Site outage
Do what you need to! You’re doing great. We appreciate it!
@Crimsonorblue22 thanks!
False start. So I was still having problems and I did a partial upgrade to the latest point release of v0.5.x to fix the issue, as I saw there was a bug fix for what I was seeing. Seems to be stable now.
So now we’re not on the latest v.0.6.x, but we are on the latest point release of the stable v0.5.x. I was having problems getting it all the way to v0.6.x last night, so I’ll hold off on that.
Holy sh–, this version has a really enhanced admin section. Be very afraid bots!
And the tags actually work now instead of that broken {tag} message. Maybe there are a few other goodies in here.
Anyway, I’m off to dinner. will play more later.
@approxinfinity I have no idea what you are talking about, very greatful for you!
@approxinfinity Appears notifications may have disappeared?
@DCHawker I’m seeing them on Phone. You on desktop?
@approxinfinity Thought maybe we’d have to take up a collection to pay the electric bill.
Doing a great job dude. No apology needed.
On a laptop. Yours just popped up now, but it was completely empty before that. Showed another new one when I logged on, but when I clicked on the bell it disappeared. No older ones in there. Doesn’t really matter - just thought you might want to know.
@approxinfinity none on my iPad or phone.
@Crimsonorblue22 testing…
@approxinfinity worked
@approxinfinity The last few weeks on my Iphone and iPad the page will go blank and a mesage that an unexpected error occurred and the page will reload. Generally it doesn’t reload more than once, but yesterday I got stuck in a loop and it never would load up. It’s generally a minor inconvience, but when I’m low on data it’s not good.
@approxinfinity I have had the same problem as dylans over the past few weeks with chrome and firefox. I have switched to chrome because the flash extensions on firefox never consistently work. I also had a problem about a week ago where it seemed that the css had a problem. The time delta on the “foo posted about …” section did not appear and the reply button was dead. Happened on both browsers. I cleared the chrome caches and it still happened. Tried again a couple of hours later and everything was fine.
Keep up the great work. Well all owe you.
Hey guys I think the issues you are mentioning are likely fixed in the version we upgraded to. The site had been restarting itself because of a bug. Can you tell me if you are seeing these issues now at all? Thanks for letting me know. It helps.
Once today, which is far less than it has been.
@approxinfinity Awesome job! I see you’re on v0.6.1 now? Stylisticlly, you’ll like v0.7.0 too, which is coming up in the near future.
How’s your redis usage looking? With 52.5k posts, that’s quite a lot of activity
We also have 25K+ Users…:)
@julian We’re still on v0.5.x, I cloned the site on another server but couldn’t upgrade it to v0.6.x, had problems starting it after upgrade, so I’ve held off upgrading it. Not sure about redis usage, I haven’t watched it terribly closely since upgrade, but will since you mention it. Looking forward to the v0.7.0. The only big ticket item that I’m struggling with is the 25k spambots that @JayHawkFanToo mentioned. Being able to delete all users using a particular IP and ban IP from within the site would be very helpful in that regard. Thanks again for all you’ve done to continue to develop the platform. It really is outstanding.
I would estimate 1000 legit posters as in 1k.
@approxinfinity You should consider installing the “spam-be-gone” plugin.
For v0.5.7, you’ll want to install v0.2.52 of the spam-be-gone plugin
Looks like only 158 posters with more than 5 posts. The rest are probably fake accounts and spam bots.
@approxinfinity Is there any way to block certain users? It would be nice. That way you don’t even see some of the comments by people you don’t care to converse with. Or you put people in a personal “time out” for a couple of weeks.
No no one is being rude or vulgar to the point of being kicked off. I just don’t care for the agressive speach patterns of a couple of the posters. (nicest way I could put it)
Many forums have an “ignore” button that allows you to selectively block posters; I requested that feature a while back but the board administrator is the final authority. I also would be in favor limiting the size of posts and now I simply skip the ones that take more than a screen full. Neither is a big deal really as you always have the option of ignoring the posts/posters you don’t want to read.
@JayHawkFanToo I believe I put a link to the outstanding requests with nodebb regarding ignoring other users the last time this came up. And I will shamelessly pass the buck yet again. I am not the final authority. Until someone writes the feature it won’t be available. Anyone with the time and the energy can write the feature and submit a pull request in github. Unfortunately I am not such a man at present.
As I said, it is not a big deal; we are all grown ups here and we can ignore who we want. I am just glad that we have a Forum where KU basketball fan can discuss the issues of the day. Compared to others forums this is the epitome of decorum…sure there are occasional dust ups, but overall, it is as civilized as it gets.