Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State
Hishaw came to work today
I like the effort but also take care of the ball lol
Wheat waving time!
By the way is it still possible to see inside the stadium from the hill?
Tough run by HiShaw - - - Sweet run by Devin
Hishaw is a wagon
not a great view from the hill anymore (scoreboard and lots of tents)
The defense has to get more pressure on Dekkers. ISt is only moving the ball through the air.
You can’t do that man
Good lord
Terrific punt tho
Boo. ISU been holding all day long
that was basically a textbook block these days
I thought there was a PI
I’m surprised by how much Bean is being used. Daniels has only rushed once.
Okay defense
Let’s gooooo
All right all right
He jumped like Kobe to get that one
Wow!!! That was awesome!
trouble in paradise on the clown sideline
Got to punch this in.
I have no idea what was illegal about that route skinner ran
I think LL knows more than the ref
Ref. Show.
We win
I’m listening to hanni, tellif u don’t want to hear
Score now!
Good job coach!
The white hat is getting more screen time than our Heisman QB
Hey guys, it’s a big twelve crew! Who’d have guessed that.
what the hell is going on
I’m ok with this as long as they cancel the halftime show.
@KirkIsMyHinrich the ref would also like the answer to that question
@wissox homecoming!
Have to get 7 here
There it is. Let’s go
love it!
nice little block by Neal on that TD
These head coaches are getting way too much air time. The ISt coach has been on my screen more than the actual game
The feel of this one is way different than the other games. Defense and hard earned yards are leading the way today and I’m actually encouraged we can play a game like this because our D hasn’t come close to looking like this so far.
I sure hope we send crybaby Matt Campbell home with a big L
It’s early but defense looks good?