against the rules in the NBA and comes with $$ fines. And how about you shooting ChokieState out of Gallagher-Iba Arena home court against Baylor with early shot-clock brick 3att, and you had several OAD possessions, in a close game. One would think a lotto level basketball future “pro” would know better. All you did was kill your team’s chances, and exposed your non-team mentality, and exposed your awful 3shooting in clutch situations. Better leave the 3shooting to your friend Phil Forte–he clearly has a better 3% than you do, or did you also just expose what kind of “friend” you are? By flopping, you also exposed your “toughness”. Just play the game, and use the 220lbs like you did last year. Played better last year, frankly. Or did 180-lb Kevin Young’s StiffScreen on you in Stillwater really get inside your head? Now you flop to avoid all contact. That’s not very tough! And what do you think Wayne Selden thinks of you? There’s another 6’5 220lb MickeyD who knows he did NOT contact your chin, but you went down. Wayne Selden knows. Better fix your image, man, as there will be another MickeyD tuff guy next year trying to replace you, then another the next year, etc… You get the BIG pictcha’? Cuz all we seein’ on the big screen is you floppin’ like you’re weak or somethin’…& maybe, just maybe, that’s why big Wayne Selden stepped right over you after Embiid fell on you, because Selden already has you figured out.

  • @ralster go ralster go!!! I just flopped right out of my chair! Your words are so true!

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    If @ralster words made you flop out of you chair, he must have taken lesson from Embiid whose stare alone made Smart flop…

    Embiid makes Smart flop.jpg

  • @JayHawkFanToo smart is giving us to much material!!!

  • @ralster Love it. And way to invoke the memory of KY’s screen last year. That was epic.

  • Man, its just difficult to wrapping my mind around the fact that Smart admitted publicly to flopping! As Self said, “tape doesnt lie”. Everybody in the nation saw the whiff by Selden’s elbow, and the FlopSeenAroundTheESPNworld. Now the refs are on to his theatrics.

    Part of me wants to like Smart, as Self tried to recruit him, but no, Smart chooses elsewhere…why? Play with friend Phil is a lame reason, if I ever heard one. I think Smart’s deep down dirty secret is that he is not tough enough for Bill Self. That’s why he didnt come. Self sees and wants real toughness. Look, fellow Jayhawks, Smart had a good game against us in AFH last year. But he had an awful game at Stillwater, after getting decked by Kevin Young. And nothing but cheating attempts (what flops are). Self wants the real deal. Smart will have a rude awakening in the NBA. Hope for his sake he is still in the lottery. Unfortunately, as Baylor (of all teams) was beating OkieSt in Stillwater, the announcers were pointing out all the holes in Smart’s game. 3pt shooting woes is a major theme right now with Smart. Decision-making, poor shot selection, poor shot timing. Smart is lackluster-playing himself down out of the lottery, possibly. His one claim to fame is his nose for the ball, and his physique. He is not using his physique correctly. Someone his size going down from a whiffed elbow is just plain w-e-a-k. Hope for his sake he can turn around the national perception.

    Just for grins, compare Tarik Black getting hit in the face by a thrown basketball, compared to Smart’s flop to either no-contact or a slight graze by Selden’s elbow. Now consider the reaction by Black (nothing but a grin, and a “dang it I could have intercepted it” gesture), and the reaction (flop) by Smart. Point is BigBlack got hit 10times harder in the face than Smart thought he was. As Self says, “tape doesnt lie”. Tarik Black is a tough player.

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