I tell you what - -America better get it together

  • Wow , whether you want to admit it or not Our Nation is in a bad spot right now - - -a very bad spot. If we don’t get our shit together, and together soon it could get really ugly.

    We have our current President dropping out of the race in the next election , & the other Canidate trying to be taken out by assignation - -were in trouble. – -We are so divided right now, instead of being United , such turmoil- -even within their own parties. - -If we don’t get it right and get it right soon it could get really ugly - -We need to get it back together , be like our name of our Country – - UNITED.

    You know when Obama was out campaigning for his 2nd term he said the Biggest Question he was asked abroad was- - Is United States as divided as it seems to be ?- -right now we are weak , you don’t think these other Countries aren’t taking notice of this - Russia , N Korea , China -Iraq , Syria - -you don’t think they are taking notice of our vulnerability right now? / We better get it right- -gt it right and soon.

  • At first I thought you were referring to Team USA, which also needs to get its $hit together.

    Lower stakes than your post

  • As a guy that’s on not on either side it’s ridiculous it’s taken this long. Anyone that has watched a debate or Biden interview the last 2 years is lying to themselves and everyone else if they say he looks competent to run anything. I believe he has dementia or Alzheimer’s, it unfortunate and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I put my dad in a nursing home when I 24 years old and he was only 58 to early onset dementia. Hopefully he can get treatment and live out his days happy.

  • @kjayhawks I am sorry to hear that about your dad. That sucks. I’m 59 and don’t want to imagine being in that state at this point of my life.

    Re Biden, it looks to me more like the effects from a stroke than Alzheimer’s etc.

  • With Biden, my impression is that he has Parkinson’s disease. There is a reason a neurologist that specializes in Parkinson’s disease is visiting the White House. He has a stooped posture with a shuffling gait with diminished swinging of his arms with walking. He has masked facies. He has on-off phenomenon, which is where at times, he seems spry and his old self and other times when he is mumbling and confused, which is what you saw during the debate. Then later after the debate, he was engaged and more lively. People with dementia can be great with generalities and small talk, but when you get down to specifics, especially recently, are when they struggle. He definitely has at least mild cognitive decline if not early dementia. People with dementia do not recognize that they are declining or saying the wrong thing. I believe that is part of the reason he unrealistically thought he could still be President for another 4 years.
    If Medicare wants cognitive testing to be done on a yearly basis, why would we not want this to be done on our older statesmen? If we have voted collectively for someone to represent us, why should we not be privy to this and have a policy in place that defines objectively how the leader of our country should step down if he or she are no longer fit to safely represent our nation? This lessens hard feelings by everyone involved when expectations are already known and passing the torch to someone that has the cognitive wherewithal (and dare I say moral fortitude) has been defined.

  • @bskeet it’s been several years go now, he passed in 2019 but the last 5 or 6 years he had no idea who I was.

  • @kjayhawks said in I tell you what - -America better get it together:

    As a guy that’s on not on either side it’s ridiculous it’s taken this long. Anyone that has watched a debate or Biden interview the last 2 years is lying to themselves and everyone else if they say he looks competent to run anything. I believe he has dementia or Alzheimer’s, it unfortunate and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I put my dad in a nursing home when I 24 years old and he was only 58 to early onset dementia. Hopefully he can get treatment and live out his days happy.

    I agree, He is just not in he type of medical/health shape to run another term. Like you said and I think this debate h had recently showed just how bad he was. - It was almost embarrassing and I think the Democratic party seen this and knew something had to be done, I to Think the poor guy has some form and I believe Alzheimer’s , so sad to see but bluntly he looks in bad shape.

    With that being said I just wonder at this late of stage I feel like and have talked with some others , I feel they may have just hand stamped the the Presidential race to Trump , giving it to him

    The Democrat’s need to find a acceptable person that all the party can endorse and they better do it quickly s they have a lot of ground to make up, it’s truly a mess

  • Republicans should thank their lucky stars their opponents are the Democrats. And vice versa. Jared Polis or Nikki Haley win 350 EVs

  • The best thing about Joe Biden - he’s not Trump

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