Gals vs guys

  • @kjayhawks I don’t have all (or any) of the answers, but I’ve never understood the whole Republican vs Democrat ideology.

    How about we do away with that and vote for the best person?

    Because as long as there are “Parties”, people will vote for “their” party.

    “Hell yeah - I’m going to vote for Satan because he’s a Republican”

  • @Crimsonorblue22 could be! People get moved around from sport to sport fairly frequently

  • @nuleafjhawk we did that for 2 elections and got parties in 1796. Voters just want a cognitive shortcut where they don’t have to think too much. Most people don’t have strong views on economic or foreign policy so they look for the brand to support

    A good example of this is the GOP’s “evolution” on tax policy. I remember when we were talking a flat tax or Fair Tax™️ as something most Republicans could get behind as a matter of simplification and reducing the distortions in the economy caused by the tax code. Now it’s all about tariffs, exempting all sorts of income (overtime, tips) from taxes, and being able to write off car loans and expanding credits for whatever Trump thinks is cool that day

  • The problem with the parties is that it has created an artificial dichotomy. Why does a pro-lifer have to be pro gun? Why does a fiscal conservative have to be social conservative? Etc.

    2 arbitrary camps of positions, because thats how the chips fell and not because the alignment of those positions make much sense.

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Gals vs guys:

    elected Republicans wouldn’t hate to see him hit by a bus tomorrow

    Strangely, buses are required to be registered and no one has a hissy fit.

  • @approxinfinity spot on, hard to be in the middle as I am because if you support or agree with one topic , then you should be on that side because you like one thing.

  • @approxinfinity parties are fundamentally coalitions designed for one purpose: to win elections. It’s a relatively recent thing for the coalitions to somewhat ideological. Before the Primary Era, the coalitions were generally along class lines and economic interests. It seems odd that southern segregationists and urban black voters were in the Democratic coalition but that’s just how things went for many reasons, but in large part because the GOP then was a party of Northeastern business types and the Pacific coast. Likely residual effects from the Civil War. For example, Henry Cabot Lodge, Bob Taft, and Barry Goldwater had basically nothing in common except they were Republicans.

    But to zoom out, there’s really no democracy in the world without parties. Ours tend to be much less ideological than in the rest of the world because there are only two. We do the coalition building on the front end, parliamentary systems build it on the back end. It’s just the nature of politics. Humans are tribal by nature and that’s how that comes out now.

  • Update: he gone (retired, apparently)

  • @FarmerJayhawk I think that’s for the best, I don’t believe someone like that should be teaching young adults.

  • I took it as he was teaching to respect women. He was totaling kidding about lining up men. I heard a kid say something about “i’m gonna kill that guy”, talking about her bf, today. You hear that, tongue in cheek, and KNOW they’re kidding. We’re not talking school shooters here.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 In today’s hyper-sensitive, cry-baby society you can hardly say ANYTHING without getting in trouble. You certainly don’t want to say good morning. Maybe someone fell in the shower and hurt themselves and now you’re telling them to have a good morning??? How rude of you. You just don’t know what they’ve been through, how they’ve suffered. Blah blah blah. I’m so fricking sick of all these cry babies, I’d like to line them all up - - - - - - - - - - - - and pray for them.

  • @nuleafjhawk I agree people are too sensitive these days and most times they go overboard with cancel culture. But this isn’t one of those cases I’m sorry but with the gun violence going on in schools and the assassination attempts on Trump (regardless of if you hate him). This was a complete lack of intelligence by the professor. I’m glad to see him retire and not be associated with the University of Kansas. We don’t need extremists on campus let alone teaching there. Most the people on this board would be irate if the comment was the other way around and people not voting for Trump should be shot.

  • @kjayhawks I understand what you’re saying. I don’t know the person in question, nor do I care much about him. But, supposedly we have free speech. Unless it offends or makes people uncomfortable. I don’t believe one person in that classroom felt like he was going to shoot someone. He was just running his mouth because he was frustrated. I saw the video and (I didn’t memorize it) but I think he basically apologized right then and there. Maybe I’m making that up… Anyway, he didn’t have the students grab pitchforks and torches. I think, like many things, it was blown out of proportion.

  • @nuleafjhawk yes we have free speech, that means he’s not going to jail. It doesn’t mean free to say whatever you please while on your employers watch. It’s free speech not free from consequences. Smh, you can go to your bosses office and tell him to f**k off. You wouldn’t get arrested but you’d be fired. You hate Trump so much it’s taking away any logical thought in this matter. If he said any woman that thinks Trump isn’t smart enough as a man to be president should be shot. You @Crimsonorblue22 and several others would be screaming at the top of your lungs for something to be done immediately.

  • @kjayhawks I appreciate the framing of the question in counterpoint, but I think the right is eager to go after this guy, not entirely to condemn threats of gun violence but to make it be like “both sides are doing it”. I still have no definitive proof that the guy is actually a liberal. He doesnt appear to have a social media profile I can find. I think people want him to be liberal.

  • @kjayhawks if he has tenure, it kind of does mean he can say whatever he wants. Tenured faculty have First Amendment rights in their professional capacity, unlike K12 teachers or most other jobs. I don’t think it comes close to being any kind of incitement either. There’s no specific threat there

  • @approxinfinity that’s true but can you blame them? People are shooting at their presidential candidate, that’s a fact, if the roles were reserved it would be twice as bad right now there would be a protest all over Lawrence. @FarmerJayhawk I’m afraid I cant speak intelligently on teacher contacts and such as you can but I’d bet most have some clause for termination or anytime a professor is dismissed, he/she would sue and win.

  • Interesting factoid. Dr. Lowcock is a registered… drum roll… Republican and very regular voter.

    Does that mean he’s a conservative? No, Kansas has a very long history of moderate to liberal Republicans. My guess is since he voted in the 2022 primary he just registered on site and never changed it back, but idk. That’s the only primary he voted in.

    And yes, your party registration and history are public information before anyone asks lol.

  • @FarmerJayhawk that’s interesting to know you can look that stuff up. I have spoke my thoughts on the matter regardless of his party affiliation I still stand behind my comments.

    Edit: I will add that I have known a few fellow independents that have registered on one side just to vote against certain individuals in a primary.

  • @FarmerJayhawk appreciate you looking it up.

  • Its also a possibility that he votes democratic but registered republican so he could vote against Trump. Who knows? But its not as cut and dry as hes this or that.

  • @kjayhawks gag! He said men and women. You prove his point!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 “What frustrates me, there are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president. We could line all those guys up and shoot 'em. They clearly don’t understand the way the world works. Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording. I don’t want the dean hearing that I said that." I haven’t seen the actual clip but this is the quote from the article that you started this thread from 🤷🏻♂

  • @kjayhawks so the “if the roles were reversed logic” argument doesnt really apply here right?

  • @approxinfinity no it 120% applies

  • “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.”

    Hate begets hate; violence begets violence….

    And dumbass half baked comments about shooting people begets the same.

    This isnt political. Its a sense of freedom to say whatever the hell insensitive thing that crosses your mind in a public forum. Only one of these two people got publicly canceled and lost their job for it.

  • @approxinfinity the point of it being if the roles were reversed went light years over your head buddy. I’m done with thread but I will give a shout out to the non democrats that sent me DMs thanking for standing up to them. The more and more yall talk the more more likely I am to vote for Trump that’s all I can say.

  • @kjayhawks my point about “if the roles were reversed” logic is that we are framing this as a dichotomy, when it isnt one. We are conditioned to separate everything seemingly even remotely related to politics into two groups, and then we are conditioned to align ourselves with one of those groups and reject the other.

  • I have to ask you, regarding telling me I am a democrat… why do you feel the need to ? Why do you feel compelled to reject what I am saying as being political and liberal when I tell you it isnt?

    Who decides who they are and what they believe?

    You guys were sure that professor was obviously a progressive, until we proved it wasnt that simple, right?

    You said you had beliefs that didnt fit nice and neat into a box. I think you should have the freedom to believe different things without you having to be one thing or another.

  • I just want World Peace.

  • I think we would be better off agreeing that labels like conservative, liberal, progressive, democrat and republican dont apply to people. An idea can be liberal, but a person who has that idea is not liberal.

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